
chapter 13

"mom, mom,....."the little boy shouted.

"negus, don't run too fast", Lyla said.

Lyla was really worried about her son after the result of secondary gender came. She held the result ih her hands.Tears start to flow from her eyes.But she immediately wiped it, if her son saw her cry then he would also cry.So she wiped her tears without negus notice it. She was worried that if her son would end up like her.

"look mom, dad brought me this", little negus showed a small stuffed fluffy dog that felix bought. Negus was extremely happy with the fluffy dog and he ran to his room to play with the toy. Felix chuckled by seeing that.

"he really do like that.", said felix with a relief. He was confused for a moment before he choose the toy for negus.Negus didn't shows any interest in toys at all. But one day Negus suddenly asked felix that why didn't he brought a toy for him. And by looking at negus face felix go for cute toys rather than some random toys that boys at his age play.so felix feel happy that his son likes it.

"of course,he will like that and see this.", said Lyla and give a envelope to felix.

"what's this?,"asked felix.

Felix faced Lyla. He could really feel that Lyla seems upset for some reason.

"Is everything alright?", asked felix.

"I'm Scared.", replied Lyla. she hugged felix tightly.

Felix opened the envelope.

"secondary gender: omega(rare ).", felix read the result.He looked Lyla.

"it's okay, omega or alpha, he is our son", said felix.

"but felix, what if he ended up like me, what if he go through exactly like me, no.. no... i don't wanna happen that.... felix I'm scared...", lyla cried really hard. It feels like all the deep emotions that she buried a long time ago pop-up without any warning.

"Lyla..look at me..", felix held her face.

"lyla, it's not gonna happen, I'm with you and we will protect him together.", felix assured lyla by his words. But that doesn't stop Lyla from crying.

"what if he find out that I'm still alive.. and.. what if he took negus away from me..," said Lyla.

"won't... he won't find out.... I'm with you...", said felix and hugged lyla. But deep inside Felix also felt a fear that what will he do if that day comes and the mans took away negus, after all that man is Negus 's biological father.








It was dark outside. The atmosphere seems gloomy all of a sudden. Negus felt thirst. He slowly opened his eyes. The room was dark but a dim light is on at side wall.

He felt tired and he feels like he has no energy even to move his single finger. He looked up. The ceiling is not that shabby like the punishment room. He tried to move his head and took a peek at the room. but it was all in veil because the more he tries to move the more he feel exhausted. From the view that his eyes could reach, he was sure that he is not in the punishment room.

Then he noticed some tubes and wires are on his body. He feel sacred. He tried to call someone but his throat was dried up.

With all his strength that remains in his body he moved his hand which accidentally hit the near monitor and it fall down.


The noise made James to wake him up. He was sleeping on the chair outside the ICU.

He immediately looked through the glass door. The moment he saw negus opened his eyes, he rushed towards doctor and reported.

Philip went to mansion as the master said that james is enough to look after negus. Still Philip doubt about the sudden change of master towards the relationship of young master James and negus. Philip could not say too much because after all he is just an employee of the master.




Doctor checked negus and asked to shift him from ICU . Negus was now moved to a room.

"doctor is he alright?", asked James.

"yeah his health condition is now stable but he lack nutrition. so feed him healthy food and don't feed him spicy food.",Said the doctor.

"thank you doctor, i will do that.", replied James and he went to negus room.

**"he seems normal alpha who cares his mate very well, then why did the other man told me not to mention about the pregnancy to him... oh.. i don't get it.. anyway lets not mention it... but the father must know this too.. but i didn't even tell this news to the person who is carrying....at least i must tell the patient about pregnancy ."**, the doctor thought.









"mom, how many times i have asked you the same question ".., said Lewis to his mother.

"why are you silent?".. Lewis asked.

Mia didn't say a word, her eyes was hooked on the photo that was on hanging on the wall. It was the photo of her husband mr. Steven Anderson.

She clearly remember the day when her husband abandoned her daughter.She was helpless, she couldn't do anything against her husband will. Although she was an alpha women, still the Male patriarchal system dominated the Anderson family. So her voice was nothing but a useless shit.

The day her husband drag her daughter out of the mansion was the day she quit to do her duty as a wife. All the high esteem that she had for her husband vanished just like a line drawn on water. She no longer loved her husband. She tried very hard to find her daughter, but all the doors to her daughter was shut by her husband using his money. He even excluded her name for the family too. Each and every day Mia protested and cried to Steven for finding their daughter but he refused without a second thought. If it's not for their son then she probably could have divorced. Lewis was very small at that time. He didn't even realised what is actually going on.

Mr. Steven loves their kids very much. He did every thing to be good father. But the thing that his daughter do makes him to broke his pride.He believed that his daughter did a very unreasonable thing that no one in the Anderson family ever does.



"mom, what do i do..", Lyla cried.

"it's okay.... shhh... it's okay.", Mia tried to calm her down.

"he tricked me... I'm such a fool... i believed him... but he cheat.", said Lyla. Tears flows from her eyes nonstop.

"What will i do... dad.... will dad forgive me...?", asked Lyla.

"don't worry, after all he is your dad, he will forgive you.. and don't worry about the child too.", Mia said while touching the flat tummy of her daughter.




"MOM, are you gonna say something?"asked Lewis again.

She shifted her gaze from the photo to Lewis.

Lewis opened his mouth again for asking questions.

"mom, why did dad do that?", asked Lewis.

He was sure that his mother won't answer any of his questions now, so he decided to play a trick.

"mom, i found her.", said Lewis.

Mia's eyes widened. A small sight of happiness appeared on her face.

"where is she?", asked mia.

Lewis heard his mother's voice after a long gap. Lewis became happy. but he don't have much time to spend, he need to find the boy before getting into that black market or he will lose the boy just like he lose his sister. Time is important.

"where is she?.. is she doing well?.. why are you not answering my questions?", asked mia.

"i will answer all of your questions only if you answer mine.", said Lewis.

"okay, i will tell you everything.", said Mia.


















Author :thanks for reading 😊