
The Truth of the Angels

"You mean to say that you came out of a human? How did that happen?" Lycan asked as he could not believe what he heard. With how big the giants are, a human giving birth to them would definitely pose a challenge. One can even say that it might even pose a threat to the life of the person.

"Not all giants are incredibly big like General Goliath. The most common height for a giant is somewhere between four to five meters. The smallest ones of our race are three meters tall and there are really big ones like General Goliath, but they are a rarity.

I actually came out of my mother's stomach as a human size child, but they soon learned that I was different. When I became five years old, my giant genes kicked in and I was as tall as my mother. I was soon escorted to the Kingdom of Magnusupra in fear of the angels attacking me.