


Second Phase

Normally, waking up in the morning means actually waking up alive. Waking up means having waffles for breakfast. Waking up means seeing Phoebe again. Waking up means bad breath and ugly pyjamas. Waking up means watching Kratos and Eris together. Waking up means facing another twenty four hours of heartbreak. Waking up means not wanting to wake up at all.

Wow, that's depressing.

However, this morning begs to differ. I mean, Kratos and Eris are still together. And I'm still going through a heartbreak. But today, there were no waffles and Phoebe. There were only bad breath, ugly pyjamas, Atlas on top of me, and his hands trying to strangle me to death.

/"I'm going to kill you,/" he seethed, as his hands circled around my neck.

/"How romantic,/" I deadpanned.

For a second chance mate, he sure knows how to sweep a lady off her feet. Or strangle her, for that matter. Glad to know he's progressing really fast in the rejection period. Based on the situation we are in now, he's in the second phase.

The second phase of rejection. Where a reject would hurt himself. Or would rather hurt others to hurt himself. Or would hurt others and hurt himself. He's going to be impossible to tame. As if his thrashing and screaming yesterday wasn't enough.

/"Any last words?/" He says, his muscles flexing as he tries to tighten his grip on my neck. However, his eyes looked hesitant. Just by touching me, there were sparks. The skin in my neck is tingling. I'll call it bull if he says he doesn't feel it.

I smirked up at him, /"Kill me./"

He must've been confused why I look so calm and composed as if dying wasn't a bad idea. Not that it isn't a bad idea, but I've dealt with wolves in their second phase of rejection more than the times I took a bath. This is as normal as it can get.

Atlas didn't move an inch. He continued to stare at me as I raised a brow at him in question, /"Can't do it, mate?/"

He growled lowly at me, and that's when his grip actually tightened. I think my pharynx just got squished. /"You are not my mate. You're pathetic./"

I laughed out loud, before I started to sputter. Never knew I needed oxygen so much. Or that I ever needed a pharynx before. It's so cute how you appreciate small things when you're going to die.

/"What's funny?/" He gave me a warning growl, his face a mere inch from mine.

I didn't know what happened next. All I know is that I flew in the air, towards my bedroom wall. There was a really loud thud as I collided with the wall, then slided my way on the carpeted floor. I think I just broke my arm. And my ribs. For an omega, Atlas sure is strong.

Oh, I think my collar bone snapped.

Nonetheless, I laughed. My body was shaking as I let out a bitter laugh with Atlas watching me like I've gone crazy. Maybe I am. Maybe he is crazy, too. We're just the same, anyway. We're both rejects.

My lungs became greedy for air, wanting oxygen to enter my system. I looked at Atlas straight in the eyes, /"You think killing me will make Eris come back to you?/" I snorted.

In one swift movement, his hands were on my neck again. He lifted me off the floor until my feet weren't touching the ground anymore. He lifted me up until I was looking down on his angry pair of gray eyes.

/"Kill me, Atlas. Spare me the heartbreak. Finish me,/" I challenged him, mentally preparing myself for death. At least there'll be no bad breath and morning bed hair for me anymore.

But then Atlas decided to punish me; he lets go of me. I immediately fell on the floor, still alive. Shame. I looked up at him, /"Didn't know you have a soft spot for second chance mates, Atlas,/" I smirked at him.

/"You're pathetic,/" he spat at me so hard I almost flinched. Almost, /"If only you fought for Kratos, he wouldn't be with Eris right now. If you aren't a weak piece of shit this wouldn't have happened!/"

I tilted my head at him, a small smile to my face, /"I'm assuming you fought for Eris, unlike me?/"

/"I fought for Eris. I'm still fighting for Eris,/" he looked at me dead in the eye, /"I'll always fight for Eris./"

/"Yet she still didn't choose you,/" I shrugged my shoulders. The sides of my lips twitched upwards as I saw the hurt in his eyes, /"Whether you fight for your mate or not, either way, they wouldn't choose us. I just saved myself the trouble. Nice try for you, though./"

His fists clenched, and I admired how the muscles in his arms are bulging. For an omega, he sure has a lean and muscular built. I'm not eye raping him, no. I'm merely stating facts. He's my second chance mate, after all.

/"So, tell me,/" I went on as I tried to get up by myself. A heard a bone crack. Guess that's my other arm. /"What have I done for you to grace me of your presence? Something good, I assume?/" I smirked at him.

He scowled at me, /"Glad to keep you entertained, but I don't find anything amusing in our situation./"

/"Atlas, Atlas, Atlas,/" I tutted as I made my way towards my bed. He watched my every move as if I'll start attacking him any second, /"Sometimes, we just have to look at the bright side./"

He was about to say something, but then my phone on the side table started ringing. By the sound of it, it was an incoming call. Both our heads snapped towards it, and my smile broadened when I read Athena's name flashing on the screen of my phone.

I looked at Atlas who slowly looked at me, /"Don't say anything you will regret, Dione./" He says, a warning. But it wasn't the warning that laced in his toned that got my attention.