
Chapter 71

Daenys sat in an enormous living room that looked like something out of a dream. From the moment she arrived, she had noticed that the temperature of the room was perfect, neither too hot nor too cold, but just right. It was as if the room itself had responded to her and sensed her needs.

The wealth that filled the room was unmistakable. Every detail, from the finely crafted walls to the exquisite furniture, screamed of it. Although Dragonstone had its own charm, she missed halls and rooms like these from Valyria.

And although the opulence was impressive, it was the little things that really fascinated her. The seats she was sitting on were so comfortable that she felt like she was sinking into them.

She had already noticed the same thing on her first visit and had intended to look into it, but unfortunately the head of the house at the time, Argon Baelaeron, had not wanted to reveal anything more about it.

She didn't know what kind of magic it was, but she was sure it was magic. It was no surprise, though, since Kaelarys Baelaeron, the founder of Azorath, was considered one of the greatest magical geniuses of his time. His abilities had only truly manifested in the later years of his life, shortly before his "death," when he had increasingly withdrawn from the world.

Daenys sat in this luxurious room with her brother and husband Gaemon and her parents, Aenar and Valaena, while they waited for the emperor to arrive. Each of them held a glass of wine in their hand, a fine drop that tasted so exquisite that even Daenys, who had tasted many wines, found it to be something special.

"He's taking his time," her father Aenar murmured softly.

"That's a given for someone who knows that the world is waiting for him," her mother replied. "We've already been told that he's not in Azorath. We came too early."

"Better too early than too late when it comes to someone like the emperor of the Eternal Empire," her father replied, taking a deep gulp from his glass, which he then placed on the table with a soft clink.

"We are, after all, in his house and should consider ourselves lucky that he is receiving us at all," Daenys added, while she squeezed Gaemon's hand tightly. Her expression remained controlled, but she too was nervous.

Gaemon, who held her hand, felt the slight tension in her grip, but he said nothing. Daenys was always the more composed of the two and even though he was also unsure about this meeting, he tried to be the supporting pillar she needed so badly right now.

Aenar nodded knowingly. "I know that only too well.

Just then, the door opened and four guards in polished black armor entered. They took up positions near the door, silent and still as statues, making way for the person they had come for.

Kaelarys Baelaeron.

For Daenys, it seemed as if the very air stood still as the emperor entered the room. It felt as if his mere presence could fill the entire room. His silver hair fell smoothly and neatly over his shoulders, shining like liquid metal in the dim light of the room. His eyes were a bright blue.

But what made his presence the most noticeable was the armor he wore.

She heard herself, Gaemon, her father and mother gasp as they saw the armor. Anyone who ever knew anything about armor and weapons could tell at a glance that the armor worn by the emperor of Kaelarys Baelaeron was made of Valyrian steel.

It shined brightly when the light hit it. There were fine lines and patterns engraved all over it to make it look even more elegant. In addition, golden dragons could be seen on the chest plate and on the shoulder plates, which were partly made of gold and partly of Valyrian steel.

And even though she found the armor incredibly beautiful, Daenys was sure that it was much more than just beautiful. She didn't know much about such things, but enough to be sure that the armor was made for combat and not for show.

Kaelarys gave her and her family a radiant smile as they all stood up to give him the respect he deserved.

"I have to say, of all the dragon families, probably none would have bet a coin of gold on your survival. Color me impressed. Even though you were never the ones who enjoyed much favor with the Dragonlords, you are the ones who are still alive."

Kaelarys' words created a moment of silence in the room, as neither Daenys nor her parents knew how to respond properly. Was it an insult or a compliment?

"And the reason for your survival," Kaelarys continued as his intense gaze bore into her eyes, making Daenys feel queasy. It was as if he could see through all her thoughts and feelings, as if he knew more about her than she did herself.

Then, almost as quickly as it had come, the sharpness left his gaze and a softer, almost approving smile appeared on his face. "You must be very proud of such an extraordinary daughter, aren't you, Lord Targaryen?"

Aenar, who had been standing silently by, met the emperor's gaze.

"We are indeed, Emperor Kaelarys. Without her gift, our house would be no more. We owe our survival to her."

Kaelarys nodded as if he had received exactly the answer he had expected. "It is a rare gift given to few. Almost as if one had been chosen by fate. Tell me, Lady Daenys, do you believe in fate?"

Her fingers unconsciously clenched into the fabric of her gown, but she forced herself to hide her nervousness. He wouldn't ask this question if it didn't benefit him in some way. Perhaps Gaemon was right after all.

She took a deep breath and held his intense gaze. "I believe that each of us plays a role in a larger plan that goes far beyond our understanding. Whether it is fate or destiny, everyone can decide for themselves. But I know that my dreams have always steered me in the right direction. If one day they should no longer do so, then yes, perhaps it may be fate. But until then, I decide over my life myself."

Daenys held his gaze before she had to break her stare as Kaelarys' stern expression suddenly turned into full blown laughter. His laughter filled the room, deep and powerful, and made the tension that had been hanging in the air disappear for a moment.

"Well said, Lady Daenys, well said," Kaelarys exclaimed, sitting down on a grand chair. He gestured towards the other sofas and seats in front of it. "Please, sit down."

With a snap of his fingers, several young women in neat uniforms entered the room. In silence, they placed silver trays of biscuits and steaming tea on the table. Not a single word passed their lips as they performed their task with absolute precision.

"Please, take whatever you like," Kaelarys said with a slight smile as he watched his guests. "I'm sure you'll like it."

Daenys, still slightly tense from the previous moment, nodded politely and reached for one of the fine tea cups.

She took a big gulp, not at all afraid of burning herself from the heat of the freshly brewed tea. Heat had never bothered a dragon rider before. The taste filled her mouth with a surprisingly pleasant warmth. Gaemon and her parents followed her example, each in their own polite way.

"Well, I'm sure there's a reason for this meeting. If you have something to say, Lord Targaryen, now would be the time."

Aenar put his teacup down on the table. "Indeed there is a reason for our coming, Emperor Kaelarys. As the last two dragon rider families, we would be honored and pleased to unite our two families."

"So straightforward? Quite bold," Kaelarys said, eyeing Aenar.

"I figured you'd want to know straight away," he replied calmly. "A man who has seen and done as much as you have is hardly impressed by small talk and political conventions."

Kaelarys nodded as he heard the words. "How true."

Kaelarys leaned back in his chair and folded his hands in his lap. "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I see no reason to grant you this wish."

"Not only do you not have anything I want, you don't have anything I don't already have in abundance. So what do I get out of the houses uniting? I admit, assuming House Targaryen joins the Eternal Empire—as vassals, of course—there might be a possibility. But I'm sure that's not what you want, is it?"

Daenys felt a sense of déjà vu. She had come here before, asking for something she was not granted. And now it looked like she would have to repeat the experience.

"You are right," Aenar replied. "Even though House Targaryen never had the same status as House Baelaeron, we are still dragonriders and one of the 40 families of blood. Not to mention that problems would inevitably arise if one dragonrider family were subordinate to another. It's better this way."

"That depends entirely on you," Kaelarys replied cryptically.

"What do you mean, your highness?" Aenar asked.

"It's simple. I will be emperor for all time and thus the deciding factor of this empire. House Targaryen, on the other hand, does not have that privilege. Your family may choose peace today, but what about tomorrow? With your descendants? Those who come after you? You are surely aware that two dragon families with different ambitions have rarely gotten along with each other."

"Think about the offer," Kaelarys finally said when he saw the thoughtful look in Aenar's eyes. "Well, until you decide, you are welcome guests, but as emperor, I have many obligations, including a war that I must wage."

He just stood up when Daenys raised her voice. "What if I let you in on my dreams?"

Kaelarys remained standing, his back to the room, an amused smile on his face. He raised an eyebrow as he turned back to her.

"My love, why would I do that?"

Daenys, summoning all her courage, held his gaze. "You wanted me here for this conversation. That was your condition, was it not? I doubt I'm here merely for my looks."

"Perhaps you are simply a source of amusement to me," Kaelarys said with a mocking smile.

Daenys watched her brother Gaemon, who had been standing silently beside her, clench his hands involuntarily into fists. His jaw muscles tensed as he visibly struggled to maintain his composure.

Kaelarys saw Gaemon's reaction with an amused expression. "Ah, the fire of youth. Well, I have to admit, that I am interested in your dreams. You must know that, for whatever reason, most of my descendants, however talented they may be, do not have nearly as strong dragon dreams as you and I. Out of the kindness of my heart, I will grant you one wish and fulfill it if you allow me willingly to go into your mind."

His smile did not please Daenys at all. For some reason, she felt deceived.


Question, which order would you theoretically want the Mc to go to in my Black Clover fanfic?

I probably won't post it on webnovel anyway, but I'd still be interested to know what the general public thinks.

Men scroll

Men see

Men smile

Men gifts Stones

Men leaves Review

Men leaves happily.

