
Audrey Smith

Twenty-five minutes later, third period started and everyone went back to class.

Mr Cal sighs and says, "everyone is here except for Mya, Cassie, and Rissa. I'll just talk to them after school." He then told us to just work on what we were working on in first period.

A couple of minutes later, Mya, Cassie, and Rissa busted in talking to one another.

"Wow! She's so amazing!" Rissa excitedly clasped her hands together while looking at the phone.

"This is her fifth time winning!" Cassie said in amazed.

"Honestly..I would steal her beauty!" Mya said twirling her hair.

Mr. Cal got up from his seat. "Woah girls, what's going on?" He asked.

"Did you not hear? The supermodel, Audrey Smith, won the the model of the year! She won again!" Mya said cheerfully.

I was in total shock to hear that name. The class got noisy and it got harder for me to breathe. Hearing my mother's name terrified me.

"We're watching the live right now on Sammy's Channel, the interview." Cassie said as they sat down.

Everyone had grabbed out their phone. Mr. Cal was trying to get their attention, but they were to busy watching the live.

"This is your fifth time winning, Audrey! Congratulations!" Sammy happily said motioning the mic towards her.

"Thank you, Sammy! I'm also really proud of myself as well!" Mom said.

"So...as one of your fans, we all know how Brooklyn challenged you again! It's to bad she never wins." Sammy said sympathetically.

"Oh really!? I didn't even noticed her challenging me." Mom said smiling.