
Chapter 13

Slender porcelain arms rose in the air, forming a crown with his hands above his head. Chest pushed, body frozen in a candle like pose, Snow opened his eyes to stare at the high ceiling, crystals sparkling above him.

Suddenly he moved his arms in a wide arc, his legs following after him in a jump. He could feel his muscles straining but there was no thought of stopping. The gauzy fabric that clings intimately to his form, accentuating the elegant contours of his shoulders and the narrow curve of his waist made of him an irresistible figure. The fabric subtly shifts with each movement, catching the light of the crystals and slowly, like an orchestra, the music begins.

The violin is the first one that moved, it's sound always eager to follow Snow. Heavy drums and a melodious harp, joined soon by a small guitar with a familiar sound.

There was no one beside Snow to see multiple instruments rise, to see them move and play at their heart content, some of them like the flutes even following his movements.

Dancing was harmony and even the simplest movement could become entire spectacles if they come from Snow.

He moves with an effortless grace, his body responding instinctively to the music that fills the air. Like memories stuck in time, like the rain falling on a scorched ground.

His hips sway with a fluid, almost hypnotic rhythm, leading the way as his entire being follows. Each motion is a blend of strength and grace, as his legs stretch into wide, sweeping arcs, and his arms carve through the air in grand, elegant gestures. His torse twists, his hips creating a ripple like movement across his body.

At his first jump, following a fluid spin Snow mesmerizing eyes opened.

And he smiled, a laugh bubbling in his chest at the sight in front of him.

His magic, of a pale pink and purple color, has been covering every inch of the room, spreading like a mist under the door and in the walls. He could feel it vibrating around him, tickling his senses, goosebumps raising on his body at his next twirl.

He could feel it eating away the disease spread in the Manor walls, biting and biting till the curse crawled away to the source.

The violent bang of the door opening made Snow fall on his knees, gasping for air when his magic was violently washed away. At the door, his Master was also gasping for air thought his motive was not extenuation but anger. It couldn't be anything else at the acts Snow just made.

''Master.'' he gasped before gaping when remembering Paul words about his Master deafness. The fact that Master couldn't hear him didn't stop the man from staring at him long and hard enough for Snow to scramble further away.

''Master?'' Snow asked again but neither himself or Master flinched at the sound of his voice. He looked up at the man face, blue eyes staring fixated at him, nostrils flaring and chest moving at a rapid pace. 

Blue eyes stared at Snow face, making him unable to not meet his Master eyes once again.

do you feel better? did you feel it? my magic? Snow thought not trying to get up from the floor before with a startled realization he shifted uneasily on the ground

The fact was that he can talk. Maybe if he didn't look directly at his Master face, maybe if he lowered his head low enough, Snow could talk at his heart content and no one will actually hear him. Somehow his voice wasn't sounding as scary when talking with Master.

''How...are you feeling?'' he licked his lips, staring at his lap, his clothes sweaty, body burning with heat ''I-I tried to heal the Manor. Because. I know I couldn't find you.''

His words were so awkward, voice stilted and unused with the exercise.

''But Master come at me first.'' Snow said rebellious, a smile trying to trick his lips before settling in a relaxed line. 

Almost like a stumble, his Master took a step in front of him and for one horrifying moment Snow thought that the man heard him. But then, without a single glance behind him, Master turned around and walked out of the room at a fast pace. 

Staring at his wide and muscular back, Snow couldn't help but ache sadly. Maybe he was good. But he wasn't good enough.


That didn't stop him though.

After walking out of the music room and meeting with a hurried but very happy Paul, the two of them took a hearty lunch that immediately made Snow with new ideas.

It didn't matter that he wasn't good enough that day as crazy as it sounds. His magic had clearly healed the Manor or at last the room he danced in. The wood looked so much brighter and dust stopped settling constantly on every piece of furniture. The room itself was so much easier to breath in then the rest of the Manor.

Day by day, Snow danced.

He danced in the rooms he was familiar with, his room and even Paul's. He danced in the hallways, in the dinning rooms, in the abandoned guest rooms. He danced in the dustier corners he could find and the Manor changed.

Slowly but surely the curse that affected the Manor was disappearing.

The season changed completely once more and the icy winter settled around them. On the day Snow decided to dance in the garden, no matter the frozen ground or hard wind around him he was determinate.

''There you are Snow!'' Paul called him when he almost left the Manor ''I won't keep you waiting. Master wants to spend the day with you today.'' since the day Snow danced that day the first time, Paul took it upon himself to check Snow condition after every dance.

Despite his past experiences he never feel tired after dancing or even doing it.

A bright grin spread on Snow face, porcelain skin glowing and royal purple eyes glimmering at the words. Finally! 

Master wants him.


Back in bussines with Metallica blasting in my ears.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts