

Is she a devil or a fairy in disguise Can she go back to where she belongs? What do u think? Let's read the story to get the answers of all these questions

mysterious_writer1 · Fantasie
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6 Chs


💡 (continuing-- concerned about the safety of his daughters , king decided to appoint great martial arts masters to train them and make them efficient enough to protect themselves and their people )

the next day 5 masters arrived at the palace for the training ..... the king asked all of them to assist all princesses in practicing and whom they find efficiently enough they can take any one of the princesses for their further training .

most of those masters were retired generals or founders in the Martial arts community

The names are as below:

👉Yuefei- a famous retired general... (OWNS A GREAT ACADEMY)

👉Nagme -the legendary female founder of many Southern martial arts sect

👉lauren -the senior of wuxia academy

👉old Bai -master of crane sect

👉old kan-master of claw academy

all the masters were to train them all one by one and they could select the one who could master the few of their movements within the given time span .....

training was to begin the upcoming day

all the princesses excited about this and well worried about if they, could excel even in one of them.


All assembled for training in the training ground .

all dressed in different colored uniforms.

old Bai was the first to start with their training

crane sect was famous for its flying skill and weapon less fighting skills

as of the first day all the princesses were asked to run a few miles to maintain their body strength