

Is she a devil or a fairy in disguise Can she go back to where she belongs? What do u think? Let's read the story to get the answers of all these questions

mysterious_writer1 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Not long before the journey starts.......

So REBA got selected by 2 of the master nagme and master Lauren as to say the "wuxia" sect and southern martial art community.

as for what will be her final destination let's see

while on the other hand the 5th got selected by Yuefei the retired general ,3rd got selected by crane sect, 4thby martial arts sect community and 2nd by wuxia sect it seems no one could master in claw sect .

not long before they set out for a new journey .

now the only task left was for the 2nd princess to choose her master .

after a thorough thinking and practicing out the basic moves of all the sects she decided for the wuxia sect..... (one another reason was because 1st and 2ns both wanted to be together)

since it was all selected they were to start their journey in 5 days

king was happy for all of them but even sad because they were all to leave his side for the 1st time ever .

The king decided to let them go out dressed plain , face covered to explore it a little and buy a few essentials if needed Even the prince followed them dressed the same as the princess with disguised soldiers at some distance .

Everyone was enjoying their trip out of the palace exploring everything bought many different things some of the things were makeup, rogue, snacks, a few dresses, plants, laterns and many other things.....

they reached the palace

2 days before they set out....... super excited

maids packing their bags

queen mother decided to cook dessert for them by herself...