
Useless Physique

"Hey, isn't that Jack? Should we go up and help him?" A gentle looking girl spoke, with a face painted with pity. She was looking straight at a figure on the ground who was covered in wounds.

"Really? You really want to help that useless freak?" A buff, tall guy towering next to her spoke, not even being subtle in his disgust.

For a few seconds, the girl looked conflicted before simply walking away, not even sparing another look back. The buff guy turned to Jack, and left with the girl. Not before spitting at him though.

After they left, the figure on the ground slowly lifted his face, which was covered in bruises, up. "Haah" he sighed as he got up. His whole body, which was once refined and sharp, was nowhere to be seen, as now he looked like a malnourished sack of bones.

Jack, who used to be known as the most attractive boy in Caria Highschool, was now the most common target for bullying and abuse.

He had been discarded by his parents, left to dumpster diving for food. He, who used to be a top scorer and the hope and pride of the people in this small community, was completely abandoned.

Why is this? Well the answer is simple: because of the physique he awakened. Let me explain.

The Earth that Jack lives in isn't the same Earth you and I live in. In Jack's world, humans possessed a special power-physiques. A physique is a power that every human is born with, and it awakens when they reach the age of 16.

These physiques cover a wide range of abilities, some less useful than others. Some physiques might be as simple as a person being able to release a bit of heat from their bodies, to giving the person the ability to transform into mythical creatures, like dragons!

Physiques are mainly split into 7 different types: Strengthening, Transformation, Materialization, Mending, Amorphous, Sui Generis, and finally, Endless.

A Strengthening physique is just as it sounds: a physique that strengthens the owner's body to the limits. While they can't do anything magical, they still shouldn't be underestimated.

A Transformation physique is also just as it sounds: a physique that allows the user's body to transform into other species. These physiques can range anywhere from common house cats to even mythical creatures like dragons, or phoenixes.

A Materialization physique is a physique that allows the user to materialize something. This type of physique is most commonly associated with magic, but can also mean the user has a unique weapon produced by the physique.

An Amorphous physique is a physique that is very similar to Transformation physiques, but also completely different. Transformation physiques only allow their users to completely transform their body into those of animals while Amorphous physiques allow their users to only transform certain parts of their body. However, there is a downside to Amorphous physiques too, which is that they only allow their users to turn their body into non-living objects. Because of this, owners of this physique tend to rely on techniques rather than the power of their physique.

Finally, a Sui Generis physique is a physique that's completely unique, and isn't determined by preset categories. These physiques are usually one of a kind, hence the name.

Now, you might be wondering why I skipped the final category. Well, the answer to that is simple. It's because there's really only one physique that falls under this category: the Black Hole physique. The Black Hole physique, despite its cool name, is a phrase that's synonymous to the word 'useless'.

Why is this? Well it's because this world is a world that revolves around strength. In this world, without strength, you are nothing. As for the way of gaining strength? Well, it's actually very similar to cultivators in Chinese mythology: they rely on special techniques to refine their physique. To refine their physiques, these so called cultivators use a special energy found on this planet, an energy commonly referred to as qi.

While these physiques require vastly different methods of cultivation, they all share a single thing: they can all use qi to refine themselves. All, except for one. The Black Hole physique.

Of course, this wasn't of concern to anyone. Why? Well because the Black Hole physique is so rare that its basically a myth. It's so rare that the only reason its known is because of ancient scriptures, that spent pages explaining how useless of a physique it was. No one, in the history of humanity, has ever had this physique. No one...except for Jack.

'GOD D*MN IT!' Jack cried as he walked to his home: a small area under a bridge which provided barely provided a roof over his. 'I thought transmigraters get special treatment, SO WHY IN THE WORLD AM I STUCK UNDER THIS BRIDGE, LIVING LIKE A HOBO?'

That's right. Jack is a transmigrater. The person that's currently residing in Jack's body just so happens to also be named Jack, but the similarities basically end there. The Jack currently residing in the body of this world's Jack is actually the Jack from Earth-OUR Earth, a place where physiques didn't reign supreme.

The Jack from the other Earth was actually pretty well off, with his family being in the upper-middle class. This made him be used to the common luxuries of Earth, so when he transmigrated into this body as the Jack of this world was dumpster diving, he got a rude awakening.

At first, he was very confused. 'Where am I? What happened? Wait! I think I remember that I got hit by a truck...'

But then, a wave of memories suddenly flooded his brain. After taking a few minutes to process them, he learned about his situation.

'You...you can't be serious!'

The Jack of this world was what you would call a local noble. He came from one of the most powerful families in his community. Not only that, but he was also extremely talented, showing academic genius from an early age. To top things off, he was also extremely attractive, which, piled on top of his fit and healthy body, made women flock over him in the past.

However, everything changed when he made history and got the most famous physique in existence: The Black Hole physique. 'Rather than famous, I should be saying infamous, seeing how it completely ruining my life...' Jack thought as he continued processing his new memories.

When people learned of his physique, the Jack of this world lost everything. His family completely abandoned him, no longer even considering him human. His friends had completely forsaken him, treating him as if he was a complete stranger. As for his achievements, they just vanished into thin air, as if they never existed in the first place.

It became so bad that he had to resort to being a hobo, living under a bridge so he can have at least some shelter. As for food? Well, other than begging, the only choice Jack had was to go dumpster diving and...well...it isn't the best activity in the world.

Due to the fact that the food Jack found could barely even keep him alive, his once fit body completely lost all muscle, leaving Jack as a skinny, slightly underweight boy. The reason it hadn't gotten worse was because it had been a bit over a month since he awakened his physique. There was no doubt that his body would continue to deteriorate if this continued. Sadly, in a world of power, there was nothing Jack could do.

After Jack finished processing his new memories, he was having a mental breakdown. 'No no, this can't be happening. I'm a transmigrater, and transmigraters always get special treatment. I'm sure that if I just wait, my cheat will just appear soon enough! Come on System, show yourself already, I know you're there.'

However, after a few minutes of waiting, Jack realized a huge problem. 'My cheat...isn't coming, is it?'

At that moment, he only had one thought: 'D*MN THIS USELESS PHYSIQUE!'