

Do I have a lot of money?? YES!.. I am a billionaire but I am a poor billionaire at that..

Vena_Ralte · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 2. How to get a girlfriend

As I have understood their words about me being a "Poor billionaire', At first, I don't plan on doing anything about it at all.

Because this right now is my life, where I live for myself and I don't plan on letting anyone have a say about anything I did, especially about my decision, except for my sister.

Because my Dear sister that I have loved so much requested me to find a girlfriend, saying that she wanted a sister-in-law, I had no choice but to comply to her wish.

I Jerry Yang am good at everything that I have sought after, but Right now I am out of ideas, because I have no clue on how to get myself; "a girlfriend".

Starting with a drafted plan as drafting and carefully planning for every investment that I have to do every time,

Either if I am doing big projects, having to take huge risks or when I have a set target that I have to achieve.

There must always be a drafted plan on how to complete that along with the main mission as the heading and writing down the plans.

Yes and this is my draft for this new important project of mine.


1. blank

2. blank

and so on**.

I am thinking so hard right now, this is the hardest task that I have given myself to the point that, I...I could not even write down the main points of how to even start.

Thinking too hard about this is not going to work, maybe loosing this huge build tesion first might work.

(playful yet cool and elegant music which could only be made by a Piano was playing in the large living hall).

'This here is my "Piano', which is the limited edition presented to me by the PEARL"S RIVER PIANO GROUP themselves as they are the most popular and prestigious Piano company who had discovered that I have some hobby in Piano.

So they made this Piano dedicated especially to me and even gave it a name along with my surname as," WanmeiYa" which is a chinese word of Wanmei = perfection and my name Yang.

The naming sense is stupid and bland and tried to rename it as "Stringy ting ting" but my sister state that name "Stringy ting ting" for a Piano dedicated and limited to only one person is even more bland then the previous name too long and too childish.

So I kept the name it comes with as a present on my 25th birthday.

Yes they did this for luring me to invest in their company and so I did, Investing is never a bad thing if the data that have been written before an investment shows a likeable percentage of profits, with a maximum of not less than 40%.

Of course, I did all the careful calculations before I do that investment, as I have said before, having a well written chart or draft before any task for assurance and confident to make me complete my task perfectly is needed, so with a beautiful and careful draft accompanying me, things could never stretch far from the its predesign route.

And yet here I am after boasting all of that hobby of careful planning, I am still trying to figure out, how to get a girlfriend because I could not write any plan to start my mission at all.

Even after playing the Piano to lift my head, which was working well indeed, still, I cannot form anything in my head. Maybe It is because of thinking too hard.

I will take a stroll in the park that I had build while starting my business, just to call up some old memories.

Leaving my workspace and heading towards my garage where there are abundant sports cars and classic collections.

I drove the car which was full of dent and chip in its exterior, as I hit the gas, it moves as it produce a large engine roar and droves off.

As I reach the park, the parking lot was quite full but manages to find a place to park my car, the place was really crowded today, maybe it was because the new project I had launch to renovate the park so that I could sell it later in an auction with a starting bid of 50million.

As I parked the car close the door but as I plans to leave, a giy was coming and shouting," what is this lump of garbage doing here, even dared to park right at the spot where I used to park my beautiful 1.5 million dollar lamborghini.

Who is this jerk, it is you right, take your damn junk away to the junkyard here is a 500 dollar so it fast".

What a jerk.

Without caring about what he said I step away from him, but this idiot gets off his car and the hood of my car.

Going towards him,"Hey, you will have to pay for what you did to my car, can you afford that"I asked.

But this guy said that how much can the repair for a piece of scrap car be? so he continued.

And after three hit he comes to me and gave me 10 thousand dollars and also told me to just a bought a new car.

This punk, I told him that it was not even close to half the price for the repair but does not believe it.

Our heated argument got overheard by a middle aged guy who was a famous mechanic, a veteran racer and a company owner of a racing car who is adored by many.

After hearing our arguments he came to towards us, the guy quickly recognise who h was and explained the situation.

After what he heard he decided to look at my car, with a glance, was amazed and is surprised do not tell me this is the one of the only 3 early Mustang edition made by Forth?

I am sorry dear reader for not uploading long chapter,but bear with me and show me your support if you like it,I will promise you that there will be an upspree soon..thank you for reading

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