
OGO: Boundless Desires (Remake)

Mel who died at the age of eighty two years old reincarnated into the world of game where she would vent out her sexual needs. With the chance to take revenge upon those who massacred her subjects on her last game, she now plan to make all of those, who had an involvemnet on the downfall of her kingdom, pay back a hundred fold. PS. The picture is not mine. It is credited to the artist. Also, this is my first time making a smut story, a novel in general, so there will be many awkward moments. Thank you for understanding. I don't know whether I should put this, but I'll put it anyway. [Trigger warning: S.A., R@pe, and other freaky things will appear in the story]

Melanie_Cruz_32 · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Load 9: Here we go Again

The moment I leveled up to level <8> after countless times of re playing the game due to force battles between other kingdoms, The God of Life, descended just like I did. And in less than two days, they broke the treaty of the non-aggression pact and completely destroyed my kingdom.

As the royal palace was being destroyed by the continuous barrage of magic attack and as my people were being dragged as slaves, the God that the elves worship looked down at me with smile on his face.

He laughed and laughed to see my pathetic state.

He then proceeded to narrate of how stupid of a Goddess I was.

Not being serious at making my subjects prosper and continued to indulge myself from worldly pleasures.

He continued to say that ever since I descended, played the game, he already took the initiative of preparing a plan so that the elves will take my territory.

To make sure this plan would work, he somehow was able to make the other Gods and Goddesses to agree not to interfere.

And manage to receive help from four nations at that.

Even though I wanted to take revenge, my body was already too old to play the game again, that is why I will now make sure to pay everything back... a hundred-fold.



[The God of Life has reached the limit of his <Descension> and has been forcefully ejected from the apostle's body]

'I would have had more fun if he didn't resisted so much.'


The door opened and Lavella entered the room after waiting outside.

"Yes, your grace?"

"Proceed to alter their memories. While doing that, make sure to give them dreams about them sleeping with me"

"Will that be alright, your grace? I cannot use my power unless they are asleep"

"It is fine, they were exposed to pure divinity since the greedy old man forcefully came down and barge into my place. These two should be asleep for at least another three days"

"Understood. I shall commence the plan immediately"

With a snap of her fingers, two guards waiting outside came in to carry the body of the elven princes.

Since this palace or to be more precise my sanctuaru was built solely for my existence. The elves who came with Algar and Claude will not find out what happened here.

Knock, knock.

"Come in"

One of the guards outside came in with letters on top of a tray.

"Your grace, we just received letters regarding the envoys from the other countries"

"Good. Bring it to me"

I then spent my entire afternoon reading the five letters from the kingdoms that are much farther than the Bluemoon Great Forest and the Western Beast Federation.

Representing the Land of Damnation, the second king of the three kings, who has achieved the rank of grandmaster at a young age, Murphy.

Representing the Magic Kingdom, the Tower master of the Crimson tower who has attained the rank of Sage in the field of scholars.

Representing the Holy Kingdom, the twenty first saint, Saint Jack Lionheart.

Representing the Everblack kingdom, the kingdom of vampires, the Archduke who is the younger brother of the current king.

And representing the Aelius empire which is currently the most powerful force in the continent, crown princess Natalia du Aelius.

The secluded countries like the Kingdom of Swords and the Wolten peninsula, home of the sirens, did not send any letter.

"System, can other Gods or Goddesses do what the old man did earlier?"


[Yes. But the other deities are already aware of what happened to the God of Life and are currently laying low for the time being]

"They know I forced myself on him?"

[No, they do not]

[However. they are aware that the God of Life is in great pain to the point that he would be unable to protect his subjects, the elves, even if the others were to invade the Bluemoon Great Forest]

Wow. I knew it was going to bite him in the back when he broke several rules, but to think he is in such a state makes me happy.


After several hours, the envoys from the Western Beast Federation arrived. An hour before midnight.

'It's amazing there's only half a day difference between their arrival when the distance is almost twice as far. Their strong physique sure is a pain. I should be sleeping by now but I have to see them as soon as possible for my plan to work

And I don't think they went through the jungle. Taking a detour and arriving this fast, they deserve to be praise'

Knock, knock.

"Come in!"

I said in a delighted tone.

The door opened. Just like earlier, behind Rojh and Elmenz were the children of the Beast king who is the acting ruler and mediator of all beast people in the Federation.

The four knelt down.

"I, Lucy Stein Belmont greets the Goddess of all Bitches!"

"And I, Aster Stein Belmont greets the Goddess of all Bitches!"

The two had an uncomfortable expression on their face.

"Everyone may leave. Except for the two and Elmenz"

Once again, there was only four in the room.

"You two look bothered. Perhaps, something is bothering you two?"

The two continued to look down.

It wasn't because of the fact that they received information from the Goddess that they worship regarding of what happened to the God of Life.

It was because of the fact that they are beast people. As beast people, their senses are sharper compared to a human's therefore they are able to catch onto things faster.

And because of the lingering smell of semen and sweat in the room, the two could not help but be bothered by it, even more so since they came from the wolf bloodline which is said to be the bloodline with the sharpest sense of smell in their country.

Taking advantage of this, Mel deliberately did not clean the room completely for this situation to arise.


The princess could not muster the strength to stand anymore. Her legs were shaking from her instinct that is being triggered by the smell.

The same thing went with the prince. His face was beet red. His tail was wagging uncontrollably. And although he could maintain kneeling down towards Mel, he could not stop his penis to get hard as his body is being overtaken by instinct.

"I suppose you lot pushed yourself too far to arrive early. Don't worry, for I shall show you two how benevolent of a Goddess I am"