
of the king

Anya kobrin was only sixteen when she first came to Del-Rey Delgado_the genetically altered rebel known as the coyote Ghost. For six years they plotted to free a group of coyote women kept in Anya's father's lab. As Anya matured into a woman, she and Del grew close...... but on the day of the ambush, he broke his promise and shot her father. Filled with rage over the betrayal, Anya discovers an even stronger emotion is consuming her mind and body-the animalistic desire known as mating heat. Though Del feels it with the same intensity, Anya questions whether she can forgive him or trust him again. As they stealthily maneuver to bring the freed Breeds to safety, one question remains supreme:Can Anya and Del survive their heart. Find out in this heat-filled thrilling and steamy romance

Precious_Genevieve_0455 · Fantasie
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Chapter 1

He leaned forward braiced his elbow on his knee and let his gaze run over her slowly. very slowly. Touching on fragile, youthful and yet womanly features. A fucking child. Hell, that Siberian lab had been truly desperate, or depraved, to have sent a child to him.

   I'm going to kill you before I leave here", he sighed, watching her smile falter. "Kill me? " She licked her lips nervously and stared back at him with wariness. "You promised I'd be safe. "

    'And you believe me? A ghost of a smile played at his lip. "How foolish of you. 

          " But you never break your promise. "she blinked back at him with such Innocence he nearly laughed. 

          He merely arched his brows instead, a warning that perhaps her information hadn't been entirely accurate. 

                She looked down at her hands linked her fingers together then lifted her gaze once again. " There are five females at the lab where my father is security officer."she bit her lip worriedly before continuing. They said they sent you a message and you swore that you wouldn't harm the contact sent to you. "

              His head tilted as his eyes narcoyot. "There are no female coyotes. "

               " There are five" she told him "Sharone, she contacted you. It was she that you spoke with in the secured emails they are four others. Twins, Emma and Ashley. Two younger, marcy and Chanda. Theey are the babies of the group. "

              He stared back at her curiously now. "Where are the males of the group? Coyotes don't let the female speak for them, little girl"

               She swallowed tightly. "The males are more heavily guarded. The scientist they like me rather well I'm one of the few women at the Labs. I have been raised with them"

         How interesting. She had to be lying;there was no other option. Hell, killing children was one of the few since he hadn't committed in his life, but this child knew his face. He couldn't risk being identified. 

            "Sharone said you will save them. " She stared back at him, her blue eyes darkening with more than worry nw ;there might even be a hint of anger in those pretty depth. "Do you know the risk we've taken to contact you? To come to this meeting? "

         Yes, that was definitely anger. He stared back at her frankly amazed. Even his Men hesitated to speak to him in such a way. Surely no one else had dared since he had reached maturity. Perhaps even before. 

           "You risked much. "  He agreed "But I warned you in the email I will kill anyone attempting to trick me. Whoever set you on this plot, child has ended your life for you. "

         Did she show fear? No.  Instead slowly departed a jacket and from inside withdrew several photos. Her habds was shaking as she handed them to him. 

         Her face was pale, but her eyes was filled with anger. He glanced at the pictures, brows lifting at the sight of the five young women.  Definitely Coyote women  if their forced smiles, which revealed  their curved cannines, were any indication. 

Stay tuned. Love you all❤️😘