
Of red guns, and blue swords

A/N: Please read the auxiliary if you want to know about a bit of the 'system' of the world. -------------- After being separated from her brother at a young age, Scarlet Noir set out on a quest to get stronger and find her brother. But over the years, she forgot the purpose of her quest, and soon she soon came across a place that would change her life. -------------- Azure Noir, after being separated from his sister in an attack on their village, was lost and hoping to be saved. He never was, but he did find something that would help him save others. -------------- A/N: just warning ya'll now, I do not update very often, and may occasionally go on hiatus without warning, that's all bye!

Joe_Clucks101 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Classes and What They Are

A Main class is a combat job given to a person when they reach the age of 10, via an 'awakening'.

A Subclass is rare occurrence, not happening with every awakening.

A person that has a Subclass will also have a Main class.

A Subclass is usually related to the main class a person has, EX: Main: Berserker - Sub: Savage.

Type descriptions (stats depend on class):

Mixed Melee: has a mix of defensive and offensive skills, abilities, and spells.

Stealth Melee: are very quiet and do a lot of damage when attacking targets unaware but have to be close to hit them.

Offensive Ranged: attacks from range with either thrown ordinance, firearms, bows, or just anything that launches something. usually lacking defenses but makes up for it with high offence.

Mixed Ranged: does a little bit of everything but are not perfect at anything but range. Are exceedingly rare.

Stealth Ranged: are quiet and do decent damage when attacking targets unaware, they do less damage than their melee cousins.

Stealth Mixed: are quiet and do decent damage when attacking targets unaware, they do more damage than their ranged counter parts, but less then pure melee.

Main Classes in the story so far:

[Gunner]: Offensive Ranged: a class that focuses on damage and accuracy. one of the only classes that use firearms.

Characters who have this class: Scarlet Noir.

[Samurai]: Mixed Melee: a class that focuses on offense, while being defensive through deflects, parries, and counters. one of the few classes that use katanas.

Characters who have this class: Azure Noir.

Subclasses in the story so far:

[Shinobi]: Stealth Mixed: a class that focuses on sneaking through shadows, using shuriken and katana to take down their targets. Male only, has a female counterpart.

Characters who have this class: Azure Noir.

[Outlaw]: Mixed Ranged: Usually have very playful personalities, and view life as a game at times, and for some reason LOVE to wear boots, jeans, and plaid shirts. They use the same weapons as [Gunners] (Scarlet is an exception) with the added bonus of being able to set traps like the [Hunter/Huntress] Subclass. Are EXTREMELY RARE.

Characters who have this class: Scarlet Noir.