
Of blood and stove

"I will have to satisfy 10 million people with my food huh~" What am I going to do you ask. I will become famous and do so. How hard can it be? Here is a weird journey of a man who is slightly more weird than others bin the cooking world.

God_Hand · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

What are you here for?

Tomoharu Nii looked at his new room and it was also clean. He once again set all his stuff in the room.

He will have time after 8 pm. He started to check the net in the meantime. It was 6 pm in the evening.

He met Roland Chapelle in the morning classes. Roland Chapelle was one of the two Shining stars from the Totsuki and cooking world. In the 1981, Totsuki was able to send it's third year graduates to the different parts of the world to gain experience and two of them shined really brightly.

The information about Nakiri Senzaemon was weird to the said. He started cooking before Roland Chapelle and his name is also far more famous buy most of the relevant information about him doesn't existed yet most of the big shots and other competitors know of his strength.

'Either he hid it or something else.'

The only information you can found about Nakiri Senzaemon was the gossips and speculation by the masses and various other news and report headlines.

None of them discussed about his personal life or his private life. Most of the interviews were also about his views on various things but no concrete questions about what was he going to do or what was he doing at that time.

'He is trying to hide the information about his family. Must be because of his son-in-law.'

Two hours passed while he was searching the net for any other relevant information.

8:00 pm.

He looked at the small timer notification on his phone and then closed it and prepared to take a bath.

'The technology is far advanced in this world to balance out the military advancement. I think.'

The phones, the cars and many other day to day services were so made generously for the public usage.

A heaven for the peace-loving people.

He reached the third floor shower room and someone was inside.

*Knock knock*

"Your time is already up. How long are you planning to stay there?"

Tomoharu-kun said politely. He then went to his room to let the person finish their bath.

Five minutes later, he returned and the shower room was empty.

He got inside, locked the door properly and check the do not disturb sign on the door.

Everything was perfect. He slowly take out his clothes and then....

15 minutes later.

*Knock knock*

He was in his room, wearing a new set of bulletproof clothes when Isshiki knocked on his door properly.

"Time to come. We have prepared a feast for you."

"Ok. And that is a wastage of food."

"... I still don't know exactly what is it that you suffer from?"

*Opens the door*

"I know, so let's go."

Tomoharu Nii gave a short reply for Isshiki's taunt.

Isshiki Satoshi stared at him and then went towards the stairs with him.

They reached 205 in just a few seconds. 28 seconds to be precise.

Isshiki opened the gate and–

"Why do you always do it in my room? I have written exams and I need to prepare for that" (Marui Shinji)

"It can't be helped, Marui's room is the biggest of us all." (Yoshino Yuuki)

"..." (Ibusaki Shun)

"And it's always clean when we come~" (Yoshino Yuuki)

"Don't just go and sit on my bed!" (Marui Shinji)

A person in glasses fighting with a Pikachu, a seductress looking bar waitress and two street punks along with a person that has given hope on life and a realist.

That's his first impression when he met the Polar Star dorm mates.

'oh, a pervert as well.'

He thought while looking at Isshiki in just an apron.

"I should just return. Write your information on a file and give it to me later."

"Hold it hold it Nii-kun—"

• Tomoharu Glare •

"Tomoharu-kun, we can discuss it. Well we made everything for you so it would be bad. You know their hearts will break."

Tomoharu Nii looked at the people who have the already eaten and drunk and then at the food stains on their hands.

"Really." *Normal gaze*

"Well they were a little hungry so you know. I will tell you the information so just wait till my dish is ready. It will be done in just a few minutes. Off I go then."

Isshiki Satoshi left Tomoharu Nii to the group of students who had already finished their meal.

He looked at them and then chose a smooth surface to sit.

It was the study table.

All the students saw his actions and wanted to comment on it but the cold and deadly gaze in his eyes scared them. They were still the middle schoolers and not that proud and fearless group in the Anime.

A year and designation changes a lot of things.

Just like S and M.

All of them were looking at him and he was looking at the notification on his phone. He smiled in his terrifying grin.

All the students nearly got a heart attack due to it. Even the troublesome duo as well.

Minutes passed and he was calmy looking at them and they were looking at the floor.

Weird harmony.

Soon it was broken by a pervert.

"Here I come~ Tomoharu-kun. Try my hot dog rolls. ( ꈍᴗꈍ) ( ˘ ³˘)♥ "

Isshiki said while trying to disperse the atmosphere.

"Do you want them to be your last words. Just give me the information about the Elite Ten."

"I know you would say that so I also came with Fumio-san's Roasted duck. Here try it."

Isshiki gave the duck meat to Tomoharu Nii who smelled for any poison residue, then ate it.

There was no change in his expression.

"As I thought, you can't taste food right? Even on our way, I brought the wrong ice cream and you ate it without any expression. The reason you asked me to cook must also be because of it."

"Yeah, I can't. That's why I said that it's a waste if you make food for me and I asked you to cook because I didn't know how to cook that recipe."

"You must be joking, right? I was just teasing you because yor expression doesn't change while eating. Right? Right!?"

Tomoharu Nii calmy looked at him.

"It cannot be. How can you make something that delicious then? "

"There are just two things that I can make without tasting. That was one of them. Even then, it is just around 12 percent of its original taste."

"How? Why did you admit to Totsuki then?"

"My grandmother wanted me to. It was her last wish."

"Why did she wanted to send a person who can't taste food to a cooking school?"

"I lost my ability to taste a month ago. On the day of the Totsuki entrance exams, one day after her death. I was able to taste things before just fine."

"Ahh... You said that, there are just two things that you can make in your current condition. What about the other."

"The same level as normal home cooks. The amount of times that I have actually cooked is less then 3 months and that is if you just count the days."

"Ok. You said that you learnt cutting things because you liked it. What was it then?"

"Wood cutting. Tomoharu Nii wanted to be a monk."

"...." X 7

"Let's start with the beginning, you wanted to be a Monk but since you had to fulfill the last wish of your grandmother, you decided to join Totsuki and got admitted as well. "

"You can't taste food but you once had the taste buds. You can just make two dishes in your current condition and even then, those are not the perfect ones and finally, your goal of satisfying 100 million people with your food..."

"The egg fried rice that I ate before, how much was it."

"12 percent."

"That's depressing... Ok. Let us teach you how to properly cook then."

Isshiki Satoshi felt that he encountered the biggest rival in his life at that time and he had to teach the rival so that he can survive in the cruel world.

Why? Because he is a good person and he pity a person who became an orphan and left his dream to fulfill the last wish of his grandmother.

He looked at Tomoharu Nii. He was a weird person. Everyone in the Polar Star dorms as well.

"So how was my food... well forget it. Make your best egg fried rice for us and I will tell you about the shortcomings that I find in it."

"Don't wanna."


"I already know the problem. I know about the recipe and it's final results till the hundred percent and I also know the problem of why I can only get it to 12 percent so your help is not needed."

"... Then just include us in the 100 million people that you are going to satisfy."


Tomoharu Nii said that and then went to cook.

All the students were looking at his back with baited breaths.

Once he was out of the room and his footsteps out of hearings, the room immediately went into an uproar.