
Father Robin.

When Amanda was born her father Robin was not with her mother. He was one of those Men who are never satisfied with their Women. Once Ruby got pregnant Robin found other Women. Maybe ten. Maybe more. And with each he lied to her. Cheated on her. When Amanda was born they were divorced.

And on that night she was born Robin went to the ward. He found Ruby asleep. And Amanda was asleep next to her mother. He wanted to hold his daughter. It was the most beautiful child he had ever seen. So he walked to the child. And wanted to hold her into his arms.

He reached out for his daughter but before his arms touched her skin, Ruby woke. And with a loud scream that would shatter his ears she stopped him. Robin jumped back blocking his ears. And the nurses came in rushing. "Take this Man out of here!" Ruby would scream as nurses tried to calm her down. And guards held Robin back.

Robin fought back, but the guards were strong. And whatever the mother said the nurses had to listen. So Robin was kicked out. And he left with tears slowly drawing from his eyes. He just wanted to hold his daughter. But all that ringed in his ears were Ruby's last Words. "And never come into our Life again!"

He regretted everything he ever did to Ruby and Amanda. He wished he had stayed when Ruby was pregnant. He wished he could just hold his daughter once.