
Odyssey Part I

70s of this century, humanity has long abandoned fossil fuels generating energy exclusively through nuclear fusion from Helium-3 but the hyper-exploitation of the Moon and asteroids threatens to leave humanity short of energy or bring it back to the pollution generated by fossil fuels. For this reason the Italian Space Agency, after having created ground and orbiting outposts on the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as well as extraction points on the main asteroids of the belt of the same name between Mars and Jupiter, decides to go to the limits of the solar system where the parents of young Leonardo identify a mysterious object whose mass could be 10 times that of Jupiter but disappear into thin air in an attempt to track it down. When their only son grows up he decides to embark on the same career as them with the aim of finding them therefore he begins a hard two-year training in Sicily during which he will have to prove that he has what it takes to become an astronaut, on the island he will come across those who they will be part of his crew with whom he will form a strong bond of friendship, i.e. Orlando, Lucia, Chiara and Alice. He will also meet Sofia with whom he will embark on a love relationship, marrying her before leaving for his first mission. Looming over the success of his intentions is Pandora, a complex artificial intelligence used by the Space Agency to make life easier for astronauts but which in reality will turn out to be much more. The title of the work is "Odyssey - Part I" and represents the first part of a cycle of four novels of which Part I is set on Earth, Part II on the Moon and Mars, Part III in the belt of gas giants and part IV in the Kuiper belt. This Part I narrates the two years of training that aspiring astronauts must undergo before being able to travel among the stars, describes all the systems used for space travel and describes the first space mission that Leonardo and his companions will undertake around the Earth.

James_Jones_1063 · sci-fi
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Chapter 3 Part I

After having made that pact with Orlando, in the following days Leonardo dove headlong into studying with the exam now upon us. Furthermore, he knew what the Agency's plans were for him and he feared being boycotted by failing the astronaut course, resulting in him being forced to to accept the job at the fifth level. 

After spending another two weeks in the Atlas, the last part of the course began, the practical one in which the cadets were taken aboard a Magellan and a Pigafetta located at the launch center on the island of Lampedusa.

<< Guys, is it just me or is it cold? >> Orlando asked on the morning of January 22 as he and his friends took an eVTOL to head to the island.

It was 06.45 and the sun had just found itself in the leaden sky, the sea breeze that whipped their faces didn't want to stop even if Leonardo didn't mind at all, after all he had spent many years in Turin where winter was much colder. rigid therefore he was not affected by those temperatures.

<< Personally, I'm comfortable >> said Alice, covering her face with the red scarf as the eVTOL took off;

<< I'm very cold but I can't wait, I've been dreaming of getting on a spaceship since I was 5 and never mind if we stay on the ground for now, it's always a unique emotion that few have the privilege of being able to experience >> Lucia added, squeezing close to Orlando, resting her head on his shoulder.

Leonardo stared at Alice for a moment not knowing if she too had in mind to emulate her friend, he was quite negative with girls and in a similar circumstance he didn't know how to behave but to her relief she remained in her place, on the one hand removing him from embarrassment of the moment but on the other making him suspect that something was wrong.

<< Sorry for asking but today I see you looking a little strange, are you okay? >> he asked her, bringing her closer;

<<I'm just a little tired, these last few days I've been studying like crazy all the manuals that general has given us, furthermore lessons are very long so there's zero free time>> she replied making a gesture as if wanting to avoid him.

That reaction confirmed Leonardo's suspicions regarding an uneasiness she felt towards him but he did not understand what his attitude in the previous weeks could have hurt her to the point of instigating such a reaction.

Seeing the launch site approaching, he decided to let it go at least for the moment, promising to return to the topic as soon as that day of practical training in which he wanted to give his best was over.

The self-driving eVTOL settled gently onto the landing strip alongside the other aircraft that had transported the rest of the students to the island.

Each eVTOL had a maximum capacity of four people and several of them could be seen circling in the sky, it seemed that at that moment a swarm of giant robotic insects was invading Lampedusa.

The 60 students were placed in a semi-circle on the landing strip and in front of them stood the general in his official blue suit with Sofia at his side who for the occasion was wearing black ballet flats on her feet, dark blue leggings and a gray turtleneck sweater together with a wool hat to protect yourself from the cold.

<< Welcome to Lampedusa, the launch site of the Italian Space Agency is located here, from which the Pigafetta and Magellano aircraft take off, which for years have made Italy a space power.

First we will take a tour of the island so you can visit some of the structures that make up the complex while in the afternoon each of you will ride a Pigafetta or a Magellano starting to practice.

Lessons will end a little earlier than usual, around 6pm, allowing you to return to Palermo in time for dinner. Having said that, follow me >> announced the general, turning sharply.

The large group arranged themselves two by two and to Leonardo's great surprise Alice chose to be paired with Lucia and not with him, having to settle for Orlando.

<<What have you done? It's obvious that she's angry with>> his friend told him, starting to walk while shivering from the cold;

<< I honestly don't know but at the moment I don't care, let's enjoy the visit and think about doing the practice part well. When we return to Palermo I will clarify this story >> Leonardo replied decisively, who was beginning to have a hard time putting up with Alice's behaviour.

Having crossed the landing strip on foot, they found themselves in front of a large hangar open on both sides where a dozen technicians were taking care of the maintenance of the eVTOLs that came and went from the island.

<< In groups of two, get into a self-driving golf car and follow me, the site is very large and visiting it on foot doesn't seem appropriate to me >> began the general.

<< Let's go >> said Orlando, getting into the first available car.

As soon as they left, Leonardo wanted to exchange a few words with him, however he saw that the golf cart with Alice and Lucia was right behind them, they were practically stuck together so he decided to leave it alone also because Orlando didn't seem very happy at not being able to be with what he now considered the his girlfriend.

After a few minutes of travel they arrived in front of a large concrete square in front of a large three-storey quadrangular building made of glass and steel in the center of which stood a sculpture in white Carrara marble which represented in every detail an astronaut who greeted everyone who came to him. looked while climbing the steps of a Magellan, at the base of the work a writing engraved in the stone block read "To the pioneers, to the brave and to the reckless. The human race says thank you to you."

That was the Agency's headquarters on the island, the "Launch Control Center" as it was written in clear silver letters at the entrance to the building surrounded all around by many plants of various kinds and crowded with a constant coming and going of people and robots although the boys were very struck by what they saw beyond the building: the launch towers from which the rockets launched.

<< Welcome to the "Launch Control Center", from here we send and control all space missions to the various celestial bodies.

For the moment there is no need for you to see the inside as it is irrelevant for the purposes of the evaluation, however those who pass the first two years of training and officially become astronauts will return there to refine their knowledge >> explained the general;

<< I would like to add that one of the Agency's two data centers is located in this place, the other is located in Rome, where all the data produced by the various space missions are stored.

Without that enormous amount of information Pandora wouldn't exist and we would be blind, they are the basis of our knowledge of the solar system and the universe and those of you who become astronauts will have the pleasure of visiting it but not today >> added Sofia giving a long look in the direction of Leonardo who pretended not to notice.

<<That one devours you with her eyes and I think the girls have realized it too, maybe that's why Alice is angry. In any case, can't keep your foot in both shoes, to make a choice if were would hurry up>> Orlando said to his friend as the golf cart took them past the control center.

Leonardo didn't answer but he knew he was right and yet at the beginning he wouldn't have had any doubts about it but now he had many and they became stronger and more pressing every day so much so that in some moments of the day his head exploded.

In the meantime they arrived at an isolated site after having faced continuous ups and downs during which Orlando almost fell out of the golf car and only Leonardo's quick reflexes saved him from a poor figure in front of everyone else.

<<Thank you so much friend, I owe a big favor>> he said, receiving a nod of agreement from Leonardo.

The golf carts stopped at the top of a deserted plateau, all around there was absolutely nothing except huge antennas pointing straight towards the sky glittering in the sunlight, as tall as a seven meter building they loomed large among the golden sand.

At the base there were some huts in which people could be seen making a lot of effort connecting the cables while others stood in front of the computer or observed holograms.

<< This is the Space Agency's communications control center where we receive the information that space stations, probes and spacecraft send to earth using our laser-based space communication technology with which it is possible to send a large amount of long-distance data, it is a safe and stable communication channel even when it comes to sending data from one planet to another.

It is the heart of a larger infrastructure concerning the reception of space signals called "Space Telecommunication Network" which has ground stations located on Mont Blanc and in Taranto while in space we have a network of 5000 satellites which complete this vitally important infrastructure for the Agency.

Other bases of the "Space Telecommunication Network" are represented by the orbiting and ground space stations that the Agency has at its disposal on Earth, Moon, Mars and Jupiter.

Those huts at the base of the antennas are actually laboratories where the received signals are processed and analyzed also thanks to the help of Pandora which, as you will have learned by now, pervades the entire Agency like the air.

When you travel among the stars you will communicate with these antennas and your messages will be analyzed by one of those technicians that you now see in there so have respect for them because your survival will depend on their ability to communicate with you. Now we can continue further >> said the general.

<< Before going, let me specify that the entire network is based on quantum laser communication, allowing us to exchange information at high speeds over extremely large spaces. Furthermore, this technology is hacker-proof and is the most stable of all, therefore the chances of losing contact with a probe or a spacecraft are very rare unless you go to the edge of the solar system >> Sofia specified.

<< Damn how big they are >> Orlando noticed as the golf carts passed right under the large antennas which, seen up close, were even more impressive.

The launch towers were getting closer and closer while the airport where they had landed hours earlier had disappeared both on the horizon and in the minds of the boys.

The third stage of the tour took them near the sea, away from the hinterland, leading them to a spherical building which could be accessed by crossing a dirt avenue on whose sides there were two long rows of cypress trees.

The golf carts stopped in a very large space next to a concrete sign on which an animated hologram was floating, showing in turn the planet Earth, the Moon, the other bodies of the solar system, the galaxy and finally a map of the universe.

<< Welcome to the national space museum where some of the most significant memorabilia in the history of the Agency are preserved such as the suits of our first astronaut to have set foot on the Moon and Mars and the first astronaut to have done a spacewalk around Jupiter.

Here rock samples are preserved from all the celestial bodies on which the Agency has set foot, whether human or robotic, including a very rare crystal of frozen nitrogen taken from Triton, one of Neptune's natural satellites.

A real gem brought here to Earth by the Concepcion probe, one of the first robotic missions capable of sending back samples like this of which the Agency is very proud as few in the world boast a similar technological capacity.

I could go on for a long time but unfortunately our time is limited so I would say let's get back on the road since only the final stage is missing at the end of our tour >> explained the general and this time Sofia had nothing to add.

<< Guys what do you think of this trip so far? I'm really liking it>> said Lucia, reaching the two friends as they returned to the golf cars; however, Alice preferred to stay aside, immediately getting into her car;

<< Nothing to say, one of these days we absolutely have to visit the museum >> Orlando replied, finally being able to hug his girlfriend while Leonardo preferred to go back to the golf cart hoping to meet Alice but to no avail, the girls had parked very far from the other side of the square in front of the museum.

Once they set off again, they concluded the tour by reaching the southernmost part of the island and as they approached, the launch towers became increasingly larger and more majestic, the steel of which they were made glittered in the sunlight, giving them a sort of regal aura.

<<Do you think that one day we will leave from there? Just thinking about it I can't stand anymore>> Leonardo said admiring that sight, forgetting all his problems for just a few moments.

They parked the golf carts near a hangar not far from the towers, from where they were they could clearly see them and once they set foot on the ground they headed towards another large two-storey building with laminate walls.

Even if the boys couldn't see it from their position, that enormous factory extended in length and was truly gigantic, made up of two floors surrounded by a series of darkening glass so it wasn't possible to see what was happening inside and yet it was distinctly heard. a lot of noise.

<< This is the last stop of our tour and here shortly, after lunch, you will begin the practical part of the course. Behind me is the "Space Assembly Center" where the spacecraft and rockets are physically assembled on top of each other and transported to the launch towers in front of you >> explained the general, gesturing with his arms to explain himself better.

<< As you can see from the drone footage, beyond this building there is the taxiway. When the Magellano or the Pigafetta are ready they are positioned on the rocket positioned horizontally on the forklift and once outside the factory, robotic arms installed on the sides of the trolley lift it vertically.

At this point it is transported to the launch tower via the taxiway, a system of sliding rails thanks to which the rocket can slide on the ground arriving safely up to the tower to which it is attached once it arrives.

Once this is done, the astronauts position themselves in the spacecraft located at the upper end of the rocket, then the final review of all the systems begins and finally there is the countdown to the launch which ends with takeoff. All clear? >> explained Sofia, looking at her listeners hanging on her lips, many of whom could already see themselves ready for take-off.

That day the girl was wearing the same perfume she wore the evening she toured the fifth level with Leonardo, in fact the latter could clearly smell the fragrance thanks to the light sea breeze that had recently risen and spread the smell among those present.

<< Are you okay? You seem distracted to me >> Orlando asked him, elbowing him;

<< Do you smell this scent too, right? >> asked Leonardo;

<< In fact, yes and I think whoever is here feels it. Wait a minute, it's the same one as that night you told me about, right? >> he urged him;

<< Exactly but I can't explain why it causes me this highly addictive effect and yet I can't resist it >> the friend replied.

Luckily for him, the sea breeze stopped his progress, dispersing the scent in the air, allowing him to return to Earth.

<< Thanks Sofia for your explanation. Now you are free to have lunch, you will be guests of the canteen which is located next to the assembly center after which we will begin the practical part of the course.

See you soon>> announced the general dispersing the crowd.

The group of freshmen headed towards the canteen located in a building on the left side of the assembly center, a lovely red brick building initially intended to be a rubber factory then converted when Lampedusa had become the space launch center.

<< We're finally eating >> Lucia said as she gathered all four friends together.

<< Sorry to disturb you but I need to speak to Leonardo in private >> Sofia began, barging in between them as they headed to lunch;

<< Go ahead, I'll see you soon >> Leonardo exhorted them, breaking away from the group.

While the others were queuing, the two walked away and found themselves walking on the beach side by side.

<< Did you like the visit? >> the girl asked, smiling at him, moving her hair from her face;

<< Really exciting, you were very good at explanations. I heard you're wearing the same perfume as a few nights ago >> he replied;

<<Your mother always told me that her son was crazy about it, she laughed it. Anyway, have you thought my offer?>> he replied putting his arm under his;

<< To tell the truth, yes but I haven't changed my mind, I want to become an astronaut to look for my parents in space and if I come back alive then I will consider the idea of joining the fifth level >> he replied looking into her eyes;

<< I respect your choice and I don't want to force your hand, also you have to go to lunch and it's important to be strong before starting the practical part of the course but I want you to know this >> Sofia concluded by suddenly grabbing his face and kissing him.

Leonardo was caught off guard by that move however he didn't back down so their lips remained attached for a few minutes during which the young aspiring astronaut got butterflies in his stomach for the first time in his life.

<<I wanted to let you know>> she whispered in his left ear, wriggling out of his arm and returning to the canteen, leaving him alone and confused on the beach touching his lips.

Leonardo took a few seconds to digest what had happened and then went to lunch, sitting next to Orlando without saying a word.

His gaze was dangling into space and he barely managed to swallow a few spoonfuls of the delicious chicken soup that they prepared there with great skill, in fact his friend snatched his portion from under his nose.

He received no questions about the private conversation he had with Sofia even though his uniform was soaked in the girl's perfume and this was enough to give rise to much speculation about what happened between the two.

At 2pm sharp the group of students found themselves in front of the assembly center waiting for the arrival of Sofia and the general to be escorted to the spacecraft on which they would board to begin the practical part of the course.

<< Follow me >> the officer exhorted them, leading them to another orange building, an old building also made of bricks previously used for the production of landing ships and then converted for space use.

<< This is the "Space Hardware Test Center" where we do static tests on everything that needs to go into space >> he simply said.

Through facial and voice recognition he opened two heavy steel doors motioning inside where beautiful sunlight filtered in thanks to the roof made of darkening and transparent solar tiles that produced enough energy to power the entire structure.

The building was very large and was spread over two floors, hundreds of people worked inside it, trying hard to test every part of the Magellan, the Pigafetta, the various probes and space station modules.

The general led them to a space on the right where there was a Magellan and two Pigafettas, after which he divided the boys into the usual three groups of 20, assigning each a spaceship, all under the attentive gaze of Sofia.

<< Start >> ordered the officer.

The doors of the spaceships opened and one by one the students were able to enter, experiencing for the first time live what it felt like to be inside a spaceship, something they had dreamed of doing since childhood.

That day Leonardo's group got one of the two Pigafettas and although many were disappointed expecting to immediately enter the Magellan he didn't mind, deep down he knew that before getting on a Magellan they would make him carry out missions on the Pigafetta so he remained silent waiting their turn.

In front of him was Alice and although he was aware that sooner or later he would have to talk to her, this was not the right time to do so.

Sofia was watching him so he decided to keep a low profile and focus on what to do, putting aside matters of the heart that he would have time for in the future.

When it was his turn to get on the Pigafetta his eyes lit up and his stomach started to hurt with emotion and yet he had to go so as soon as he saw Alice come out of the ship he breathed a big sigh and got on.

It was just as he had seen it inside Atlante, truly splendid in all its forms from the passenger seats to the control room where he could test the engine ignition.

Obviously they didn't really start, however when the start-up sequence began the panel lit up just as if it were on a mission even though the light indicating a lack of electrical charge in the battery was flashing at the top left.

He sat for a few moments on the seat reserved for the captain feeling completely at ease, receiving definitive confirmation that he had been right to refuse the job on the fifth level because that was his place.

Unfortunately the time available to him ran out so he was forced to go out and this saddened him but he knew that the next day they would return and would have much more time available so when he was off the plane he joined his friends.

Noticing Alice standing aside, he seized the opportunity and joined her with the intention of clarifying.

<< Hi, is everything okay? >> he asked her cautiously;

<< Are you sure you're really interested? Since when did you become so intimate with that one? >> she replied piquedly pointing to Sofia;

<<Are you telling me that the reason don't talk to is jealousy? Really?>> Leonardo retorted, seeing his suspicions confirmed;

<< The other evening you two took a nice stroll on the fifth level then this morning you went to the beach and you smelled her everywhere. How do you explain it? I thought that between us..., ... never mind, maybe I misunderstood everything >> he said looking at the ground and averting his gaze;

<< There is nothing between me and Sofia, the other evening she asked me to give up the role of astronaut to join the fifth level team but I refused because I want to go look for my parents. I'm not interested in locking myself in a laboratory like a mouse >> he explained to her, omitting to mention the kiss on the beach;

<<And what is there between us?>> he asked him point blank;

<<We have two years of hard training ahead us and my mind is focused solely exclusively on this so I would like to be excellent friends>> he retorted, bringing a light smile back to her face.

Even if for the moment she couldn't have him for herself, not all hope was lost and in the end it was for the best, a love story could have distracted them from their main objective, however she would not give up and once they became astronauts it would be hers , Alice thought with a refreshed soul.

<<Okay but promise me that you will become an astronaut like>> he urged him;

<< I swear to you >> he replied looking her straight in the eyes.

He was happy to have clarified the situation, he didn't want to generate tension in his recently created group of friends so he preferred to lie to her and he would also need help to complete the training so it was better to put any flirting on standby, Leonardo thought.

The day ended quickly and the students returned to Palermo with the eVTOLs knowing full well that in the following days they would return to Lampedusa to complete the practice cycle after which they would take the exam or exams, they did not know how many there were given that the general had not yet dissolved his reservations on the issue.

The following days were characterized by very intense activity, all the students had the opportunity to board both spaceships and when Leonardo entered the Magellan not only did it seem much larger than in the simulation with the avatar but once again it was pervaded by an indescribable joy, crossed by a strong adrenaline rush.

January 31st arrived quickly and with it the first exam session since he was in the Astronautical Headquarters and yet he was not at all worried having studied all the manuals thoroughly without skipping a lesson. Furthermore, both the simulations and the practical tests confirmed the goodness of the its preparation.

Besides that he had made peace with Alice while they hadn't seen each other again with Sofia so he didn't know what to think of the kiss she gave him that morning on the beach as he hadn't had the chance to talk to her about it but for the moment he was fine with it.

The evening before the exam the group of four friends decided to return to "Atlantide" to take stock of the situation and discuss their preparation as well as wish each other good luck.

Leonardo was in his room ready to go out when Sofia knocked on the door, leaving him quite perplexed and even a little angry because he didn't want distractions the day before the exam.

<<Are you ready?>> she asked him after entering;

<< I think so, I did everything I had to so I'm calm. To what do I owe your sudden visit? >> he asked her a little hastily, looking at his watch;

<<Are you going somewhere?>> he urged him;

<< In reality we are going to the "Atlantis" to relax before the big day >> he revealed to her.

He wanted to ask her to join the group but was afraid that she would say yes and if so what would he do? Taking her to a restaurant was out of the question because it meant breaking up with Alice completely, something to be avoided at all costs.

<< I understand, it's natural to want a bit of relaxation before facing an important appointment like tomorrow's >> she told him.

He jumped up from the bed, took him by the arms and kissed him on the lips again but once again Leonardo didn't shy away, on the contrary he found himself much more at ease than on the beach.

Somehow he expected that move on Sofia's part and now he tolerated the addiction generated by her perfume much better, in fact the boy's senses did not get lost unlike what happened on the previous occasions in which he had come into contact with it.

<<Now I really have to go>> he began after having detached his lips from Sofia's;

<< Ok but tomorrow we have to talk and we hope to be able to celebrate your promotion >> replied the girl leaving the room.

Leonardo remained still, motionless in the center of the room, continuing to stare at the door as if something were to happen and not even a muscle had the courage to move.

If Orlando hadn't stopped by to call him, he probably would have remained in that catatonic state for hours or days.

<< Are you okay? >> he asked him entering the room;

<< Sofia passed by a little while ago >> he replied, telling him what had happened minutes before, also revealing the events on the beach;

<< You've made your choice but if you want advice, wait to announce it in public, Alice could be devastated and our group could end up in pieces. For my part, I will avoid telling Lucia so that only the three of us will know: me, you and Sofia, you understand?! >> replied Orlando who didn't want to give up Alice with whom he had an excellent relationship;

<<You're right, we'll keep it hidden for a while>> Leonardo replied.

The evening at "Atlantide" was very strange because the girls were very happy, unaware of the boys' secret, however the latter turned out to be much more skittish, however the girls associated that strange attitude with the tension for the test the following day.

January 31, 2070 arrived and with it the exam session for which the cadets prepared as usual despite not knowing what it consisted of even if they discovered it very soon in fact Pandora appeared in their rooms telling each of them to go to the fourth level where the exam would take place.

The freshmen put on their uniforms and at 07.00 found themselves in front of the classroom door, very anxious to understand what difficulties the Agency had created for them.

<<Are you nervous? Excited? You don't have to, a good astronaut must know how to maintain control in all circumstances. Please come and take seat an Atlas>> began the general, opening the doors of the room.

After a few minutes each cadet found themselves in a shell and before theirs closed, isolating them from the rest of the world, Leonardo took one last look at Sofia after which he breathed a big sigh, entered an egg and put on the visor.

<< Welcome to the theory course exam, first put on the viewers as you did during the simulations. The test is very simple: we will simulate a flight in space about 200 km above the ground during which you will have to demonstrate that you have learned all the mechanisms and functions of the spacecraft.

Your avatar is already inside a virtual Pigafetta ready for take-off, the test will begin when the light at the top right turns green. Good luck to all of you >> explained the general asking Sofia to start the exam program.

The girl took the tablet and in a few moments the cadets in avatar format found themselves sitting at the command posts of a Pigafetta mounted on the top of a Brunelleschi rocket, from the windows they could see the launch tower and the sea around Lampedusa, all perfectly reproduced .

The rocket lit up and Leonardo felt a strong acceleration hit him, the Brunelleschi unleashed all his strength, lifting the spacecraft off the ground, launching it into orbit, showing what it was capable of doing.

In a few minutes the boys were in space and the moment the aircraft began to detach from the rocket the little light at the top right turned green, starting the exam.

Leonardo operated the controls to stabilize the spacecraft, successfully completing the release procedure from the rocket, after which he turned on the Pigafetta's engines while Pandora burst into the control room with further instructions.

<< Good morning sir and welcome to the theory course exam, today your task will be to lead the Pigafetta on a short space journey and then land safely at the Lampedusa cosmodrome. If you need help please make use of my services, that's why I'm here >> began the metallic voice;

<<Okay but I don't need you at the moment>> Leonardo replied.

As soon as the engines were properly ignited he first put the aircraft into the correct orbit then engaged the autopilot and looked out the window.

Even though virtual, the panorama was magnificent: at that moment he was flying over Africa, being able to admire from above that fantastic geoid called Earth.

He remembered well that it was only virtual reality but its high degree of realism made that experience unique, probably second only to a real space flight, however a lot of time still had to pass for that.

Once he had entered the return coordinates he was able to relax so he rested the avatar's head against the seat immediately feeling its softness, all in all the exam was proving to be much simpler than expected and this heartened him.

If all the tests were of that level he would have had no problem becoming an astronaut and yet his instinct told him that something was wrong as it was all too easy, could the test be reduced to just those few manoeuvres?

It didn't take long to confirm his ominous omens, in fact as soon as he arrived near the re-entry orbit, various red lights came on from the engine control panel, signaling malfunctions in the propulsion systems.

Leonardo thought he saw a Christmas tree as the lights were flashing and at first he was taken aback by that change of situation.

A loud alarm sounded throughout the cabin so he decided to engage the manual pilot by taking hold of the control joystick then activated Pandora, setting it in emergency mode as explained during the theory lessons.

Without any warning he had gone from a scenario in which he had everything under control to one of full emergency but the first thing to do was to keep his nerve.

<<Pandora what's the problem?>> he asked her trying to remain calm;

<< Some engines were hit by an unidentified object, probably a small meteorite or space debris and are now out of order however we are close to the cosmodrome so I recommend an emergency landing >> replied the AI.

That failure was not a coincidence, it was the general and Sofia who deactivated the engines to test the cadets' quick reflexes and their ability to remain cool in the face of unexpected events.

In space, such situations could occur, therefore a good astronaut had to be able to maintain lucidity and remember the procedures to follow even in the event of strong emotional stress such as that generated by attempting an emergency landing.

<< Stay calm, don't get confused and think about what to do. It's probably part of the exam but it could really happen to me so strength and courage, I'll do it >> thought Leonardo, closing his eyes for a second.

<<Pandora tell me the status of engines, which ones are out order? Was fusion reactor damaged? I want a complete picture state Pigafeta>> he asked her, reopening his eyes, since they were observing him he had to demonstrate that he knew how to make a difference;

<< We only have three engines available, however the fusion reactor and the graphene battery are in good condition and have not suffered any damage >> replied the AI;

<< Very good, activate the emergency procedure and put me in contact with the "Launch Control Center" in Lampedusa >> the boy ordered her;

<< "Launch Control Center online sir >> Pandora retorted;

<< "Launch Control Center" this is Pigafetta 1267 speaking, we have been hit by an unidentified object and some of the propulsion systems have failed therefore I ask permission for an emergency landing in Lampedusa. I await your instructions on the matter >> Leonardo shouted;

<< This is "Launch Control Center", negative Pigafetta 1267 you cannot land on the island, the only solution is at sea >> he was answered.

<< "Launch Control Center" here Pigafetta 1267, I will attempt a parachute landing in the bay of Lampedusa since I don't have enough power in the engines, send a ship to recover me >> replied a Leonardo who had so far been impeccable.

<< Get ready Pandora, now we'll dance a bit >> he added, clutching the joystick in his hands.

He tried to keep the spacecraft as stable as possible as gravity pushed him faster and faster towards Earth with the sea coming closer, he could already see the island of Lampedusa and it wasn't a good sign.

When they reached the height established by the manual he opened the parachutes which however did not want to do their job causing him a big problem, he began to consider that simulation a little too complicated.

<<Not even parachutes work? So tell me you want to see dead. Pandora how much power do we have? Can attempt a landing in the bay of Lampedusa? Are there other options available?>> he asked in an increasingly tense tone.

<< We should have enough power, the reactor is responding well to the stresses >> he was answered.

At the end of the exam he would have given a thumbs up to the general because the avatar transmitted any blow he suffered to the flesh and blood body as the nervous system was connected remotely to the visor making him risk his life on the other hand the test had to represent that scenario in the way as realistic as possible.

The sea was getting closer and closer and Leonardo felt that he was losing power and yet he was still trying to keep the Pigafetta stable.

<< Prepare airbags, open them on my signal >> he ordered Pandora;

<< Airbags ready to deploy sir >> replied the AI.

Leonardo had to avoid a violent impact so as to keep the reactor and three engines intact because in the event of an emergency landing on another planet without those two components it would not have been possible to restart therefore the manual gave them absolute priority.

<< Activate vertical landing mode and shift power to functioning engines >> he ordered Pandora who once again followed the given order.

The fall of the Pigafetta was becoming more and more turbulent and on its return it lost some thermal shields, leaving it exposed upon impact with the atmosphere. In fact, the temperature inside it began to increase and Leonardo himself soon noticed it.

<< Damn it! The joystick is hot and it's brutally hot in here. How is it possible? >> he asked out loud;

<<We lost some thermal shields>> Pandora replied;

<< From better to better >> he thought as sores began to appear on his hands generated by the overheating of the joystick which however could not let go under penalty of a Tajik crash.

Luckily for him the sea was now just a stone's throw away and at a certain point he shouted at the top of his voice << Open airbag, now! >>.

The impact with the water was not easy, he heard a loud "Splash" after which the Pigafetta sank, cooling the scorching temperature of the spacecraft and then the floating airbags opened, making it re-emerge on the surface.

When he realized he had successfully completed the emergency landing in the middle of the sea he breathed a big sigh of relief, threw his back back on the seat and told the control center that he was fine.

<< "Launch Control Center here Pigafetta 1267, send someone to recover me >> he announced joyfully, looking at his slightly burned hands.

Luckily for him the flight suit was burn-proof having been designed to withstand extremely high and/or low temperatures, in particular he kissed the gloves without which he would have had cutlets instead of hands;

<< Pigafetta 1267 here "Launch Control Center", well done guy, great job. With great pleasure we can announce that you have passed the exam >> he was told.

Immediately afterwards the visor turned off and the shell began to open, letting him out and as soon as he returned to the real world, the first thing he did was run to the bathroom, slaloming between the various Atlases still closed, putting his hands under the cold water, receiving immediate relief.

When he returned to class he saw that he had been the first to finish the exam, in fact Alice, Orlando and Lucia were still in the simulator but at that moment another egg opened.

Orlando was the second to finish and as soon as they saw each other they immediately ran to hug each other, still drunk on adrenaline.

<<So how did it go?>> Leonardo asked while looking at Sofia with one eye.

He would have gone to meet her but the general's presence made it inappropriate and Alice could have left at any moment;

<< I was promoted but you don't know how scared I was when the engines broke, I panicked and forgot some landing procedures but in the end it went well. What do you tell me? >> Orlando replied;

<< I'm promoted too, now we just have to wait for the girls even if they are very prepared so I don't think they will have any big problems. By the way, what time is it? >> Leonardo retorted, feeling his stomach growl;

<< It's 4.30 pm, the exam lasted a really long time and yet time seemed to have stopped >> concluded the friend, still excited.

After about 35 minutes Alice and Lucia also finished the test along with many other cadets.

<< Promoted I imagine >> Orlando began;

<< Absolutely yes, did you have any doubts about it? How did it go for you? >> the two girls replied in chorus, radiant like the sun in summer;

<< Luckily everything is fine >> Leonardo limited himself to saying as he saw Sofia approaching, fearing a clash with Alice;

<< The general wants you all in the classroom to communicate the results of the exam and the dates of the next course so please take a seat >> he communicated to the cadets who went out into the corridor to stretch their legs after so much effort.

He lay down next to the door making sure the boys came back in and when it was Leonardo's turn he grabbed him by the arm whispering in his ear << See you at 6pm in your accommodation, don't make me wait >> making him blush like a pepper.

<< Ladies and gentlemen, congratulations, you have all been promoted but I didn't expect a different result given how much effort you have put in these weeks so well done.

The next two days will be rest, after which the next course will begin, the flight training course and I'll warn you in advance: there will be a lot of practice and little theory but I don't want to reveal anything more to you, your teacher will be the one to do it in due time.

That's it, you can go >> announced the senior officer, freeing the cheering students who were already planning how to spend the two days of freedom.

<<What will we do during this break?>> Orlando asked while they were on the stairs;

<<Personally I will dedicate myself to rest, they have been four really intense weeks so recover my strength in view of the flight training which fear be very difficult>> Leonardo replied in a worried tone.

Returning to the second level, they arranged to meet for that evening at 9pm in front of the entrance to the "Atlantis" where Lucia and Alice had booked a table to celebrate the success of the first exam.

Leonardo returned to the room while the atomic watch on his wrist showed 5pm so he took off his slightly burnt suit, dressed in civilian clothes and sat on the bed waiting for the fateful 6pm to arrive when Sofia would join him.

He was overcome by a slight anxiety, he didn't really know what the girl had in store for him and even if he hadn't admitted it, that kiss he received on the beach had been the first of his life.

Maybe that was the reason why he was so shocked, he couldn't find any other explanation for the whirlwind of emotions that had accompanied him that day.

He watched the sun slowly set outside the window, the lights in the room turned on instantly giving it the right brightness and creating a very intimate atmosphere that made him anxious and excited at the same time because in his innermost self he imagined what could have happened next. shortly there.

<< Good evening sir and congratulations on passing the first exam. Given what happened to his uniform in the wardrobe, he will find a new one ready to wear >> Pandora announced suddenly appearing in the room;

<< You gave me a shock, damn you. In any case, thanks for the information, I really needed it >> Leonardo replied.

He had just gotten out of bed to open the wardrobe when someone knocked on the door of his quarters, bringing his blood pressure to the verge of fainting.

<<Who is he?>> he asked cautiously since 6pm hadn't yet arrived;

<< I'm Sofia >> replied a voice on the other side.

He opened the door letting her into the room and as soon as she was inside she fell on top of him, kissing him passionately on the lips, after which she threw him onto the bed with a powerful push, demonstrating that she possessed unusual physical strength for a slender girl like her.

<< Sorry for the few words but I don't want to waste time >> she began, starting to take off his clothes;

<< Don't worry, we astronauts are people of action >> he replied.

Since it was his first time, he was a little awkward so he tried to do his best even if that circumstance made him uncomfortable, after all he would never have thought of getting himself into a similar situation and yet there he was, he was in the act and he had to dance.

He approached it as if it were a mission in the solar system in which something unexpected happens and you have to make a virtue of necessity to make it home.

Soon both were completely without clothes so they dived under the sheets making love for an hour in which they immediately found the right harmony while in Leonardo's soul uncertainty and fear gave way to pleasure.

<< It was beautiful>> he told her when the clock showed past 7pm;

<< I admit that I found you much more ready than I expected >> he replied;

<<What would you like to say?>> he asked her while an atrocious doubt flashed in his mind;

<<As you know, the agency has a file on every freshman and I have read yours so know very well>> she explained, hugging him, confirming his suspicions;

<<But it's not fair, you know everything about me while I don't much>> he retorted, holding her close, trying to divert the conversation to other topics, less embarrassing for him;

<<Well there isn't much to say: I was born in Venice where lived and first obtained a degree computer engineering then specialization artificial intelligence, at that point the Agency recruited me so moved here Palermo had pleasure of working with your mother on Pandora project finally am bed you>> she replied smiling at him;

<< That's enough for now, however I'm still thinking about today's exam, it was really complicated because every time I solved a problem another one immediately arose. When the thermal shields came off I feared I would end up roasted >> said Leonardo;

<< The purpose of the exam was to test your knowledge about spacecraft, their parts and procedures including emergency ones. Even if you have studied space stations in depth there was no trace of them in the test, this is because you will find some of the theoretical parts covered now during flight training.

We chose the water landing because we had to test your ability to work under pressure in an unexpected context and since the land landing would have proved too dangerous we opted for the water as it is much simpler to do as it only requires the opening the airbags on the ground, however, is much more difficult to do >> he explained, gently caressing his chest;

<<It actually makes sense even if in my opinion the test was too realistic, I risked seriously burning hands>> he limited himself to replying;

<< But now let's stop talking about work and let's enjoy the moment. By the way, do you already have plans for this evening? >> he asked inquiringly.

<< We have booked a table at "Atlantide" where we will celebrate the success of the exam and by the way, sorry if I didn't ask you to come last time, I was inappropriate >> Leonardo replied looking into her eyes;

<< Don't worry, in fact I'm the one who has to ask you something: we have to keep our relationship a secret because it's not very professional to mix work and feelings, furthermore you're a freshman and someone could argue that your successes are the result of my help but I don't think you want this >> Alice explained to him.

It didn't seem real to Leonardo, it was exactly what he wanted to ask her but he feared her reaction would be awkward but instead it had made his life easier enormously however he pretended to be surprised and even a little offended before willingly accepting.

<< I understand what you mean and it's fine with me, I'm interested in you and nothing else and I also think you're right, it's better not to mix work and feelings but promise me that we will continue to see each other in secret >> he replied;

<< Absolutely yes, in fact don't make any commitments for tomorrow, I asked myself to have the day off just to spend a bit together before the start of the flight training and by the way let me give you a warning: it is a long and demanding course where There's a lot of practice so please be careful. I know the teacher and he is very demanding so maximum commitment >> he admonished him in a severe tone;

<<I have never flown so far I will take your words seriously>> he replied.

After spending another half hour under the covers they got dressed and while Sofia slipped out of her room making sure she was not seen, Leonardo put on the new uniform provided to him by the Agency and went to "Atlantis".

He arrived just in time, avoiding uncomfortable questions about his possible delay, after which they went wild for a bit, after all they deserved it given the stress they had been subjected to in the previous weeks.

They left the club around 1 am returning to their accommodation after having taken a walk along the seafront to refresh their ideas but before saying goodbye Orlando asked what plans they had in mind for the next day.

<<We two are free>> replied Lucia and Alice;

<< Unfortunately I have an obligation, the general has asked to see me in private to talk to me about my parents, I think he wants to give me something about them however I don't know when we will finish >> Leonardo replied making an excuse;

<<A real shame but never mind, we'll see each other the day after tomorrow>> said Alice.

<< My friend, yours was a terrible excuse, you know that, right? I saw Sofia secretly leave your room and I don't want to judge you, she's a beautiful girl but if it were found out how do you think Alice would take it? The Agency's rules are very clear >> said Orlando, left alone with Leonardo.

<<For this reason we decided to meet in secret and it was she who suggested it, I knew had broach the topic but didn't have courage, fortunately took my chestnuts out of fire>> she replied, briefly telling him what had happened in the afternoon;

<<Now you've grown up but don't forget why you decided to come here, put everything at risk for a woman>> Orlando warned him, patting him on the shoulder before returning to his room.

As he got into bed, Leonardo smelled Sofia's perfume impregnated in the blankets and a smile appeared on his face as he was already thinking about the next day.

The following morning he was sleeping when there was a knock on his door several times, waking him up with a start, he still hadn't recovered from the previous night's party at "Atlantide" so when he heard that annoying ticking, at first he rolled over in the covers hoping they would stop but in the end he he gave up and went to open the door.

<<Who is he?>> he asked in an annoyed voice;

<< I'm Sofia, let me in >> they replied from outside.

<< Do you know what time it is? 06.15 sharp. Not even when there's class to do I have to wake up so early >> she protested after having made her sit in the room.

His objections were quelled by a long kiss which was followed by another hot hour spent together under the sheets.

<< Why did you arrive so early? You missed me so much! >> exclaimed Leonardo;

<< It's partly true but I have something very special in store for the two of us so get dressed and hurry, I'll see you at the Palermo Centrale maglev station in 15 minutes and please don't be late. Before you forget: don't wear the uniform, you won't need it today or tomorrow>> he replied, getting up from the bed and starting to get dressed.

She left the room first while Leonardo decided to wait a few more minutes after which, once outside the Astronautical Headquarters, he took a robot taxi towards the station where he had met Alice some time ago.

Despite the heavy traffic he managed to arrive at the meeting place on time, but he couldn't see her and began to think the worst before a woman with a green scarf on her head and sunglasses took him by the arm.

<< Don't shout, it's me >> she whispered in his ear, leading him to the departing maglev, getting on board just in time.

<< May I know where we are going? >> he asked her after taking a seat in one of the cabins reserved for couples;

<<Soon you'll know, if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise anymore>> Sofia cut him short.

The vacuum tube closed then the maglev sealed the doors and started moving, at that moment Leonardo found himself alone with her and looking at her he realized that when they were together a new and unknown feeling arose in his soul.

It was a feeling of extreme relaxation that he couldn't describe accurately but he liked it, it reassured him and he had no intention of giving it up.

<< I've been thinking about it for a while and I think it's time to ask you: you must be more or less my age and yet you say you worked with my mother but she disappeared for many years so what is your secret? Are you a vampire or something? >> he asked, shaking her hand;

<< None of this, I simply obtained the specialization I told you about at the age of 14 and a few months later I started working at the fifth level so I have been working in the Agency for over 12 years >> he replied;

<< Wow but how is this possible? So, can it be done? You must have a really high IQ >> noted Leonardo;

<< Almost 200 to be honest, even if I don't consider those tests very reliable, however when I went to primary school I knew how to program in various computer languages, 11 to be precise.

The Italian Space Agency noticed me by including me in the "Young brains" program, offering to shorten my studies by sending me directly to university and since I wasn't on good terms with the rest of my family I accepted the offer >>.

That revelation left him breathless, he too had an IQ far above the norm and since he was a child he was used to being the most intelligent of the group while now he found himself in front of someone better and what's more he slept with him.

<<Really impressive, nothing to say>> he was forced to admit;

<< Your brain is also remarkable, if I'm not mistaken you received many awards when you studied at the Polytechnic of Turin >> Sofia replied knowing very well the fear it inspired when she revealed her intellectual abilities;

<<Actually I'm not that stupid>> he told her, thinking about it.

The maglev zoomed at over 800 km/h crossing Sicily from side to side showing its passengers enchanted places and although it was cold outside the comforts inside the train made the journey very pleasant.

<< This is our stop >> Sofia announced when only about twenty minutes had passed since the start of the trip.

The two landed at Capo Murro di Porco, a south-eastern tip of continental Sicily in the territory of the municipality of Syracuse which borders the gulf of Noto to the north, standing on a high cliff overlooking the sea, offering a picturesque view of the gulf below.

<< Why did we come to Capo Murro di Porco? >> he asked her getting off the train;

<< How do you know? >> replied Sofia;

<< I read it on the train display >> Leonardo replied naively;

<<Then you are really very intelligent>> she reiterated in a sarcastic tone.

In wanting to prove to her that he was on her level, he forgot that the arrivals display was available to all passengers so there was no need to explain how he knew where they were.

When he realized he had made a gaffe his face became red with shame and at first he mistook that sarcasm for an offense.

<< I'm joking, don't tell me you're angry >> she said caressing his face while calling a robot taxi;

<< You're not funny >> he replied, mounting the android;

<<To the lighthouse>> Sofia ordered the taxi.

<< The Capo Murro di Porco lighthouse is no longer active and is located at the end of the Maddalena peninsula on the southern eastern tip of Sicily in the marine protected area of "Plemmirio" within the municipality of Syracuse on the Ionian Sea.

Built in 1859 under the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, it consists of a tapered decagonal concrete tower 20 meters high with a balcony and lantern attached to the caretaker's house on the first floor. Furthermore, the building no longer inhabited by the caretaker has been progressively abandoned and is now mercy of nature despite remaining in excellent condition.

The tower and lantern are white while the lantern dome is metallic grey. The lantern is positioned 34 meters above sea level and emitted a white flash over a period of 5 seconds visible up to a distance of 17 nautical miles (31 km). ).

In December 2020, a photo taken by a well-known photographer of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction against the background of the lighthouse was chosen as "Photo of the Day" by NASA for the "Astronomy Picture of the Day" >> explained the robot-taxi to the two visitors.

They arrived around midday and the spectacle before their eyes was stupendous with the sea waves crashing under the promontory, despite a cold sea breeze whipping their faces it was worth staying there to observe that beautiful piece of nature.

<<Come on, let's go in, this will be our nest until tomorrow afternoon>> Sofia said, taking him by the hand as she opened the door of the lighthouse.

Leonardo was rather perplexed as they would certainly feel cold in an abandoned lighthouse but Sofia surprised him once again: up the spiral stairs she led him to the former caretaker's house on the first floor where she had installed a small automatic room heater, a inflatable bed for two people and a mini-fridge in which there were sandwiches and a bottle of champagne ready to be opened along with two glasses.

<<What do you think?>> she asked him, arranging her bag and taking off her glasses;

<<Wow! It's all really fantastic, I'm serious>> Leonardo replied, sorry that he wasn't the creator of that idea.

From the window you could only see the sea and while Sofia stopped to scan the horizon Leonardo wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her in his arms and kissing her neck.

<< I did all this because in the next few months we won't have much time for ourselves, you will be busy with very difficult training sessions while I have some backlog of work to complete so I thought we'd take a moment all to ourselves >> he told him.

<< You did very well and to show you my gratitude I am willing to open that splendid bottle of champagne even though I am a teetotaler. How about we have a toast and spend the rest of the day in bed? >> he proposed to her in a provocative tone;

<<Well if you are willing to make this sacrifice for me deserve a prize>> he replied mischievously throwing him onto the inflatable mattress.

The day flew by and the evening arrived earlier than expected, bringing with it a beautiful starry sky and a full moon that shone like few other times whose light entered the room where the two lovers remained snuggled in the warmth.

<< Do you think they are still alive? My parents I mean >> Leonardo asked her looking at the sky;

<< I want to be honest with you, the chances are practically zero considering how long they have been missing but we haven't found their bodies so who knows, after all miracles happen when we least expect them >> she replied;

<< You're right, I shouldn't have any illusions and yet my instinct tells me to go and look for them. I can't explain why but it's like this >> he explained kissing her hand;

<<You know how I feel but I've learned stubborn you are so can only wish good luck remember that I'll be here waiting for on Earth>> Sofia reiterated.

After spending a hot sleepless night the following morning they woke up very late, devoured the sandwiches and in the afternoon they tidied up the room leaving the lighthouse but before leaving again for Palermo they stopped to admire the gulf.

The waves crashed on the rocks while the sun high in the sky illuminated those young faces in love, without even speaking to each other their hands touched and their eyes met, understanding that it would be a long time before they could relive such a moment.

They resumed the maglev in the late afternoon, arriving in Palermo in time to allow Leonardo to return to his accommodation and rest a little before starting flight training.

They said goodbye at the Palermo Centrale station, returning to the Headquarters minutes apart from each other so as not to arouse suspicion even if Leonardo was intercepted on the threshold of his apartment by a very curious and worried Orlando.

"Where the hell have you been? We were worried about you. Don't tell me that..., ... go ahead and tell me everything >> he urged him as he entered his room.

Leonardo loved confiding in him because he knew how to keep secrets so he told him everything in detail.

<<But look at the good Leo, apparently you sparkle>> he said teasingly;

<<When I'm with her I feel good, we're in tune you understand? shouldn't be ashamed of not having experience in..., ... well understand>> he replied a little awkwardly;

<< Lucia and I should do the same thing, we need some fun. In any case, goodbye, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow >> concluded the friend by patting him on the shoulder, leaving him alone to think about what he experienced in the last two days.

While Leonardo lay down on the bed waiting for dinner and then went to sleep, Sofia too, back home in her apartment in Palermo, stretched out on the sofa and poured herself a glass of vintage Barolo, touched her lips, thinking back to the events at the lighthouse.

At the mere memory, her stomach twisted with emotion with butterflies fluttering freely and her eyes lit up with their own light, becoming a little lucid at the thought that that experience had ended so quickly.

Ever since she was a child she had fantasized about spending a romantic afternoon with the love of her life in an abandoned lighthouse and now she had made that dream come true.

For Leonardo it had been love at first sight, she had no doubts about it and having managed to conquer him made her feel like a complete, accomplished woman and yet an omen weighed down her soul, preventing her from fully enjoying those wonderful memories.

Not having convinced him to stay on the ground with her made her anxious, being an astronaut was not a safe job and he was aiming to venture to the limits of the solar system, putting his life at risk but there was nothing he could do about it so he preferred to let it go.

The following morning at 07.00 sharp Leonardo, Orlando and all the other cadets found themselves on the second level sitting on the benches with the visor, ready to start the theoretical part of the flight training course.

<< This weekend you disappeared, where have you been? We looked for you but you seemed to have vanished into thin air >> Alice asked, taking Leonardo by surprise;

<< I apologize but after the conversation with General I returned to Turin to visit some old friends from the Polytechnic, a little reunion >> he replied looking her straight in the eyes to make the lie seem more credible.

She hated lying, especially if the recipient of the deception was a friend like her who she cared a lot about, however she couldn't risk publicizing her relationship with Sofia, what would have happened if she had spilled everything out of revenge?

Alice wanted to continue that conversation but was interrupted by the entry into the classroom of the new teacher, a woman in her fifties with long brown hair, blue eyes, a hooked nose, a rather serious facial expression and a mouth slightly curved backwards, she was wearing the same overalls. blue of the general and the same insignia.

<< Good morning and welcome to the flight training course, I am Colonel Caterina Volire and I will be your teacher.

This cycle of lessons is one of the longest and most important, it comes immediately after the theory one because it can be considered its continuation. In fact, if you have learned the basic notions so far, here we will mainly practice between simulations and reality in the field.

As you may have noticed, the first exam was very simple as it was a quiet orbital flight around the Earth in which you took off, did a spin and landed but things are about to change so I advise you to give your best from day one.

I will teach you to manually pilot the spaceships without the help of Pandora because during a mission it could stop working so you have to know how to manage on your own therefore you will learn to dock on an orbiting space station and carry out all types of landings.

In the exam of the other course the AI always remained active and its help was decisive, however if the spacecraft were seriously damaged Pandora might not be able to help you so you must be able to carry out every activity even without it.

Flight training includes tests on board the T-38 two-seater aircraft and is very important because it forces astronauts to think quickly about changing situations while remaining concentrated for a long period of time, a fundamental condition for participating in a space mission.

During the flight you will be subject to aerodynamic forces and you will get used to piloting a spacecraft even while you are subjected to a 7G gravitational thrust. Furthermore, you will have to maintain the skills acquired by flying 15 hours a month on the T-38 while for already qualified astronauts 4 hours every 30 are enough. days.

You will spend a lot of time in the "Space Hardware Test Center" in Lampedusa carrying out simulations of daily and emergency activities in real-sized "mockups", in those of the space stations there are the same pressurized modules that you will find in orbit, helping you to understand their operation.

We will return to the Magellano and the Pigafetta but this time you will stay there much longer in fact you will have to become familiar both with the environments including the places where the on-board systems are located and with the simulation of the vibrations, noise and sight that you will experience during launch and landing, plus I will prepare you for launch, landing, payloads, orbital and ground space station operations, and rendezvous activities.

Before each mission, astronauts typically train for a combined total of 300 hours inside these simulators.

The course will last 6 months during which you will work seven days a week, I intend to put you through the wringer so be prepared because you will spend a lot of time between Atlas and Lampedusa while the theory part will only last a few days, the time to learn the commands and systems of the T -38.

Finally, a mention of the final exam which will take place live but I can't tell you anything else otherwise I would ruin the surprise but I can tell you that it will be more difficult than the previous course. Having said that, let's start with the theory >> explained the woman in a calm and calm but at the same time decisive tone of voice;

<< Good thing he didn't want to terrify us otherwise who knows what he would have said >> thought Leonardo putting on the visor.

At 12 there was the lunch break which the colonel decided to shorten to just one hour while the lessons were extended until 8pm to finish the theory as soon as possible leaving more space for practice.

<<So we won't have time to study>> Orlando complained as he returned to his quarters;

<< We chose this profession and now we suffer the consequences. How are you doing with practical flying? I mean, have you taken lessons in the past or are you completely new to them? >> Leonardo asked him worried;

<< Absolute zero >> replied the friend;

<<So we're in the same situation>> he replied, a little reassured by knowing that at least one other person had no flying skills.

The theoretical part lasted a few days during which the colonel illustrated to the cadets the functioning of the T-38 and the procedures to be carried out with space shuttles for take-off, docking on space stations, landing on other celestial bodies and finally return to Earth.

The explanations flew by at great speed and a few days later the students found themselves in the shell of Atlas ready to face the simulation part, one of the most substantial of the course.

Sofia accompanied the teacher and Leonardo was happy to see her again, in fact after the wonderful experience at the lighthouse they had never met again and he had waited for her in his accommodation in vain.

She also wanted to see him again but knowing he was busy with flight training and being overworked, she decided to put their relationship on hold.

When Leonardo saw her entering the classroom his heart leapt and his face became rather red, he was seized by the impulse to run towards her and kiss her but he had to stop himself so he looked around pretending not to have noticed her however Sofia noticed her strange attitude and a slight smile appeared on her face.

All the freshmen slipped into their pods by connecting to their respective viewers and then the colonel spoke.

<< Today we start the simulation part, which is very important because you will see many things never done before such as docking on a space station.

I remind you that your nervous system is connected remotely to the visor so follow my instructions and everything will be fine, please don't be silly and don't try risky maneuvers otherwise you will hurt yourself very, very badly >> clarified the teacher wearing his rate the viewer, connecting to all the shells.

Leonardo's avatar found himself at the foot of a Magellan (the actual spacecraft, i.e. the "StarShip") which had not yet been loaded onto the "SuperHeavy".

<< Guys, please follow me, in this first lesson we will start from scratch learning how to get on the "StarShip" section of a Magellano, what it feels like when you are loaded onto a "SuperHeavy" and the sensations at take-off, after which we will attempt a first docking at the space station orbiting the Earth.

Follow my instructions and don't be intimidated, if you keep a cool head everything will be fine, me and the young lady at my side are ready to intervene if you have any problems so concentrate on the simulation.

Usually for this type of mission a Pigafetta is used however since the orbiting space stations are all the same and since you will have to use the Magellan to dock on those around the Moon, Mars and Jupiter it is better to learn to pilot it first.

Since this is an advanced training course we will use Atlas to its fullest power so the simulations will have a significantly higher degree of realism than previous times >> the colonel told them.

Leonardo immediately noticed how every detail of the external environment was much more refined and by touching the outside of the spacecraft he could feel its metallic essence, finding it incredible given that already during the theory course the realisticity of Atlas had proven to be formidable.

The dot at the top right turned green, starting the simulation.

The entrance door of the "StarShip" opened, allowing him to go down the stairs, allowing him to get on board. As soon as Leonardo's avatar was inside he settled into his position inside the spacecraft while the door closed.

A few minutes later Leonardo felt the "StarShip" being grabbed from the outside, it was gently lifted and placed on the "SuperHeavy" placed horizontally on the forklift.

Once the procedure was completed, the entire Magellan launch system was raised vertically and transported via the taxiway to the launch tower then, after a quick check of all systems, the countdown began.

Leonardo was very excited, for the first time he was about to fly into space with the same aircraft used by his parents.

<< Three, two, one, go! >> shouted a virtual voice concluding the "countdown", at which point the engines turned on and the "SuperHeavy" released all its power, lifting the Magellano from the ground so in a few minutes Leonardo found himself once again in virtual space.

Having reached the pre-established altitude he began the detachment maneuver from the "booster" and once completed he turned on the engines of the "StarShip".

Once he reached over 300 km above sea level he glimpsed the space station, for a moment he felt a great emotion pervade him and the closer he got to it the more his hands trembled and the sweating accelerated while the fear of not making it crept inside him.

<< Stay calm and everything will be fine >> he thought in his head.

<< So far everyone is very good, now follow my instructions and you will be able to dock at the space station, please stay calm >> the colonel told them as he followed them from his control station.

Sofia was very nervous knowing the difficulties that the freshmen encountered during the first days of the course and was ready to intervene at any moment.

The Agency did not want to risk seeing any of the students die in the simulator, so each Atlas automatically activated the disconnection procedure when its user's vital parameters went outside the norm.

Leonardo took command of the Magellan, circled the space station a couple of times after which he began the docking sequence and began to approach the intended point.

The spacecraft docked gently and while he was carrying out those operations Leonardo felt his heart explode with tension because even the slightest mistake would have forced him to start all over again.

Since it was the first lesson, the colonel decided to leave the automatic pilot active but in the future he planned to have the students practice in manual mode because certain maneuvers had to be learned with and without the aid of technology.

Sofia was as tense as a violin string, she knew that the success of the first docking to the space station was essential to demonstrate that she had what it took and the talent to become astronauts, and even if the cadets didn't know it, any mistakes they made weighed heavily in the final evaluations. during the various trainings, so much so that in the past the Agency had rejected potential astronauts for this very reason.

<< Come on Leo, you can do it, it's your destiny >> the girl thought to herself, forgetting how much she wanted him down.

Fortunately the maneuver went well and at the end of the operations the doors of the space station opened for Leonardo.

<< Docking succeeded safely, you can enter the station >> Pandora told him.

He slowly got up from his command post, paying attention to every muscle he moved and with gentle steps approached the entrance door and was finally inside.

It didn't matter if it was just a simulation, the degree of realism that Atlas was able to provide was such that it seemed real and made him feel on top of the world, he was the happiest man on Earth or rather in the solar system, if only his parents had been there to look at it.

A tear came out of the avatar's eyes but it was only a moment, a second stolen from sentimentality before returning to focus on what he had to do, that is, explore the main module and recognize its various components before returning to Earth.

After spending an hour in the space station he re-entered the Magellan, closed the doors and began the release sequence.

<< This is just a goodbye, we'll see each other soon in the real world >> he thought, moving away gently, holding the control joystick tightly in his hands.

Having passed around her a couple of times, the time came to return to Earth. Having arrived near Lampedusa, he would have had to land on land, however he remembered the procedure perfectly, studied in the theory manuals during the previous course.

He had no problems gliding peacefully at the cosmodrome also thanks to the help provided by Pandora who carried out a good part of the work especially in adjusting the angle of the engines, a very complex procedure which required a great deal of flying experience before it could be carried out correctly in manual mode.

When the spacecraft touched the ground and the engines shut down, Leonardo was overwhelmed by a wave of satisfaction mixed with relaxation.

He had done it, the first virtual visit to the space station had gone smoothly.

The doors of the Magellan opened, putting an end to the simulation, the visor went off and with it the shell which consequently began to open to let him out but when he was about to get up he felt he was drenched in sweat.

<<So much stress guys>> he began, meeting his friends in the corridor for lunch;

<<I thought I couldn't make it, in short it was the most exciting and at same time difficult thing my life>> Orlando replied while eating a banana;

<< I found everything very simple >> added Alice.

Sofia watched them from afar, she wanted to congratulate Leonardo in person, let him know how proud she was of him and yet she had to wait even though she had planned to visit him that same evening.

Once back in the Atlas, the colonel decided to simulate another docking to the space station and since no one had made a mistake in the first maneuver, he expected the second attempt to go smoothly, however, due to tiredness or emotion, many boys made gross mistakes, ending early. to the simulation.

Leonardo was not among these, in fact he went better, he began to feel at ease in those situations of strong prolonged stress, although he was aware that a virtual test was very different from actually going into space, but for the moment Atlas was enough for him.

Orlando, Lucia and Alice also did well despite some hesitation on the part of the first two who on more than one occasion risked making a mistake in their coupling manoeuvres.

<<You don't know how scared I was, at a certain point the door wouldn't open and thought was screwed but luckily Pandora there>> Orlando exclaimed when they had finished the second simulation.

Alice tried several times to remain alone with Leonardo but all her attempts went wrong as Lucia but above all Orlando never left them alone and when they were on the second level they had to separate, putting an end to her hopes.

She would have liked to ask him something more about his condition, about how he had felt during the test and in general to be close to him for a while but she still hadn't managed to do so. Furthermore, a strong doubt struck her: had he really been in Turin during the days off or had he lied to her?

He sat on the bed in his room and looking out the window he remembered Sofia and the way she stared at him, the more he thought about it the worse he felt.

Could he have chosen her instead of him?

<<If that were the case I will have to accept it but won't give him up without a fight, allow her take away from me so easily, she walk over my body>> he said to himself as he went into the bathroom to rinse his face.

Born and raised in a middle class family, from an early age she was used to fighting to get what she wanted and in order to attend university she had to work as a waitress in a restaurant.

She remembered very well the sleepless nights spent on virtual reality viewers studying in the university library while her body begged her to rest for a few hours but she had a goal to achieve and nothing would stop her.

Now she had to get back into the game and she didn't just talk about the astronaut course but also about Leonardo and yet it didn't bother her, on the contrary the competition exhilarated her, when she found herself under pressure she always gave her best.

<< Dear Sofia, if you want it you will have to take it by force >> he thought looking in the mirror.

In the meantime Leonardo returned to his quarters and had just taken off his standard suit when he heard Sofia knocking on his door.

<<Let me in>> he asked in a low voice.

As soon as he was inside the room he threw himself on his neck, kissing him all over.

<< Today you were fantastic, the first approach to flight training is essential to make a good impression on the colonel and you succeeded. You don't know how scared I was while I was watching you on the tablet from the outside but everything went smoothly >> she told him.

Leonardo put his arms around her waist and threw her onto the bed, spending an hour of great passion together, after which she had to return to the fifth level where a very important meeting awaited her regarding some updates to be made on Pandora.

<<Don't go>> Leonardo begged her, tugging her by the skirt;

<< I would also like to stay but I can't >> she replied giving him a kiss on the lips, moving his hands away from her legs.

Leonardo was very happy with that visit but at the same time he knew he had to rest in view of the training that awaited him, the day that had just ended had massacred him from a physical and mental point of view and yet it was only a simulation.

What would happen once we moved on to live rehearsals? A wave of worry passed through him but tiredness took over and in the end he decided to let it go.

<< One day at a time >> he thought as he fell asleep.

Over the next two weeks the cadets trained with Atlas once again simulating a docking to the Earth space station as the Colonel wanted to make sure they were able to do it perfectly before attempting one to the Moon station.

<< You must remain concentrated from the beginning to the end of the mission, to do this job it is essential to know how to stay calm and manage stress correctly for a long period of time so never panic otherwise you are dead >> he repeated continuously however for how many Sometimes he said it, there was always someone who finally gave in to the tension by making a mistake in a procedure or a movement.

Leonardo felt more and more at ease with those maneuvers, unlike the first time he no longer became hyper sweating and his hands had stopped shaking, giving way to a pilot who was surprising even the colonel with his mastery.

<< He really resembles his parents, his learning ability is phenomenal >> the senior officer whispered in Sofia's ear who simply nodded with satisfaction.

When she could she would visit him in his room to spend some time together and make love even though she was more interested in spending as much time as possible with him, she couldn't explain it but it made her feel good.

Since they were together, some tics that occasionally affected her in moments of high stress had disappeared and her general tension level was much lower than in the past, so much so that she started smiling again at work.

<< Today we are happy >> Carla told her when she met her on the fifth level.

He would have liked to take him to his apartment in Palermo however Leonardo was busy training and what would the Headquarters have thought seeing him leave the dormitory every evening? Someone might have become suspicious.

<< Better to leave things as they are and if they see me on the second level I can always make an excuse >> he thought to himself as he followed the simulations with Atlas.

Likewise Orlando and Lucia would have liked to spend more time together but the training took up all their time especially after the colonel had decided to extend the duration of the simulations until 8.30pm as some freshmen were struggling more than expected to learn the techniques of docking.

Alice vainly continued to hope that she could spend some time alone with Leonardo but every time she tried she always ended up with a fiasco.

At the beginning of the third week of February the field training tests also began, in fact in the morning the freshmen had to get up at 06.00, be found at the airport at 06.20, take an eVTOL and arrive in Lampedusa where that part of the course took place.

The colonel was waiting for them directly on the island since the boys were now familiar with taking an eVTOL and therefore did not need his assistance.

The airfield was located in the internal area of Lampedusa, in its most desert-like part where the students had all the space available to learn to fly the T-38. Furthermore, as it was not far from the "Space Hardware Test Center", it was enough to move a little to find themselves on the sea where emergency landings on water could be tested.

The first part of the course consisted of successfully gliding the T-38 onto a land runway after which they would test its modified version for water landings.

On that cold morning in mid-February, the colonel was waiting for his students in front of a large aluminum hangar inside which they could see several T-38s, a twin-engine jet training aircraft with a conventional configuration and supersonic capability.

Featuring a long, low, narrow wing with a single vertical stabilizer and tricycle landing gear, the cockpit included two tandem seats, one for the student pilot and one for the instructor with attachments for two turbojet engines at the wing roots.

<< Never seen a plane like this in person, it will really be fun to try it >> Orlando said as he looked into the hangar;

<< Don't get your hopes up, newbie, I've already flown with that type of plane and I can guarantee you that the T-38 is not easy to tame, when it enters supersonic regime it becomes a runaway bull so I advise you to take it with a pinch of salt >> warned Lucia, the only one in the group of four friends with previous experience in piloting;

<<At least Pandora will be there to help us>> added Leonardo, covering his face from the wind with a brown wool scarf;

<<As we have been told several times to learn do without it because could stop working in the event of a serious accident spacecraft so if you rely on too much become vulnerable and weaknesses are not allowed universe>> Alice replied .

She wanted to show her friends and Leonardo in particular that she was a strong, smart, determined, self-confident girl, a woman they could count on in case of need, so as soon as she could she inserted herself into the conversation showing bravado and contempt for danger.

<<Enough talking, now everyone listen to me. Welcome the practical training where you will start learn a little about flying but know that your time on Atlas is not over, in fact have spend lot more of it.< p>

Today we will ride these beautiful stallions, the T-38s, perfect for training even if they can be very difficult to handle if entrusted to beginners like you.

Luckily for you we have Pandora in "virtual flight attendant" mode which will be essential for you to survive this first part.

Without further ado let's get started, each of you get on a T-38 in the seat reserved for freshman and then set Pandora to "flight instructor", at which point she will guide you.

One last thing I would like to tell you: when you are up there I won't be able to help you if you need it, you have to understand that you will be alone against the whole world so be calm >> the colonel urged himself, motioning to move.

Everyone moved towards the hangar where the planes were kept, one by one they boarded their aircraft and enabled Pandora.

<< Good morning and welcome to this first practical test of flight training, please fasten your seat belts and put on your helmet and then follow my instructions carefully >> said the AI to Leonardo who didn't have to be told twice.

At that point the roof of the plane lowered leaving him alone to talk to the hologram of Pandora who had meanwhile appeared on the front seat and was ready for take off while Leonardo's heart was literally coming out of his chest due to the tension.

When the engines started to allow the T-38 to leave the hangar and position itself on the take-off runway, Leonardo was one step away from fainting while inside him his heart and brain began an all-out battle.

The first told him to unfasten his seatbelts immediately, get off the plane immediately and escape as far away from that place as possible while the second called him to calm down and think straight, telling him that everything would be fine.

Meanwhile the T-38 had positioned itself on the take-off runway, Orlando's aircraft was in front of him and when he saw it a hysterical laugh escaped him: who knows how he was feeling, after all for both of them it was the first time driving a airplane.

He certainly couldn't imagine that Orlando couldn't wait to get started and find himself high in the sky hovering above Lampedusa, at that moment the boy felt a strong adrenaline rising inside him, his eyes were wild, his pupils dilated and when the engines accelerated to take off and gave a loud liberating scream.

<< You have to stay calm, you can't back out. If your parents have done it, you can do it too >> Leonardo said to himself, seeing the clear path in front of him;

<< Ladies ready to leave, training begins >> Pandora announced.

In a few seconds the engines increased thrust and before he could object he found himself in flight, looking below him he saw the hangar getting smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

Having reached the pre-established altitude the plane tilted slightly and stabilized on its own, in his heat he hadn't realized he had left the control joystick, the emotion mixed with fear was too strong, in that situation the adrenaline mixed with tension could have been fatal.

He immediately took back the control joystick, letting Pandora guide it, in that circumstance his task was to learn the movements and trajectories, how to take off and land, nothing more was required of him, after all he wouldn't have been able to do it. anything else without having the experience.

The moods of her friends were very different: Alice was very excited but tried to keep calm, Lucia was completely at ease having other flying experiences behind her so much so that she thought about disabling Pandora however she thought better of it so as not to risk incurring Finally, in some incidents Orlando was out of his mind with adrenaline.

He continued to scream at the top of his lungs but no one could hear him and the moment the T-38 reached supersonic mode his heart throbbed so violently that he would have pissed himself if he hadn't resisted.

<<After all it doesn't seem so difficult>> thought Leonardo as he tightened his grip on the control joystick trying to steer the plane.

To his surprise, Pandora complied with his will and the T-38 began to move according to his instructions, transmitting to the ground in real time the vital parameters of the cadets and the movements they performed inside the plane.

<< Sir, would you like to command the aircraft? >> Pandora asked him;

<<If possible I would like to try but stay here with me>> Leonardo replied, once again in possession of a glimmer of reason;

<< Of course sir, the plane is yours now >> said the AI.

The joystick responded better and better to his grip so he decided to try switching to supersonic mode to see how far the T-38 was capable of going but he wasn't expecting such a searing acceleration in fact when he reached maximum speed he felt his head spinning, he had he was dizzy and in a cold sweat and his vision began to blur.

He realized he was starting to faint and yet he didn't want to give up, he had to complete that training session at all costs.

The joystick began to feel heavy, it didn't seem to want to move a millimeter and if until a moment before it appeared light as a feather responding to his orders with great punctuality now it rebelled against him but that wasn't the problem but rather his arms which were losing force with alarming speed.

<< I have to come back to myself, I can do it >> he tried to motivate himself with little success.

Suddenly his parents appeared to him, he recognized his mother who was smiling at him while next to her his father was encouraging him, seeming to be telling him <<Don't give up right now, we are there with you>>.

Immediately afterwards he saw Sofia, her face covered by that enchanting shiny hair, her simple yet seductive smile enclosed by white lips that opened and closed emitting an imperceptible sound.

<< Come on my love >> the girl whispered.

He couldn't disappoint the most important people in his life who had always supported, helped and encouraged him.

The most beautiful images of his life passed through his mind as fast as light, he remembered the emotions, the smiles and the joys but also the pain and obstacles he had had to face to find himself there on that plane, he had worked too hard to throw it all away in the wind.

New vigor welled up in his body just as his T-38 reached 1,381 km/h, renewed strength returned to his arm just at the decisive moment allowing him to grab the joystick and put it back on course.

He chose the most appropriate moment because the moment he regained his sight he saw that there was another aircraft a few meters in front of him so he had to act immediately otherwise it would have hit him with catastrophic consequences.

<< Come on, turn around! >> he shouted with the breath left in his body.

With both hands he grabbed the control joystick and at the last second he performed an acrobatic maneuver avoiding impact with the plane of another freshman who was very scared to see it pass so close to him, just a few more moments and the collision would have been inevitable killing them both instantly.

n't realized it yet but when he was fainting he had inadvertently pressed the button to deactivate Pandora, which was why the joystick was so hard for him to control and the plane tilted dangerously.

<<Pandora where are you?>> he began to ask himself but the AI didn't answer.

<< Now how the hell do I get this thing to the ground? >> he wondered inside himself.

Meanwhile, the battery light turned on, signaling that it was in reserve. By reaching maximum speed, he had quickly used up the electrical charge at his disposal, so he had to land before it ran out, otherwise he would have crashed to the ground.

<<Okay, I can do it, after all just have to put into practice the theory studied in manuals>> he thought without realizing that all he had to do was press a button to reactivate Pandora.

He first guided his T-38 away from the flock of other cadets and then began communicating with the control tower.

<< Control here is the T-38 n°7, I'm Leonardo, I request landing permission. My battery charge is almost finished >> he explained;

<< Control here, you have permission to land. Head to runway n°5, it is the closest to your current position as well as the only one that can be reached with the electrical charge left in the aircraft >> they replied to him from the ground;

<< How can I understand which runway n°5 is? >> Leonardo replied;

<< As soon as you get closer we will mark the edges with dark blue lights, this way you will know where to land and adjust accordingly >> he was explained.

Leonardo looked up into the sky invoking his parents' help, hoping that they would help him as they had done shortly before, after which he began to descend, approaching Lampedusa.

Unfortunately, in carrying out this maneuver he was excessively sudden and the plane destabilized, forcing him to right it, wasting further electrical charge.

<< Damn it! >> he shouted as he resumed the maneuver.

The second time it was softer and the plane didn't tip and remained stable. Once it reached the right altitude, it saw runway no. 5 lit up, but to its displeasure it realized that it didn't have much space to land, however it had to make a virtue of necessity.