
A Clash Beyond Time

Reluctantly, understanding the gravity of the situation, the warrior knew that the only way to rectify the distorted timeline was to break the time agreement. However, this required the sacrifice of his wife once again.

With trembling hands, the warrior, battling to control his emotions, reluctantly took his wife's life. Overwhelmed by profound sorrow, he recoiled in anguish. A few moments later, the time machine on his waist vanished.

Simultaneously, the warrior realized that everything he had done had been erased from the fabric of time. His wife's death, painful as it was, had served its purpose.

As the time gate reopened before the warrior, a figure emerged from within. It was Time Father, his countenance contorted with anger and accusation. Pointing a trembling finger at the warrior, Time Father's voice resonated with rage. "I was wrong about you. You are a monster! To sacrifice your wife's life without questioning it! Who did you think you were, warrior? Why did you even fight if you were a monster all along? Why did you create a monster that distorted life and time, causing centuries of pain? You didn't save your wife; you killed centuries with her!"

Drawing his sword and pointing it at Time Father, the warrior continued, "I learned that, irrespective of my actions, time would exact its toll on me. Regardless of my body, my anger, or my emotions, there were greater responsibilities to face, responsibilities that surpassed my love or hatred."

Time Father, taken aback, retorted, "And what do you think you've accomplished, warrior? Sacrificing your wife, distorting time – you're no different from me."

The warrior pressed on, undeterred, "It may be true that I have been deceived by many, even those I chose to help, but now I understand that I will pay the price if I dare to interfere with those I must confront. This world is filled with filth, much like you and many others, but at least, knowing that I am one, just like you, I can discern what is right."

Time Father scoffed, "Your feeble attempt at morality is amusing. You're a pawn in the grand scheme of time, just like everyone else."

The warrior, unfazed, continued, "I may be an entity unbound to any country, timeline, love, or respect, but I am, at last, someone who lived. I lived and felt, traversed many lands, battled numerous foes, witnessed desires fade within someone's eyes."

Time Father, growing impatient, interjected, "Your sentimental journey means nothing. Time is indifferent to your existence, as it is to mine."

Now, with a glare directed at Time Father, anger coursing through his veins, the warrior declared, "Now I comprehend that life and time are far superior to you and me. If we dare to break or twist its reality, thinking we bear no responsibility or consequence for our actions, you and I, two pieces of filth, will inevitably confront each other again and again."

Time Father, defiant, sneered, "You're deluded if you think you can challenge time. Your actions have consequences, warrior, and you'll face them."

The warrior's anger intensified, and he concluded with a chilling resolve, "In this timeline, where nothing matters to me anymore, where time is lost in space, and my being is erased along with my love, I have nothing but anger towards scum like you. I will, at the very least, pay my price by taking your worthless life and repay it through the actions I initiate."

Time Father, realizing the gravity of the situation, braced himself for the impending confrontation.

Shock and disbelief flickered across Time Father's face. He staggered back, unable to fathom the repercussions of his actions. His insatiable pursuit of power had driven him to madness.

As the warrior's anger intensified, Time Father's hatred grew. "You are as bad as me; we both only care about power. You better accept that."

Gripping the sword tightly, the warrior was determined to end this.

"It's time to learn."