
Bella's element! The teacher's shock!

Chapter 132

"I—excuse me, but I cannot stand here anymore… my skin is burning…" Alphonso said after a few more seconds passed by. He couldn't shake off the burning sensation on his skin. He glanced at the others, seeking reassurance, but found only shared discomfort etched on their faces.

In the end, Alphonso also spoke up.

"Hahaha, well, we are all leaving now," Alison said as she glanced at the faces of the others. She could see Daniel and Evelyn having a tough time as well.

"It looks like you all are too weak to be here."

Hearing her words, they couldn't help but lower their heads in embarrassment. After all, it was true that they were really having a tough time just being at the entrance of the chamber.

The oppressive heat of the chamber seemed to be getting heavier with each second, beads of sweat forming on their brows and trickling down, leaving dark patches on their clothes.