
Obsidian's Moon

Gold Tier Winner of WPC #139 *** Two souls were prophesied to meet and fall in love. They were made for each other, chosen by the moon goddess to complete each other. But what would happen when something threatens to break them apart? Do you think a love predestined by a deity will prevail? *** Lara looked up and she froze when her eyes came in contact with the bluest eyes she had ever seen. "You are...?" He asked. Lara caught her breath and froze up. She can't answer him! She already knew the CEO was ridiculously handsome. But she didn't think he was this handsome! He already asked her a question but all she could think of was... Noah James Smith looked intimidatingly beautiful in his company photo but in person, he's more than that. His photo didn't do him any justice! He was devilishly handsome, and very intense too. His electric blue eyes looked like they could see into her soul if he wanted to. And she was melting like ice-cream in front of him. Noah looked at the woman who just entered his office and his eye zeroed in on her. She looks like a dear in headlights. Her lips were gaping and she looked stunned after seeing his face. Did she hear what I said? He thought inwardly as he stood up and walked around his desk. "Who are you?" he asked again, and that got Lara out of her trance. "Oh! Uhm. I-uhh. I-I'm nobody..." She replied after struggling for words. Then she remembered what she came there to do and approached his desk. "Actually, I came here to deliver this…" Noah casually sat on his desk and crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes watching her as she squirmed under his gaze, holding the envelop close to her chest as she awkwardly approached him and his desk. "I'm... I'm going to put this here for you, sir..." she said and placed the brown envelope just beside where he sat and then backed away like she'd been burned by his presence. She couldn't even look him in the eye. Noah glanced at the envelope then backed at Lara who was now awkwardly playing with her fingers. "I'll be going now, sir. I'm sorry for disturbing you-" "You haven't answered my question yet." he stopped her and she froze again. "P-pardon?" "What's your name?" "I-uhh..." Lara started to panic. Is he going to fire me? Noah looked at her ID. "Looking at your ID from this distance, it seems that you're one of my employees." "Ah yes, I'm-" She bit her lip and deflated like a balloon. Will I get reprimanded if he discovers I'm just a newbie? "Why did you stop? Is it really hard for you to tell me your name?" Lara immediately shook her head. "N-no. No, sir. I just- uhh. I find you intimidating…" she unconsciously said and gasped. What did I just say? Noah didn't respond but the corner of his lips turned up for a second there before it vanished as soon as it appeared. "I see..." [Time Skip] Noah looked outside, staring aimlessly at the bright city lights outside his window while twirling his drink in his hands. His mind was deep in thought. And it was mostly about the fact that he had found his mate. He's been waiting for her to appear in his life ever since he reached adulthood. And now that she's here, he couldn't stop his urge to possess her. Claim her as his. When their eyes met for the first time, he immediately felt the pull between them. He wanted her the instant he laid his eyes on her and she was a new employee in his company. "Lara Louis…" Noah murmured her name and he couldn't help but think about her eyes. Her expressive auburn eyes that was hidden underneath her glasses. *** Discord: https://discord.gg/VmAWdAr Disclaimer on the cover photo! It is not mine, guys. All appreciation and recognition for the cover photo goes to the original creator. Peace!

AtlasWorld · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
99 Chs

Her Past

11. Her Past

Lara was an only child. Her mother died giving birth to her, and her father raised her alone ever since.

When she was young, she never understood people. She grew up secluded from the human world since her father was the current vampire king.

Coming from a long line of pureblood vampires, Lara was the first half breed ever born into the royal family. The vampire society looked down on her for her heritage. Her mother was a mere human, powerless and weak. They thought so little of humans. Whether they live or die, vampires do not care for their lives.

The vampire race has an immense amount of pride in them. And it makes them think they are superior and more civilized than the other races, especially to their mortal enemies- the werewolves. They think of them as savage beasts, who ruled themselves by brute force and their bloodlines impure since they consort with humans.

That is why when Lara was born, the whole vampire race thought of her existence as a disgrace. Especially to the proud reputation of their kind. But her father, Sebastien Dragomir, didn't listen to his subjects' advice to forsake his daughter and give her to her mother's relatives. He knew no one is more capable of raising her than him. He declared he will not choose a queen, and he raised Lara inside the dreary walls of the palace all on his own.


Lara's mind was dark, without a speck of light or luminance to make sense of her surroundings. In the middle of the dark void, there was a girl in a white dress, hugging her knees. Her long, dark brown hair covering her face, reaching the floor like a waterfall.

Lara stood in front of that girl as she looked around.

"Where am I...?"

Hearing Lara's voice, the little girl looked up, revealing her blood-red eyes underneath her long hair.

Seeing the blood-red eyes gleaming dangerously in the darkness, Lara gasped and unconsciously stepped back.

"W-who are you?"

The girl didn't reply. She tilted her head, studying Lara's face.

"I asked you who are you?" Lara asked again, and the girl reached her toes on the floor standing up.

"You don't know me?" The girl asked, her voice so ominous that Lara swallowed hard. Her senses screaming, danger.

"Would I ask you if I knew?" Lara replied.

"Hmm, It makes sense." The girl droned and chuckled, "However, it saddens me. After 15 years, we finally meet. 15 years... That's a very long time."

"... Wha-"

"Oh c'mon, you really don't know who I am?"

"What are you talking about? Who are you, really?"

The girl snickered. Combing her fingers through her hair to reveal her face.

Lara gasped. "Oh, my god."

The girl smirked. "Shocked?"

"Why do you-"

"I look exactly like you, I know."

Lara couldn't believe her eyes. "H-How is this even possible..."

The girl lowered her hair, covering her face again. "Oh, the answer is simple, really..." the girl smiled. "We're the same. You and me. So, it's natural we look the same."

"You're lying. Who are you really, tell me!"

The girl chuckled. She walked around Lara, dragging her hair on the floor, which moved like a slithering snake, making Lara feel the chills.

"I already told you. We, are the same. We're only different in some... things but you can't ignore the truth by denying I don't exist."

"... What-"

"...am I talking about?" The girl humourlessly laughed. "Seriously, Lara? You're being redundant."


"Do you have a specific question to ask me instead of saying repeatedly what I'm talking about? Because you know deep inside your head, what I'm talking about."

"I don't-"

"Wow, now you're stuttering." The girl threw her hands in the air. Disappointed. "Great. I know you've always been the timid one between us; the adorable one; the lovable one." That girl said bitterly, "Father really thinks highly of you, you know." She tipped Lara's chin so that Lara could see the disgusted look marring her face. "Compared to me, I know he treats you better. Even when the two of us are his daughters, he always picks his favourites." The girl sighed and waved her hand back and forth. "Oh well, can't blame daddy dear that I inherited the dark side of his genes. You wouldn't be able to handle it on your own, anyway." She chuckled evilly before facing Lara again, a knowing smirk on her lips. "If you were me, you would've been crazy by now."

The girl moved away, not giving Lara the chance to speak back.

"Anyway, seems like you've found us our mate."

"O-Our mate?" That totally got Lara's attention. "What mate?"

"Our mate. The one person on earth chosen by the moon goddess for the two of us."

Confused, Lara blinked. "But... I thought the moon goddess only-"

"... grants werewolves that blessing? Hm, that's true. Only werewolves have it but you can say we're a special case."

"What-" Lara does not know what that meant. But there is something else that she's curious about. And that is the identity of their so-called mate.

"Who is he?"


"Our mate."

The girl grinned. "Oh, I can't tell you that."

Lara frowned.


"Coz I'm punishing you, duh." The girl said, "It's fun seeing you suffer, really. It's entertaining to watch. Also, you'll meet him eventually, so chill. Give me the benefit of the doubt and let yourself suffer for a bit, okay? Cool?"

Lara opened her mouth, but nothing came out of it. Only silence.

She's mute, her mind blank. She honestly doesn't know what to say to this person. Seriously, the girl is crazy! First, they don't know each other but she treats her like they've known each other for years! Also, what is she talking about?

"I have to admit, I enjoy seeing him being possessive with the two of us..." the girl said with a faraway look on her face.


The girl chuckled.

A blinding light suddenly enveloped Lara' body, and when she woke up, she's already sitting on a long couch. Her chest heaving up and down from the dream she just had.

"Hey..." Stefani sat beside Lara, rubbing her back. "You okay?"

Lara swallowed, her throat dry like the dessert.

She's parched. She wanted to drink something. Anything.

"Do you want a glass of water?"

"Y-Yes, thank you." her voice came out as a rasp, but Stefani understood her and brought her a glass of water from a dispenser nearby.

After drinking the water, Lara gave the glass back to Stefani, and she put it on the center table and went back into rubbing Lara's back to make her feel better.

"How are you feeling?"

Lara swallowed before answering. "I-I'm good. What happened?" She asked. "Last thing I remember I was..." Memories of what happened in the elevator suddenly flooded her mind.

Enjoy reading! Please comment on your thoughts behind! I really want to know what you think! :D

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