
Tiffany part 3

Today you find yourself running or if we're being more realistic jogging in your case. See according to GYM bro. 45 most of your body at this point is just you being bloated from all the sodium you've consumed in your lifetime which is a lot. They suggested that the best way to remedy this issue would be if you cut back on the sodium and try to exercise more light. Exercise should do the trick. So the goal is to exercise a lot until you hit the wedding. That way your dress size as many would call it. But the thing is you really do suck at being healthy. The other night you had garlic bread which is very hot and sodium. This morning you had a cheese stick which is high in sodium and right now as you jog you are eating a fig bar? Which many people know the fig inside of the bar is treated with salt to prevent the fruit substance from rotting less making it also another strike away from your goal. If you keep up, it's you'll be more bloated than you were to begin with and you might even have a blood pressure issue. This is causing you to mentally drift into house crew. Humanity is if we rely so heavily on sodium and all of our products well, then again you could just eat a fruit or vegetable. But you hate eating plain fruit and vegetable. It's boring but in a different note that's even more stressful to your day. You are jogging alone. No, you have a very unwanted guest. Tiffany, to answer the painful truth as to why she's with you. You have to go back to last night when you pulled her aside that ask her what was going on. She had been acting weird ever since. You and the others arrived that day and it was plaguing your mind. Although you definitely were trying to adamantly push it aside considering you didn't want to ask in the first place but you liked her fiance enough to not want whatever is bugging her to ruin the wedding. So you asked her and her response was that of anyone not wanting to tell the truth? In fact, you could say it's the national anthem of people who don't want to tell the truth. It's nothing. Don't even worry about it now. If this was abnormal set of circumstances you would have let it be a fact. But the thing is you would rather this not blow up later after you went through the trouble of trying to confront her about this. So you restated this time not holding anything back that you know something is bothering her. You're not going to that. Whatever it is, that's bothering her carry over to God knows when. If it does in fact reach the wedding. Therefore ruining the day for you and everyone around you and cost a fortune. Shouldn't it be canceled because of this? You're not quite sure what of those words did it, but apparently something struck a chord with her so she was willing to be more open about the matter leading to the reason why she's here. See. She explained that at some point after agreeing to Mary him she got premarital jitters normal stuff that people who are in a relationship have when they've agreed to go the extra mile. This annoys you if that was just the case but fortunately it was not the only case. So the thing is and this goes way back to when you were all in college she was hoping to be a therapist like her father and mother and even went to school for it as a systematically identified. Mackenzie and Bridget were both in the technology and development department Nicole was with you and the chemical department while Tiffany was all alone in the mental science department. The college has four departments because Tiffany couldn't get along with anyone. Had her department. She didn't surely made friends with people outside of her department. Of course. The more people got to know her like you did. The more they kept their distance away from her. They would still hang out with her and do social events but no one would ever hit the friendship mark with her. She was just too crazy for it. Which meant you wonder how she got married or started dating in the first place. You track that up to the possibility that guy is like crazy girls. That's lead to the next part of the reason for a complaint overtime after you stopped hanging out with her because of the whole India incident she started to feel a bit lonely but considering she couldn't force you to hang out with her after what she did and Mackenzie is almost never around when she wants her to be. Plus, Bridget is too much of a one-sided conversation to hang out with and Nicole is an idiot is how she described her. In short, she liked hanging out with you because even though she chopped you up to being a pushover, you were still somewhat of a existence that she could enjoy having around. Even if you didn't like being dragged around everywhere, she started hanging out with this guy she Mets in your department. The thing is they had hooked up during one of the mixer she was going to. They hit it off so she decided to use him as the replacement. You things grew faster on his end than hers and he inevitably asked her out not wanting to let go of the only person who still wants to hang out with her. She agreed to it. Things kept escalating to the point where she inevitably got married within three more years. Around graduation time the two of them moved out to his hometown and decided to do the whole nesting thing. But the problem is she currently wants to put her license for therapy into practice, but with everything going on and the time it takes to establish clients, she hasn't found time to establish her office, and is instead working part-time at an office job. The next thing that comes out of her mouth actually hits home with you. What she said was she feels unaccomplished and you know how that feels. All too well. Get in job at a bar where the only people you associate with are your boss and the guy you hate true. You have Bridget with you but you barely ever see her because of her concerts. She's living her dream even with a part-time job but of course the next parts don't connect as much. Apparently her getting married at this stage in her life where she hasn't even achieved much. You're starting to make her feel anxious about the whole ordeal, having nothing to her name and yet moving ever so closer towards the end game of her life or so she classifies it. So you're now feeling a bit bad for her having being stressed out about it and now understanding why she wanted the three of you plus Nicole to come down so early which reminds you, you need to call off work and explain that you've been abducted to another state, but you'll get back to that later. Understanding that being lonely sucks especially when you have nothing. That's really occupying your time or anything that you can be proud of so you want to do something to make a bit better. You almost willingly Tell her that you are a dress size too big for the current dress that will be wearing during the wedding and that you would appreciate having some company for your morning run as per the advice given by this GYMBRO you met online. At that point though not greatly her face does light up a bit at the idea of spending time with you. Something she hadn't done in five years now no look on her face. Makes you instantly regret the idea that you just put forward but it was too late to take it back and you got a give the poor thing a line. You don't want this to be the thing that pushes her over which brings you to today. You are sweating beyond compare and a t-shirt you borrowed from her because let's be honest this was sprung on you rather quickly and you had only just started working with your gym bro and did not no all of this was going on so didn't plan on packing a t-shirt or jogging equipment. So you're working with a t-shirt and sweatpants that you borrowed from Tiffany having being around the same size sadly enough you're not in the same way class. She maintains her health way better than you do and it kind of irritates you. She's barely breaking a sweat. However, you're barely keeping up with a jaw of yet alone. A light brisk run as you try to make another lap around the park. You notice a few people sitting on a bench, exchanging words and laughing in your general direction. This of course makes you think that you're a bit of an embarrassment much you can't let that way you down. You've got a lot going for you. You're working on losing weight. You got that future friend of yours that you really need to find out when you'll get that movie you wanted but of course thinking about you. Future friend immediately drives your attention to the things you've been trying not to think about for a while now. Mackenzie still wants you to move in with her and as that thought hits you. You trip hitting the ground surprisingly enough. Tiffany's actually stops and takes concern about your sudden failure. She has you sit on a bench across from the people who are laughing at you earlier who mind you are still laughing at you but are trying to keep it down because they're awful people but they want to look sensible. Tiffany picks up on what they're doing and immediately tries to confront them about it, but you stop her considering you don't want the image to be even worse than it already is. If more people got involved you, the both of you could end up online as joggers turned hostile. Not a good look anyways, you just this opportunity to drink some water and look up places that sell fresh fruit in the vicinity. So far the best place seems to be a supermarket. Well you're doing that Tiffany appears to be looking you over for any scratches or wounds from your fall. None of what your peers considering this isn't your first rodeo with tripping over your feet and getting injured. You know to angle it so that you don't get scratches up cuts that could lead to bleeding and thus hospital visits costing you millions after checking that you're okay, she decides to sit next to you and take a breather herself. Having laughed you multiple times, she has earned the rent to be exhausted, whereas you feel ashamed at being exhausted. Quite the difference being of average height. You wonder if her personality didn't suck as much to begin with, would the two of you be sisters in arms or something of the nature? Then you realize that even still you're more of an introvert and therefore think your issues rather than say your issues and she's in extrovert having spoker issues instead of thinking them, making a friendship between you two less likely then it would be now. But the thing is well. You don't classify. It is friendship. You never stop to wonder what Tiffany thinks of you and you wonder why that is considering if it were any of the others. Even Nicole you would be hesitant to ask because you actually care what they think. But the thing is she's on a different level of how you feel when it comes to her. Her thoughts on you are more. I'd rather not hear them then. I would die inside if I found out they thought any less of me at some point while telling yourself that you don't care what you thinks you accidentally murder out loud. What exactly is our relationship? Which startles you and her? Tiffany actually takes a minute to think about it which bothers you. You Go back and forth in your head saying why did I say that. What is wrong with me? Am I stupid or something? And before long she actually answers answer doesn't act shock you. Her words were clearly. I honestly think that we're best friends though. We are or were fighting a bit and I admit that it was my fault. I went too far but honestly I did mean well. I just wanted you to have someone in your life. Her words shocked you for many reasons. First of all you were very resentful towards her for many years for the way she treated you which was basically a slave in your opinion. But to hear she thought of you as a friend and all of those terrible things that she did to you were her way of helping you find love, which honestly is kind of a shallow weight at doing it. But the fact is she's the first person ever in your lifetime. Besides that, one instance in elementary school where you ended up stalking her and getting restraining order where someone has actually willingly said that they're your friend out loud. Those words blow your mind.