
Obsessed Or Love

⚠️ Read at Your own Risk ⚠️ ⚠️ Contains ⚠️ °Bullying ° R@pe °Kidnapping °Blood °Murder °NSFW °--------------------° Imagine being a college sophomore who suddenly finds herself targeted by multiple dangerous (yet attractive in their own way) men with yandere tendencies. °Toshiro Nakajima - "I own you, You don't have the right to argue with me,so sit the fuck down like a good little girl will you?" °Yuso Deishi - "You hurt yourself again? I told you to stay away from toshiro didn't I.?" °Ji-woo Kyo - "Fucking hell..do you know how much i missed hugging you..it fucking makes me insane" °Shoji Hayato - "He's not good for you.. just stay by my side.. please" °--------------------°

Zikori · Teenager
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3 Chs

Obsessed Or Love {002}

Obsessed Or Love ~ Season 1.



~ Obsessed Or Love ~


"I said Enough!," Shoji Hayato shouted, his voice firm and commanding. He stepped in front of you, facing Toshiro squarely.

Toshiro glared at him, his eyes blazing with aggression and outrage, but he knew he couldn't take on Shoji as well.

"I'm not afraid of you," Shoji continued, "and I won't let you harm her anymore."

"Step aside."

Toshiro snarled, his voice seething with anger. Shoji stood his ground, his eyes locked on Toshiro's.

"I'm not going anywhere," Shoji said coldly, "and I'm not letting you touch y/n again."

Toshiro's face contorted in fury, and he stepped forward, preparing to attack Shoji.

But he stopped short when he saw the fire in Shoji's eyes.

"That's right," Shoji said calmly, "I'm not afraid of you. Do you know why?" Toshiro didn't reply, but he still looked furious. "Because I have nothing left to lose." Shoji took a step forward, looking Toshiro right in the eye.

"Come on then, try me." The tension between them was thick as Shoji and Toshiro stood face to face, staring each other down.

Toshiro's face twisted with jealousy as he watched Shoji protect you.

"You've been following us, haven't you?"

he accused, "You're just waiting for a chance to get her away from me."

Shoji didn't deny his accusations as y/n has been his friend for a long time, but he didn't acknowledge them either.

Instead he remained silent, his gaze fixed on Toshiro's seething eyes.

"How long have you been following us?" Toshiro demanded, his anger growing.

"Since the incident in the school locker," Shoji said calmly, his voice unruffled by Toshiro's anger. "I've been following you ever since, just waiting for my chance to rescue her from you."

Toshiro's face contorted with disbelief and outrage. "Rescue her?" he snorted. "Who do you think you are? You can't save her from me, no one can."

"You're wrong," Shoji said. "I can save her, and I will. I won't let you touch her anymore."

Toshiro's fury was growing with each word Shoji said, and he took a step forward, ready to attack again.

Shoji stood his ground, his eyes locked solidly on Toshiro.

The tension between them was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"You can't stop me." Toshiro grinned savagely, his teeth gritted with rage. "I own her. She belongs to me, and I'll do what I want with her."

Shoji stepped forward as well, now staring just inches away from Toshiro's face.

He stood his ground, unfazed by toshiro's threats and aggression.

Toshiro's anger faded as he saw the knife in Shoji's hand. He stepped back slightly, his eyes locked on the blade.

Shoji walked towards you with measured steps, his grip on the knife tight.

"Stay put," he said quietly, "and don't get in my way." Toshiro kept his distance, but his eyes never left the knife in Shoji's hand.

As Shoji approached you, you could see the determination in his eyes. He was prepared to do whatever it takes to protect you.

His pace was slow and steady, his every move measured and calculated.

When he reached you, he reached out his free hand towards you without taking his eyes off Toshiro.

"You're only confident because you have a knife,"

Toshiro sneered, his eyes flickering from the knife to Shoji's face. "Take that away, and what are you? Nothing."

"Maybe I am," Shoji said calmly, "But that doesn't change the fact that I'm going to protect her."

"You can't touch her anymore, Toshiro. That's a promise."

Toshiro's eyes narrowed as he saw the determination in Shoji's face. He had never seen anyone stand up to him like this before, and it made him livid.

He took a step forward, his eyes blazing with fury. Toshiro turned to leave, but before he did, he turned back to face you and Shoji, his eyes blazing with rage.

"This is not over," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "You may have won this time, but I will be back, and I will get y/n one way or another. You can count on it."

"Leave her alone," Shoji said evenly, his voice still firm and determined.

Toshiro smiled sinisterly, clearly enjoying the confrontation. "Or what?" he smirked.

"Or I'll make sure you wish you had never even met her," Shoji replied, his voice low and menacing.

Toshiro laughed, a cruel, deriding laugh that only served to make Shoji more angry.

"I don't think you understand," Toshiro said, his tone menacing. "Y/n is mine, and I'll do whatever I want to her, and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

"Keep the knife bud," Toshiro said scornfully, "because you might need it soon." Then he smiled again, a dark and twisted smile, and turned to leave.

He was not done with you yet, and he was not going to let you get away so easily. He was confident that he would get his way, and he was willing to do whatever it took to make it happen.

Now that Toshiro has left and the danger is over, Shoji turns to face you with concern in his eyes. "Are you okay?" he asks gently, his eyes searching your face for any signs of injury.

"I'm... yes, I'm fine," you say shakily, your voice still laced with the fear and adrenaline from the confrontation.

"Are you sure?" Shoji asks, his concern growing. "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

"No, no, I'm okay, really," you say, your voice trembling as you try to compose yourself. "Toshiro didn't... he didn't touch me. I... I'm fine."

Shoji's concern grows, and he takes a step towards you, wanting to check you physically for any signs of injury. "Are you really sure?" he asks gently.

"I'm sure," you say, you're trying to reassure Shoji, but he notices the faint trails of blood slowly dripping from your face.

He takes a step closer and gently grabs your face, examining it closely.

"There is literally blood flowing through your face," he says calmly, not wanting to alarm you but concerned that there might be more serious injuries than it appears. "You need to let me get you to the hospital."

"I'm fine," you insist, trying to pull away from him. But he holds you carefully and firmly, his eyes pleading with you to trust him.

"If you were really fine, you wouldn't have blood streaming down your face," he says calmly but firmly.

"Please, let me take you to the hospital just to make sure you're okay."

"But it's not so bad," you argue, trying to justify it to Shoji. But his look is full of concern, and he's not going to give up.

"It sounds like you're just trying to talk yourself out of going to the hospital," he says sternly, his voice full of conviction.

"But I'm not letting you get out of it that easily. You've got blood streaming down your face, and you need to get it checked out."

"If you let me take you to the hospital, I'll buy you gallons of ice cream afterwards," Shoji says, making a deal with you to get you to the hospital. It's a simple incentive he knows will appeal to you and make it easier to accept going to the hospital.

"You're really going to buy me gallons of ice cream?" you ask, a little surprised by his offer.

The promise of so much ice cream is a tempting one, and you consider his offer for a moment.

"Absolutely," Shoji says, seeing that you're considering it. "It's the least I could do. Just let me take you to the hospital."

"It's a deal." You accept the terms of the deal, and Shoji helps you get to the hospital.

It's a short and uneventful trip, but you're filled with fear and trembling the whole time. Shoji holds your hand and walks beside you, trying to keep you calm.

He's quiet, gentle, and respectful of your distress, and he makes the journey as bearable as possible.

When you arrive at the hospital, Shoji stays by your side until a medical professional calls your name and takes you to the emergency room.

Shoji leaves as soon as he sees you sleeping peacefully in the hospital bed, leaving a note on the table next to your bed. It reads "Get home safe and get well soon alright?" followed by a smiley face.

He also leaves a special surprise for you--, which he places outside your front door, inside of your house. The intention is clear: to welcome you home when you get back and cheer you up. It's a thoughtful and sweet gesture.

With everything taken care of, Shoji heads back home. He's not sure how long it'll be before you get back

but regardless, he's looking forward to your return. He's planning on giving you a big hug and treating you to some of your favorite foods. He wants you to know that whatever happened with Toshiro, he's there for you.


After two days in the hospital, you're finally discharged and head home.

As you approach your house, you see Shoji waiting for you at the front door.

He's leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, looking calm and collected.

He smiles widely when he sees you and walks towards you, his arms wide open for a hug.

As he gives you the hug, Shoji leans his head down, his face close to yours, and whispers softly, "cupcake."

This nickname is a surprise to you, but you can't help but smile at his cuteness as he says it.

"W-where did you get that from?" you ask, your voice still shaky with emotion.

"N-no one's ever called me that before."

Shoji chuckles softly and keeps the hug for a few more seconds,

"Just came to me. So, can I call you that from now on?"

"M-maybe," you stutter, your blush deepening as Shoji's arms surround you and his face leans down to meet yours.

There's a playful flirtation to the interaction, and you can't help but giggle as you try to act tough.

"Oh come on," Shoji laughs, "it's a cute nickname, admit it. And you know you love it, cupcake." He smiles down at you, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Even if you disagree with the nickname, I'm still going to call you that, cupcake,"

Shoji says playfully, not willing to let up on the cute nickname.

"And we should definitely head inside of your house, because I want you to see the thing I brought," he adds, his tone indicating a level of excitement that's difficult to hide.

With your agreement, Shoji leads you inside of your house. You're curious to see what he brought for you, so you follow him with eager footsteps as he walks towards the living room.

Once you get inside, he takes a deep breath and smiles widely as he reveals what's behind him

"Ta-daa!" Shoji exclaims. At the table are three gallons of ice cream, and from his smile, it's clear that he couldn't be more pleased with himself.

"See? I told you I'd get you ice cream," Shoji says triumphantly, gesturing to the ice cream on the table.

"I know it's your favorite dessert, so I thought I'd surprise you when you got back. What do you think, cupcake?"

"Wow... Three whole gallons...?" you exclaim, surprised by the amount of ice cream Shoji has gotten for you.

It's certainly a generous surprise, and you can't help but smile at his thoughtfulness.

"I had to make sure you got enough," Shoji says, his eyes twinkling with mischief "I know how much you love it."

"Thank you, really!" you say, your voice is filled with gratitude.

Shoji is so thoughtful, and you appreciate his kindness.

You can't help but be moved by this generous gesture, and you lean in to give him a big hug.

"Of course, Cupcake," Shoji says happily, his arms wrapped around you once again. "Anything for you."

To be continued..