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What is Oblivious

Lesen Sie den Roman Oblivious des Autors Ruhani_Amrin, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Humans are cruel creatures. Often times we are oblivious to even our own feelings. I guess sometimes all we want is someone who'd hold on to us and care for us.One could spend a decade waiting for tha...


Humans are cruel creatures. Often times we are oblivious to even our own feelings. I guess sometimes all we want is someone who'd hold on to us and care for us. One could spend a decade waiting for that certain someone to just barge in without knocking. But what do you do when you lose that someone, that other half that completed you when you were shattered into pieces. "Would you wanna go through those memories again?" Maybe you would or maybe you won't. But the question still remains, "Would you want to fall in love again? Cause if two people in love become one, then maybe when you lose your other half, you just become half the person you were." I guess in the end, it's the heartaches and heartbreaks that give our lives a meaning.

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Novel Del

Warning: Slow burn book. Enclosed in his arms, she asked him, " Why do you want to take me somewhere dangerous? " Leaving a stream of kisses on her shoulder, he replied, " That's because I'm with you. With me beside, nothing can ever touch you darling, " his lips sealed her's, sealing a promise. .......... She came, despite knowing the dangers of associating with him, So he decided to protect her with all his might. His love being her guide and hope and promise of forever, she decided to walk along with him till the end. ......... It all started with a kiss, creating an unforgettable, yet a passionate memory for both, she hooked his interest towards her, spared no means to not fall for her, and he did, he fell pretty hard at that. Now, he'd pursue that love towards her, despite all the odds. This isn't the cold CEO and naive girl love story, but two powerful people trying to navigate an unknown territory of emotion. With love being an emotion that is only small a part of life, will she hurt herself in the end by giving into jumbled priorities or they'd walk towards sunset with their happy ending? Read "It all started with a KISS" to know the story of Kim Sooha and Wang Hyuk. Disclaimer: This is purely work of art and creativity. Any resemblance to real life is purely coincidence and is used to elevate this fiction. Please encourage, support and cooperate with 'It all Started with a KISS' and share your views via review. The cover page credits all goes to it's rightful owner.

trumpet_creeper01 · Fantasie
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Berawal dari Gia yang sudah begitu bosan dengan hidupnya di Indonesia. Gia adalah selebriti yang di gandrungi di Indonesia, dia jatuh kedalam kehidupan selebriti yang mewah dan bebas. Dia amat sangat mencintai Dirga, sesama selebriti. Dia dan Dirga tinggal serumah, mereka membeli rumah bersama. Keluarga Gia tidak tahan akan hal tersebut dia meminta Dirga dengan baik-baik untuk menikahi anaknya dan mengikuti kepercayaan Gia. Dirga menolak, penolakan itu membuat keluarga Gia malu. Dia mengecam semua harta Gia yang di gunakan oleh Dirga dan memisahkan Dirga dengan Gia. Gia frustrasi. Dia sangat mencintai Dirga tapi dia juga tidak bisa meninggalkan keluarganya, dia tahu apa yang dilakukannya dengan Dirga sudah terlalu jauh. Dirga yang kesal atas segala bentuk penghinaan dari keluarga Gia membeberkan semua aib Gia di media masa. Semuanya menjadi sangat buruk. Gia terpuruk. Dia memilih untuk pergi meninggalkan Indonesia dan mundur dari keartisannya. Dia memutus kontaknya dari semua orang di Indoesia, memberanikan diri untuk hidup sendiri di Korea. Di negara yang mayoritas Ateis dia kembali menganal agamanya. DIa bertemu banyak orang yang membawanya jadi pribadi yang lebih baik. Segala kebaikan yang dia dapatkan di Korea membuatnya menjadi lebih baik. Bgeitupun dengan Jae Hoon, laki-laki itu sudah seperti rumah buat Gia. laki-laki asing dinegara asing yang mempu membuatnya nyaman ketika bicara, ercerita dan menikmati malam di korea. Tapi masalahnya dia tidak mau seperti sebelumnya. Jae Hoon terlalu sama dengan Dirga. Jae Hoon seorang artis dan juga seorang Ateis. JAe Hoon sellau bilang kalau cara agama Gia mengenalikan Gia itu hal gila. Tapi cukup begitu saja Gia menyangi laki-laki itu, terlalu peduli dengan Jae Hoon. Tapi sekali lagi dia tidak mau jatuh, kali ini Gia tahu batasnya sampai mana.

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