

When life gives you something or someone which you are motivated for, you jump into The known dangers.

But when life takes it away from you, you get it, the thing which rouses you, which urges you to jump into the Oblivion. And the extent or depths of your death.

Cassandra was entitled by the prophecy of the light in wheel of her birth. She'll be the slaughterer of the Greatest Heights anyone has ever seen.

The ocean will be draining the blood of her victims, as the sword will be raised.

She left every single emotion and connection, she only had one thing ; to seek an insight. Deep inside her.

She'll free him of vows, he'll free her of the name, evenings will be melted into infinite melodies of their smiles.

Because they'll be remembered, in the  houses as porridges will be cooked and festivals will arrive.

There will be no shame, as she'll be betrothed to the dark. Because the tears she has been escaping will be in the malicious lies.

Light will he filled up, but no so early.

Not before the hearts are crumbled, beliefs are re written, it is all about power before she comes. She returned with a crown to the throne.

" You will never succeed, The God will save us!" She turns, with a smirk which seems to be always plastered to that face, the nose rings moves as her smirks develops into a malicious smile.

" Do not ever say that again. God is God. She is not for the forsaken." She turns around, as she felt the agony rising behind her. She started moving,

" THE GOD IS A WOMAN. That is why she made you malevolent people, like YOU to be killed by us. THE WOMAN."

Her Raven gown sways, pricing her Ebony hair.

There will be wars, there will be tears and blood. There will be death, buy higher there will the come over of the PROPHECY which will always gain hatred.

But at last she will have to take a decision, and the crown will be shattered and the Queen of the country will be crowned.