

The Legion of Elite. The single force dedicated to defending the country of Obliviana against any and all threats. Filled with the most capable combatants Obliviana has to offer. For years, the Legion of Elite remained as a seemingly invincible group, successfully keeping Obliviana safe time and time again with relative ease. This, however, is all about to change. Severe, nearly unbeatable threats have begun appearing one after another, each one substantially more powerful than the last. Just how long can The Elite continue defending their home before these almost god like entities become too much for them to handle?

UnformedStatue · Fantasie
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20 Chs


"Yo, big guy. Mind handin' me that measuring cup?" Tahara asked one of the Allied Soarers. "Didn't realize there was one that size in here. It should make this a lot less tedious than using this little thing." He tossed a much smaller measuring cup aside.

The Soarer chirped and nodded, grasping the large measuring cup, and stomping over to hand it to Tahara.

"Thanks." He took it from the Soarer. "Say, now that you're on your side, even though it wasn't of your own choice, I think you're due for a name change. I'd rather not refer to ya as the same thing we're fighting against. Lemme think..."

Grinding his teeth against his new toothpick, and rolling it around in his mouth, Tahara considered a variety of options.

"I've got the perfect name for our new buddies. How about 'former assholes'! They used to be those bastard little enemy Soarers, so they should have to live with the consequences permanently!" Resk suddenly suggested, appearing out of seemingly nowhere.

"No chance we're using that name." Tahara shook his head. "Stop livin' in the past. They're new men-.. bugs now. Whether they joined us willingly or not, they're on our side now. The whole point of me renamin' them is so I forget about their past too. So I've gotta admit, your suggestion was terrible Resk. Knock it off and give me serious candidates if you're gonna chime in."

"Bold of you to think I was kidding. That was the perfect name! But if you really hate it that much, I'll come up with some more."

"Great, can't wait."

"Cute and lovable fly friends who had a sudden change of heart!!" Also popping out of seemingly nowhere, Valah had a suggestion of her own.

"Hell no. How many times have I mentioned that the change of heart they had was against their will? It doesn't make any damn sense, and the name sucks in general anyway." Responded Tahara.

"What!! Tahara why would you say such things!? I demand an immediate, sincere, heartfelt apology!" Yelled Valah.

"Not happenin'."

"You know Tahara..." Resk eyed him closely. "That was pretty rude of you, I didn't think that name was half bad to be honest! I kinda like it. We can abbreviate it to CLFFWHSCH. The phrase rolls right off the tongue, as smooth as butter!"

"What in the hell kinda language did you learn where that phrase is something that rolls off the tongue?" Tahara questioned, raising an eyebrow. "And ya just suggested that these Soarers should have a name that makes them live with their consequences, and now you're in agreement that they're cute and lovable?

Resk replied. "Just because I think these bastards need to be punished, doesn't mean I can't recognize that they give off a different vibe when they're not out to rip our hearts from our chests."

"Can't say I'd called that vibe cute." Stated Tahara. "Have whatever strange opinions ya want I guess, but it isn't going to affect the name we give these big guys."

Just then, Kore approached the kitchen area. "I have a suggestion that I believe would not be one that you see as foolish."

"That so? Go on then, let's hear what you've got." Tahara said.

"Winged Warriors." Kore began. "It is a name that was once representative of a species I took pride in being a part of. That species, however, has since devolved into the heartless monsters now known as Colossal Soarers to you all. Using the name Winged Warriors to describe only the Soarers who ally themselves with us, I believe could be a great way to keep the name I used to love so much."

"Have Winged Warriors be the name of all

Soarers who come to our side, huh? Hey, that's a pretty good plan. I think we'll go with it." Tahara decided.

"Taharaaaa!" Valah whined. "Hmph. Well, whatever. I guess the suggestion did come from a cute and lovable fly, so choosing Winged Warriors as the new name isn't the worst thing in the world."

"You've got that right. These big guys here who've been brought to our side will help redeem the Winged Warrior name for Kore. Namin' them that is the least we can do after how much Kore's revealed to us."

"Yep yep! But anywho, hey Tahara?? Need any help with making dinner?? I'm not super experienced when it comes to cooking but, as long as you're right here to tell me what to do, I'm sure I can help out!"

"Sure, you can grab me some equipment. I was gonna have the Winged Warriors do it, but if you're interested in helping out I wouldn't mind havin' you assist me with some things."

"Alrighty! So then, what is it that I shall grab first Mister Sir Tahara??"

"Downstairs, I think I noticed there were some larger pots in this storage room. I thought they'd have the same size somewhere in this kitchen but, I guess Schalle underestimated how big of a meal I'd need to make to have enough for the whole Legion of Elite. Havin' larger pots will make things a lot less tedious. I can probably make due with two of the bigger ones instead of four or five of these smaller ones."

"Aye aye, I'll go grab 'em right away!!" Jogging away, Valah went to retrieve the pots.

"Need me to do anything man?" Asked Resk. "I'd be pretty bored if I just sat around waiting for you to finish dinner."

"Sorry but, I don't exactly need a whole group to help me grab a few pots. How about ya sit down. You, me, Kore, and Valah can have some laid back conversations while I cook."

Resk smiled. "Alright, cool. That sounds like a plan to me." The kitchen area had an island with some tall stools on the opposite side. Resk made himself comfortable, sitting down on one of the stools, then looking to his right at Kore, who had also sat down alongside him. "I'll be damned, I never thought I'd casually sit next to the talking Soarer we fought against back in Kuraran. And hey, it's in the same night too."

"As I have learned in my many years living upon this planet, life has a tendency to throw at us the most unexpected of scenarios." Responded Kore.

"Hah, yeah. It sure as hell does." Agreed Resk. "If only you knew about some of the ridiculous things that have gone down between us Elite members. As an example, Tahara's one hell of a cook, but he's nearly burnt the entirety of Kuraran itself down on three separate occasions from his restaurant. I really never thought I'd be protecting the capital city from a kitchen fire, not to mention more than once."

"Just... what exactly does he attempt to concoct within his restaurant that has caused such violent fires to rage?"

"Hey, you've gotta get experimental when lookin' for new recipe's." Answered Tahara.

Kore looked shifted his gaze toward Tahara."I see. I suppose if you do not try some bold things, you cannot know for sure if it is the secret to a new popular dish."

"Couldn't have said it better myself. With that mindset, you've got some potential to be a great cook there yourself Kore."

"Hmm. Note to self, in order to unlock your potential and truly flourish as a cook, you must dedicate yourself in the kitchen to such a degree, that your masterpieces risk destroying huge cities on the regular." Valah whispered to herself with a focused expression, returning with the pots Tahara had asked for. "Hey hey! Here ya go Tahara! Oh, and guess what?? Asada was there too looking for some cooking supplies of her own. Her cold stares always give me the creeps, I really have to admit."

Tahara accepted the pots. "Interesting. Well, I'm gonna take a guess that she's trying to cook some stuff up in her own room, so that she doesn't have to come out here and interact with anyone. She really likes to make it known that she's here for experience and training, nothin' else. It hasn't been too long since she first joined us, but even with that bein' the case, she should know her plan isn't gonna work."

Placing a finger on her lips in thought, Valah responded. "Well, we've never really been around her for a super long trip like this before. Usually she comes along to take out some enemies, and then goes home the next day. So maybe she thinks we're bluffing or only pretending to be nice when we ask her to hang out or go to dinner with us once in a while. Well, whatever it is, I think we should bring her up here now! If she cooks something then her food's going to go to waste! Or if she eats it, she'll be too full!"

"I'm on it." Resk stood up and clenched a fist in front of his chest in a determined manner. "I'll be back up in no time. I've come up with one hell of a plan. I'll just bring Kore along with me, and once she sees how cute and lovable he looks, she'll want to spend all night eating dinner right alongside him."

"No." Tahara gently removed the toothpick from his mouth, and placed it onto the kitchen counter. "I'll go and get her myself. You'll just piss her off."

"Whatever man. You know, while I won't deny he gives off a different vibe, the girls here especially seem to love the look of these Winged bastards. Just because you don't think they're cute, doesn't mean Asada won't."

"And just cuz Valah thinks of 'em that way, doesn't mean anyone else other than you is ever gonna agree." Tahara clapped back. "Now then, I'll head down right after I've gotten things rollin' here in the kitchen. Valah, your next job'll be to make sure Resk doesn't mess things up here while I'm gone."

"Got it Mr. Tahara Sir!" Saluted Valah.

"What??" Resk looked stunned. "You should know Tahara that I would NEVER mess with a meal of yours! In fact, usually I'm the one saving Kuraran from the massive fires they cause!"

"Sorry, but I've gotta be cautious. We've got a lotta ingredients here, but it isn't an unlimited amount. Plus, it's gettin' late. I'd rather not have to restart. You've said you wouldn't mess with things a million times in the past, and that somethin' always magically is tampered with. So, no chances are gonna be taken." Following his response, Tahara began boiling some ingredients within one of the pots, before making his way downstairs toward Asada's room.

"This is gonna be one hell of an experience." He quietly said to himself, now face to face with Asada's door. He tapped a knuckle on her door, awaiting some sort of response. "Yo, Asada. Heard you were grabbin' some of the pots in that back room down here. If your plan is to cook up some of what you've got inside your bag, I think it'd be better if you came out and ate with us instead. We wanna get to know you and become close, grow alongside you and become strong together. 'Specially someone as beautiful as yourself. That's a welcomed bonus I've gotta admit."

There was no response, Tahara was not able to even hear any movement from within the room.

"I think we're going to have to go a bit further in order to get her to come out." Stated Resk, who was suddenly next to Tahara.

"Hey, just what the hell do you think you're doing here? If you try somethin' then she's never gonna join us."

"Oh yeah?" Resk smirked. "Not if she doesn't have a choice."

"....the hell does that mean?" Asked Tahara, slowly glancing over at Resk with a concerned expression.

Abruptly, Resk swapped his body over to one created entirely of acid. He stepped through Asada's door, creating a hole shaped precisely to his body.

"...Ya know Resk, this is exactly why you were supposed to stay in the kitchen with Valah and Kore." Sighed Tahara.

Inside of the room, Asada was there. Incredibly slowly, she inched her gaze in Resk's direction.

Ignoring Tahara, Resk smiled at Asada. "What's up Asada. Sorry about the door but... we really didn't have much of a choice but to break into here since you weren't answering." He swapped his body back over to its normal state. "But, hey, it's not the worst thing in the world. Tahara's got a bunch of stuff cooking for us upstairs in the kitchen. We just don't want you to waste your own food or get your stomach filled up! And hey, there's even a cute Soarer waiting there for-.."

Asada bolted at Resk within a split second, extending a leg in his direction. Her foot slammed against his forearms, which Resk had raised in order to block her attack.

The power behind the blow caused Resk to slam through the walls of multiple rooms. Tahara looked at the damage the boat received from this, before returning his focus to Asada.

Asada shifted her attention to Tahara, her eyes incredibly focused.

"I had a feelin' he'd piss you off if he came down here. Wanted him to stay up in the kitchen but, guess it didn't work out. Sorry for-..." Without warning, Tahara tilted his head back, narrowly dodging Asada's massive scythe she had just lifted from her back and swung at him.

She swung at Tahara a second time, however her scythe instead smashed into the flooring of the ship, in which Tahara had raised upward with his ability to use as a shield.

"Yo." He said, beginning to put on his jacket, and place yet another new toothpick between his lips. His expression became far more serious, rather than relaxed. "You really plan on startin' a fight with us both over a request to join us for dinner?"

Asada responded. "I told you to stop asking. If you're not going to listen and leave me be, then this is the consequence. I can only ignore you for so long." She twirled her scythe around a few times, not breaking her gaze away from Tahara. "Consider yourself fortunate I'm unable to use my rose blade. Otherwise I'd kill you with little effort. Which trust me, I wish I could, but doing so would bring too many issues for me."

"That so? You're pretty confident in yourself." Stated Tahara. "Say... if you're gonna beat me down either way, how about we wager somethin' here? If I can win this fight against you, then you don't have a choice but to happily join us all for dinner. Sounds like the perfect deal if you ask me. There's no risk since you've got a guaranteed victory, right?"

"No." Asada glared at him. "Fuck your challenge. I'm not playing a game. I don't care what is or isn't guaranteed."

"Well then. I'm gonna go ahead and take that as a yes. So... with that being decided, let's get started. Throw everything you've got at me Asada. Otherwise you're gonna have to experience the hellish punishment of eating with your new friends."