
OBEY ME! Shall we date Simeon x F'Reader: The Fall

A punishment is a way for you to atone your sins. Even for Angel like Simeon. His position will not save him this time. He broke the rule, commit a sin, and cross the line. And for that he will lost the most important thing. May he will be forgiven

Lullaby_207 · Videospiele
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Searching

Today is the day to report every clue. Lucifer, Mammon, Solomon, Luke, and [Name] gather in the living room.

"So is anyone have new clue of Simeon whereabout?" Solomon start the discussion.

"Nope" Mammon shake his head. "We already check every layer of hell, even other hells, but there's no sign of him".

"There's a chance he might be banished to Human realm. But strangely, Barbatos seems can't locate him" Lucifer put all the papers he brought. "This the others report. They not found anything"

"I see..." Solomon pick a paper. "You even sent your brothers to other hell? Aren't you worried they'll get into trouble?".

"When they get serious they'll succeed".

"What about you guys? Any clue?" ask Mammon.

"I already check his candle in the Reaper cave. Thirteen said his Angel candels are out. But another candle suddenly light up and burnt so fast, and then it stop" answer Solomon. "I think he got reincernate".

"Hmm... Next you Chihuahua, are you sure he got banished and not just in cell? Or purgatory?".

"Stop it! Don't call me Chihuahua! Haaah... Yeah i'm sure. That's what i heard when he got his punishment. I'm tried to ask the others even Micheal, but they can't talk about it".

"So you don't know where or when he gonna get kicked out. That'll difficult if he gone to other realm".

"Yes, just like Mammon said, if we go to other realm out of our expertise and knowledge it will far to dangerous. Especially if the the other side not welcoming us". Lucifer take a glance at [Name]. She looks really pale hearing all this bad news, but he can't just sugarcoated the truth.

Solomon notice Lucifer glance. He just can smile bitterly seeing how pale [Name] is. He also notice the little eavesdropper outside. "[Name], why don't you take a break?".

"What are you talking about?!" [Name] raise her face. Her eyes filled with determination but Solomon still think it's best for her to get out from the room. He knows she is not just worried about Simeon but also the other. She just heard the Seven Demon Brothers can get into danger, she must misunderstood it.

"[Name], i want you to take care the little one behind the door. She must be worried the house empty right now".

Hear that [Name] and Luke quickly get up and go to the door. Behind that door a little angel stood with pure eyes. She must be just wake up from her afternoon nap.

"Luna, you awake already". [Name] pick her up and hug her while Luke close the door.

"Uh huh, i just wake up" said Luna rest her head on [Name] shoulder.

"I'm sorry you must walk over here. You must be scared no one around when you wake up huh?". [Name] start to walk away from the door. Luke following from behind looking at Luna and pet her head. "You want to eat something? Want me bake you some cookies?".

Luna just shake her head. "Let's go to the park and buy Cotton candy".

"You just wake up and want to eat candy?" ask [Name] jokingly.

"...I dream about cloud and want to ate it" answer Luna.