

... Cole Leighton, a human mage goes on a dangerous journey through life in the Lands Of Oberon on a long quest to get the 3 Magical Rings Of Oberon. Of course he’ll run into many powerful enemies and obstacles. Oberon is a massive world filled with dragons, magic users and gut wrenching demons that lurk in the shadows. There are some parts of the world that are just peaceful and beautiful though. For Cole, the worst consequence awaits for him at the end of his exciting journey. If have managed to survive to tell the tale, his name shall be etched into history. Only time will tell. ...

UNBROKEN · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 - A Willing Mindset


Cole gains a confused look on his face after King Asteron refuses his knight offer and watches him walk away back into the throne room. The crowd of people slowly spreads apart after each second passes until no one is watching him anymore.

The mysterious hooded person would walk up to Cole from behind and make the stern remark, "You'd be a better mage." someone's voice could be heard from behind him, causing the boy to turn around out of curiosity.

"A mage? I thought mages were just a myth.." Cole questioned the mystery person.

The stranger grinned at the boy and chuckled, before taking down the hoodie from black robe that covered her slim body, showing herself to him and replies "Just like Dragons and Orcs are?"

Who was this person and what is this person? These curious thoughts swarmed his mind all at once, eager to know already. The boy couldn't help but wonder.

Cole would answer back saying "Uh yeah. Wait you believe all that stuff?" He scratched his head once awaiting her response. Being so young, he wouldn't know any better.

Finally the woman says "The name's Cassiel and yes I believe it because all of those myths aren't actually just bed time stories. All of it is very much real.." she'd say whilst calmly walking away, knowing that he would follow her for a deeper explanation.

Cole jogs over to the side of the hooded woman and walked alongside her before anxiously asking, "So you know how to do magic?" Cassiel would continue walking forward in the same direction, replying "I'm both a fairy and mage, so yes I know magic spells.. I can teach you them if you'd like. Just need a favor from you."

Cole tries his best to hide his excitement away and asks "You'd teach me? Of course! I'd love to!" without any hesitation to answer her gracious offer and says "Whats the favor?"