
Who Will Know? -Part 23

*Cough* "Seems like our interim leader is alive and well, to say the least." General Ost tried to keep his elation that their leader was all fine and dandy. "The military council will discuss again on the actions needed to be taken. For now, Parry City Citizens, please accept our basic hospitality and stay here for your safety. Should what Interim Leader Jin had said be true then we are afraid that you might be in danger if you were to return to your abodes."

Just as General Ost was about to keep it short and simple, another Live Broadcast came about and it was General Toba. For some reason, this consistent live streaming of broadcasts is becoming a joke. "Parry City Citizens. Do not mistake their hospitality for compassion. You had seen for yourself that they are the ones carrying weapons and ordered all of you to stay put like animals."

"Do you really want to be seen as animals? The Proud People of Parry City should not even be afraid-"