
The Northern Diversion

The horns blared so loudly that it could be heard throughout the valleys. Slashreaver was looking nervously back to the Valley Town of Gob Gob Bu. It was hard to imagine that this beautiful sight would turn into a battlefield in no time at all. The Thunder Orcs would start their attack soon.

Even though it's supposed to be a mere "Diversion" as reported by Jin, it was clear that no side could afford to pull their punches. The broken gate had been replaced by a permanent fort wall with the combined effort of Shu and Sandy before the Treant left for the Coastal Town of Gob Gob Si. The Sand Witch remained to aid with the defences of the town. This time around they had prepared more than just her sand sentinel to oversee the walls.

Goblin Mages, Engineers, Another Jin and Niu Lang, the Cowherd had come together and the result of this very first collaboration between the members of different races resulted in 'Sand Golems'.