
Possible Plots of the Banned Emperor Terrorists

"It's been a long time, eh?" Kong Rong said as he and Agent Ryuli sat together when Jin welcomed them. "You do not mind if I brought her along, right?" 

"Yeah, I don't though but do you think it is appropriate for her to listen to our conversations?" Jin asked as he sat and asked the Otter to bring some drinks and snacks along. "Some light meal to accompany the conversation?" 

"Coffee will do. I missed Lynn's classic blend mixture." Kong Rong said as he looked at Ryuli. She merely nodded her head and walked to the next table. Jin also asked the Otter waiter to take her orders and put them under his tab. The Otter understood and went to take her orders as well. Usually, it would only be the mystery meal that is available, but Jin's guests had the incentive to select what they wanted. Of course, no absurd requests which Ryuli merely requested for a cup of tea too.