
Into The Dungeon -Part 2

"You are not going anywhere with that kind of equipment with you." Old Fammet said as he pointed at the weapons they were currently holding.

"What is wrong with them?" Yinn asked and Old Fammet replied that they do not have the stopping power nor penetrating power to kill the monsters in the Variant Dungeon. 

"Then do you?" Yinn questioned and Old Fammet scoffed at that remark as he asked them to follow him but Jin stopped the Mecha Smith.

"Save those weapons for now. The Grey Bear Squad excluded Page since she needs to research on the legality of things to come with their standard gear." Jin said.

"That will be suicide for them though," Nie commented and noted that it was really not advisable to do just that.

"It's fine. I want to test some stuff and will be coming out of the Variant Dungeon if things go awry. We will not be travelling too far." 

"I do not think he knows how the dungeon works," Diaz remarked.