
Extra: Some Bad News

"Is this really a wise choice?"  The System asked as it had already brought up a couple of scenarios that involved the Air Force General of the Demon Rats wreaking havoc with the Gunndam Aegis.

"I like to see what kind of powers they have," Jin said and the System felt that it was a bad choice.

"It is always best to eliminate the enemy before they are able to show their talents." The System stated and Jin did not deny that philosophy.

"No. I am actually more interested in how the Demon Rats are going to take control of it without you interfering with it. Besides, we already set the internal timer, right? If there is anything we cannot take control of after the situation." Jin explained.

"But why go so far to do that?" The System queried wanting to know Jin's reasoning especially when it felt edgy that the Demon Rats have the ability to control the fallen Gunndam Aegis.