
Anti Celestial Compound

"How is everything so far?" For the first time in a long while, Jin was sitting at the supposed throne in the Royal Halls of Ress as the ministers' En Moy and Topharm came to give him a report along with Gara, their Royal General.

"The reports of refugees coming in were not stopping but we have already completed another block of high rise flats to accommodate those refugees. They would also be entering the refugee to Ress (R2R) citizen initialisation programme to make sure that they would be well equipped with the information to handle the lifestyle at Ress," En Moy reported and Topharm nodded his head in agreement.

"Research had been progressing very well into the anti celestial weapon as we have found an elemental metal possessing both demonic properties as well as anti demonic properties. It looks like the dungeon searching had paid off."