

smply_pearl05 · Andere
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1 Chs


Chapter 1: Felix plans

Chapter2:team building

Chapter 3:the connection

Chapter 4: Phoebe

Chapter 5: ultimate universes

Chapter 6 magical wormholes

Chapter 7 a place to stay

Chapter 8 bremin high

Chapter 9 order must be restored

Chapter 10 demon 😈

Chapter 11 Phoebe the witch

Chapter 12 potential discovered

Chapter 13 Sammy

Chapter 14 Jake dad

Chapter 15oscars vision

Chapter 16jake mum

Chapter 17 Mr Bates

Chapter 18 Sammy and mia

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

I was inspired by this story that shows people that get valued until they are no more

this story talks about four high school boys that got lost in a forest and they where bonded by there potential

smply_pearl05creators' thoughts