
Novel World: Templates Are My Powers

After being hit by the car, Alex woke up only to find himself transmigrated as the brother of the female lead. However, just after his transmigration he discovered that he is disowned by them in secret while no one knew of his identity. Devastated, he later realizes that he has been born into the world of a novel that he used to read. This world is plagued by war between psychic masters and psychic beasts. Even if psychic beasts are excluded, there is a lot of infighting between many section of humans. Here, only strong could strong could survive while weak are exploited or used as a wheel to push the weight of society forward. In such a cruel world where death is only mile away, he, born probably without any talent of psychic which explain the disowning. He is only expected to suffer or rely on other for safety for whole life until he hears it… [ Ding! Conditions met. Binding System has been activated. ] A system that guarantees the power from different worlds as templates. [ Ding! Target have awakened two psychic elements. ] [ Obtaining templates from different world…] [ Host have activated the …] It is now only a matter of time before he can reach the top of the world and live comfortably. ———————————— Discord Server: https://discord.gg/rxpVNGxc ———————————— Note: This story is inspired from many novels and main inspiration is Versatile mage. So, there will be similarities but it will will not be copy of that. Try and find out.

Death_Simulation · Fantasie
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20 Chs

It is amazing

Chapter 7

"Next, Sakura!"

"Also Ice Element!"

Alex can see that everything was still happening according to the novel he had read. This newly awakened perosn may have awakened the ice element but it's initial power still nothing compared to that one of the Rex Fiero.

"Next, Depresso!"

"Hmm, water element!"

"Oh my god, why does had to be the borderline defensive element for elementary level, I wanted something like fire or lightening which have greatest offensive skills in elementary level."

"Don't worry, water element have its important qualities, and there is nothing like worthless elements just the worthless psychic who don't know how to utilize their element."

"Yes Depresso, no need to be depressed, because at least your not them, if you know who I am talking about?"

Someone from the down stage shouted, his way of encouraging was weird but it worked.

Because next moment, Depresso had the smile on his face while saying, "Yes, people with light element are worst."

Depresso returned to his seat walking with just okay mood.

In fact, it is harsh truth that poeple with fire and lightening element posses the highest combat ability at elementary level. With can further facilitate their growth and practice in psychic world by gaining the support of with rich resources.

In elementary level, earth element is far better that water because it have ability of defence that surpass the water element's elementary skill called, "Water Guard".





A boy from the group of Alex and Arc walked to the stage. His body was flimsy and skinny. He turned around to look at Arc and Alex before saying, "Guys, I am going to awaken a good element, just you wait."

"Alright, hope you do well." Said Arc.

Alex just gave him a thumbs up to wish him good luck.

"Good element my foot, just wait until you awaken water element or light element." This time it was lackey of Rex who said with tone dripping in sarcasm.

When the awakening was happening, a sudden wind blew, causing the cloths of teacher to flutter due to it.

Some dirty minded people were hoping that instead of a rough man teacher, it should have been a female teacher here.

"Quite a good performance I must say, your element is wind." Teacher Sid was in good mood seeing his students permforming good.

Homeroom teacher Sid was really impressed with how things are going, at least there is no one who is failing the awakening, but he still scared for the performance of Arc because his scores were not a good indication about his foundation.

It seemed that class 8 is probably have the chance of ranking in top classes by how things are going right now.





Awakening stone quicky changed to a fierce mix of orange and red colour. Next member appeared the small fire on awakening stone.

This scene brought a big surprise to students of whole class.

"Do you know who that girl is? We have stay away from her now on, because it is known among everyone that poeple awakening fire element usually have short temper and anger issues." Someone in the crowd whispered slowly.

But class was too silent, so everyone heard it, even that girl whose this was talked about.

She looed in the crowd to find who it was, but she didn't caught who said it.

"Her name is Samantha, she is the daughter teacher of class 5 and she is also a fire element user."

"Samantha, your potential had always been the great and now it proved why you are the best in this class. Your are a spitting image of you mom. She would be happy to know that you awakened to fire element."

"Thank you Sir…"

"Next… Wind element."

"Next… Light Element."

"Great light of psychics, I have always prayed to you, but I never wanted a light element. I am going to the roof, please anyone don't stop me."

"Next… Water element."

"Hey, light element user, wait for me. I am coming to join you as well on the roof."



Entire class have been now discussing their elements and their future plans. Except Arc and Alex whose turn for awakening is still to be happen.

"Number 39, Arc!"

"It's your turn!" Sid as a teacher knew about the Arc's abilities but he still decided to encourage him as a responsible teacher.

'My dad even sold the house and had been working hard for me to get to this opportunity. So, now I must prove myself.'

"You are worthless person in here because you caused your father and family to become homeless just to get through back door. But you will be wasting it all by failing the awakening." Lackey was still running his mouth off.

"Can you shut up already?" Alex said looking with death glare toward the lackey.

His stare was really horrifying which was proved by the lackey shutting his mouth.

Arc and Alex both have missed the study that have build the foundation for psychic ability. It increase their chance of awakening successfully.

Suddenly a loud chattering erupted in the crowd of the class when they heard the commotion from the class next door.

[ Ding! Bound character have awakened the fire element. ]

[ Ding! Your overdraft of chance for withdraw is now mitigated. ]

Alex had the big smile on his face when he heard these notification starting to appear.

Hey, did you heard that? Someone have actually awakened the lightning element. Which is only possible once in 10,000.

[ Ding! Your bound character have awakened the lightning element. ]

[ Ding! You have acquired the opportunity to draw a ability template. ]

[ Ding! Please proceed with awakening to discovere new things. ]

Arc quickly discovered that no one noticed his awakening of lightening element or dual elements to be precise due to the person in next class awakening a strong lightening element.

Alex was seeing all of this happen with a smile on his face.

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