
Levels of mastery and power.

Sword Skills:

Novice: an army recruits level they know how to hold a sword and not stab themselves with it.

Apprentice: they can take on two maybe three if they are gifted or lucky with a sword of the lower skill than them.

Adept: is quite good for soldier standards most likely a famous or higher up that has masters teaching him making him apart of a Noble or rich family.

Master: masters of the sword it doesn't mater how many lower skilled swords men/women they will be victorious it takes a similar or better sword master to take one down.

Legend: More valued then princes these swords men/women are nigh infallible, killing armies like it is nothing, one in every hundred generations get to this level of skill.

God of war: able to best entire planets with their sword-skills they are considered unmatched.

Perfect: none have ever reached this level of mastery although it is hypothesized that if one where to achieve it they would be unbeatable by any that had not perfected their own craft and even then it would be a hard fought battle with only magi being superior to them in terms of power.

Magic powers levels:

Apprentice: A few tricks like making a feather float are not uncommon.

Journeyman: Just enough will and knowledge to cast a few lower grade spells.

Mage: Most have the ability to cast medium to high grade spells that can be used in a duel and combat.

Wizard/Witch: high grade spells that cause massive damage they are highly valued even used as court wizards.

Warlock: God like users of magic that can use the twelve death words and are far past the level of most elves and even some dragon riders.

Sage: a sage is able to destroy entire worlds with their power and are considered to be gods.

Magi: they have perfected their craft being technically omnipotent with the knowledge of all creation only one person has ever reached this level and they created the Novel omniverse.

Every level has five sub levels and some races are born at higher grades some cant even use magic (most can).