
Novel Extras Survival

Kim Yong reads novels in his free time but one Novel that caught him the most in the charm of its story is the Novel "Astral Hero Return" a generic Harem novel as the Astral Hero tries to defeat the bad guy in that case the Demon King and builds his harem to an extent where you ask yourself why would they need 20 wives to live a normal life or to win somehow against the bad guy as all his wives cheer for him Kim Yong found the Story intriguing not because there was a harem but how the characters feeled so alive for him as he knows them in addition to that he longs to exist in such a world especially this one However "The Novel will take a break for Personal reason and I don't know when i will come back." The Novel he was so obsessed with so that he wrote over 30 notebooks of his theories and thoughts of how things could work or how many powers exist in the world suddenly decided to take a break at the start of the next arc 'Demon ladies' as he goes to sleep and wakes up the next day he finds himself in the exact novel he longed to live in. But he has no time to relax since he remembers he is not the only reincarnated person in addition does he will need to face the final villains to change the fate of the world and find out the truth behind his existence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors Note: Hello to the people who will try to read the first novel of mine. The first twenty chapter are pretty bad since they were my first attempt to write a novel in english and at that point the story was only a concept with no real conclusion or consequences. If you find any mistakes or bad phrased english sentences please comment under them and help me out to make the novel an enyoyable story to read. I hope some of you still will enjoy reading the novel and stay around to see the conclusion of the story.

Jokergamer_2005 · Fantasie
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201 Chs

10 vs 200

After the fight between them and the 60 enemies they have 20 minutes to regenerate their energies

"Rica how much will your efficiency decrease after losing an arm?"

Alan wants to know that as he designed the mages to be heavenly punished after losing an arm

Which resulted in them not even able to cast basic spells

"My efficiency didnt decrease if we talk about casting power

but if we talk about casting speed then that decreased about 30 percent"

His eyes widen by what she said as that shouldnt be possible since Alan doesnt know she is an Arch mage

who dont need gods help and mostly cast spells with no chanting plus not drawing the spells

Arch mages on Ricas level mainly do that to cast even faster and get more power out of their spells

Which is why Rica doesnt see that much problem by losing an arm as well as that is only a simulation and not her real arm she lost

"And before you ask how that is possible I dont use gods power for chanting or anything else

So my power comes from me alone and not any god that wants to help but punishes their mages because they simply couldnt dodge an attack which was to fast for them"

She looks at them like they are idiots since even some normal mages dont enter a contract with a god and are still strong enough to beat most enemies

"And most people enter a contract with the God of Creation since he controlls all elements but also wants from you an equal price so that it pays off for him.

Which isnt something I want to do also did even my father said that the God of Creation is a evil god who does that all for his entertainment."

Alan isnt shocked by that as He wrote it like that since the god of creation created this world with different layers to it

but that isnt important now as he wants to know how she can still cast so fast magic spells when most mages shouldnt be able to do that

"How are you ab-"

before he could ask a voice entered their ears not knowing where it comes from

"You all have 40 minutes left to finish your little brawl there-"

the voice which is a deep and powerful voice stops is sentence as the group in the cave only feel the ground tremble extremely



the air becomes violent as it shoots in the cave throwing everyone from the group against a wall or the ceiling


most of them didnt get any injuries however Benjamin reacted weirdly as he couldnt react and seem to fight against something making him incapable to fight 



they heard a voice shouting which sounded like a dog howling making them confused



Except Diana who seems furious as she wants to punch the wall with all her force plus wants to charge at them all to get him

"Who is he?"

Alan tries to imitate Kim Yong when he calms them down or wants them to give them information orderly and it astoundingly worked on Diana

"He is an mix blood one from the Demoness of lust who invaded our village and the old chief of our village

who betrayed us for her and left us there to die"

'Wait a minute this character sounds familiar'

Alan waits for her to calm down and asks quickly with a serious expression

"What is his father for a beast?"

all look at him like he ask something weird but Diana understood it

and answers consumed by her rage only holding on the string of sanity Alan gives her right now

"He was a rare kind of hell wolf mix with an Ice wolf drake bloodline and a Hell hound bloodline in him"

'Okay the situation becomes a lot harder now that I know he is here'

Alan looks at them all and stands up before putting his mask back on to unleash his bloodlust

as soon as he did that bloodlust from outside is released clashing with his as Ice and fire combine creating a new kind of being

'He really is that son of a b***h who I couldnt kill because fans liked him'

Alan thinks about the sleepless nights he brought him with his his mixed eye color between Ice blue diamonds and dark red flames

together with his horns that has four different colors on the tip of it which are dark red, purple, green, ice blue

plus hair that are purple showing the complete fusion of his powers

why does Alan hates him?

because that Idiot was only planned to exist for 2 chapters and then get off screened by some random hero

but the fans liked his arrogant and domineering personality paired with his skills he has because of being such kind of a mix

threatening Bens Harem by forcefully creating his harem with rape and all other shit of gore and sexual preferences or kinks

but what pissed him of the most was the comments he got for the chapters

where he needed to research as a virgin how some sex position look like also did he needed to ask a female author how to write sex scenes and make them feel realistic

The comments:

[Why dont you make him the MC I like his looks and he awakes some kind of kink in me.]

[Press him in harder in daddy!]

[Why doesnt he becomes the MC he is ten times hotter, I even create a Sex Doll looking like him]

--> view 259 replies

[Really send me the link to the sex doll]

[I want one too]

[You should have really made him the MC as he even turned my boy friends gay]

He need to keep such an asshole alive because of his shit fans that wanted a dominant male surpressing them in their fricking fantasies

"There the-"


^spurt^ ^spurt^ ^spurt^ ^spurt^ ^spurt^ ^spurt^ ^spurt^ ^spurt^

Alan lost his cool and killed almost immediately 10 people as a series of explosion chime through the cave


a bigger explosion enters everyones ears as they saw the personification of death in these flames which are blood red

"Guys calm down Alan he will bury everyone of us if-"


an explosion errupts as the hill they were in a cave got obliterated by a blood red flame but through thes flame only died five people

"Oh you were the one who released his bloodlust in my direction"

The person that is talking surpresses his flames little by little with his own flames that shone like normal flames but have something sinister in them

"You seem to only now gaining control over these kind of flames however you shouldnt have blown up these four girls that made my stay in the academy worth"


Alan vanishes from his vision to only arrive in front of him again as the boy summons a sword exuding an alluring fragrance and slashes down


more than ten people died as they were still E Ranks in the lower realms or pseudo E Ranks who cant withstand a clash between two individuals in the higher realms of E Rank

"HAHAHAha it seems that you have a girl that you like would you give me her from your own free will or should I take her from you!"


Alans vision slowly turned red as he only wanted to see blood of everyone including his friends as he didnt care anymore what happens to them or to him


Alan lost complete control attacking him like a madman killing a dozen of people on their way as they clash again and again and again



out of Alans mouth shot blood which is boiling and instantly evaporates as it wants to fly out of his mouth

moreover does even blood shoots out of his eyes, ears and nose making him look like some crazy beast

"HAHAHAHA continue to destroy yourself and let me get your girl who will really look delicious on m-"

"Alan stop"

a simple command made all people freeze even the arrogant boy

who for the first time in his life experienced fear from a simple voice of another male who is the first place in the first year rankings

Kim Yong only said that to turn a bloody massacre to an audience that doesnt move a single muscle and awaits his next action on the stage

"And give up since your body in real life will also suffer injuries if you continue or should I forcefully drag you out"

Alans eyes gain clarity as he stabs himself in the heart as soon as he realises who speaks to him

but glares one time again on the boy who made his work worse for him to write

as he saw blood leaking from his mouth indicating that he suffered some internal injuries

'My goal is completed even if I destroyed the original plan we will win no they will win'

his particles vanish however no one dared to move as the voice they heard only said one thing

"You continue your fight and make it entertaining for the people"

after that for a good minute no one dared to move despite that he is already gone as the only hear heads getting cut off

"He really knows how to make an entrance!"

shouts Rica as she cast a spell that takes form as a tornado is created around it

furthermore is it slowly gathering in a single arrow ready to shoot at the boy with horns on his head


The boy who suffered a lot of Internal injuries shouted that name as a spear coated in light waits to be thrown as a sword of coated in Lightning clashes with it

Ricas spell is flying through the air while the boy uses all his power to counter the attack as Ice flames take form of an werewolf that is alluring to the peoples eyes and charges towards the arrow


The two hit killing a lot of people even Zonagh and Yggdra who both were still hurt from Alans attack

after all calms down the boy on the ground spits blood but so did Rica as around them people still fight.

the clash reduced on both sides the numbers which are now 7 vs 133.