

At the edge of the known universe lies Nova, a planet orbiting a massive black hole. In this extreme environment, Ethan, a traveler from Earth, rises to lead Nova's resilient people, building a powerful industrial and military system. As they face an imminent invasion by the formidable demon Andrew, who wields dark energy and advanced technology, Nova's fate hangs in the balance. Ethan, having grown into a remarkable leader, is joined by the angelic warriors Rena and Moni. Together, they confront the demon threat, showcasing extraordinary courage and intelligence. Amid the chaos, Ethan's bond with Rena deepens, adding a layer of personal stakes to the epic struggle. "Edge of the Universe: Nova" is a sci-fi epic blending adventure and cosmic warfare. It highlights humanity's resilience and the power of courage, wisdom, and love in the face of overwhelming odds. Through Ethan's journey, readers will explore the farthest reaches of the universe and the indomitable spirit of those who fight for their home.

Caesar101 · sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 38: The Hidden Truth

"About your sister, Lilith the Apocalypse King!"

"The current Demon King, Mogiea!"


Ethan's words plunged the scene into silence. The shock was palpable.


Mikhail and Nicholas were stunned to learn that the Demon King Mogiea, who had brought Nova to the brink of extinction, was the sister of Holy Keisha, the Angel Queen. The other angels, who did not know this secret, were equally astounded. They couldn't believe that the greatest source of evil in the known universe was their Queen's sister.


Angel Yana, as Keisha's Holy Left Wing, had been informed about Mogiea's true identity, but the other angels, especially those who hadn't experienced the era of the three Angel Kings or Lilith's betrayal, were in the dark. Keisha had sealed all information about Lilith, leaving only details about Mogiea.


Despite their shock, the angels quickly composed themselves. Regardless of her origins, if someone was evil, they would be punished. Moreover, Mogiea's fate was currently unknown, and her demon army had been obliterated.


Holy Keisha maintained her composure. Although Ethan's revelations were unexpected, she was more interested in how he knew these things.


"What do you want to ask?"


"Holy Keisha, I want to ask you about those civilizations and lives affected by your wars with the demons!"


"The nine million Nova people who sacrificed themselves!"


"And the angels who died in the wars between you and your sister, Lilith, the Demon King Mogiea!"


"What do they mean to you, Holy Keisha?"


"How do they matter!!!"


Keisha's face darkened, her composure slipping as she quickly responded, unlike her usual unflappable demeanor.


"What are you trying to say!!!"


Ethan's face showed anger as he thought, "You brought this upon yourself!"


"Don't understand? Let me spell it out for you!"


"You, with your Holy Body, Holy Knowledge Treasury, and Holy Armory, Holy Keisha!"


"Can you honestly say you don't have the power to eliminate your sister, Lilith, the Demon King Mogiea?"


Keisha's pupils contracted, and she looked visibly upset. She wanted to refute Ethan, but she couldn't. How could she lie about her abilities?


Seeing Keisha's silence and her pained expression, Ethan continued.


"Not speaking? Then you admit you have the power. Good, I feared you wouldn't. Now it gets interesting!"


"The question is, if you have the power to eliminate Mogiea, the greatest evil in the known universe, why?"


"Why did you angels fight four wars with the demons? What allowed Mogiea to wage four wars against you? Don't tell me someone was secretly helping her!"


"You and I both know, even if someone helped her, you could deal with her. And someone was helping you too, wasn't there? You know who I mean, Sky King He Xi!"


"So, please explain why, despite having the power to eliminate Mogiea, you needed four angel-demon wars, and why she escaped this time!"


After Ethan spoke, silence fell. No one dared to speak.


Keisha's face turned grim, her mood darkening with each of Ethan's words, which hit her where it hurt the most. She knew why Mogiea had always managed to escape and rebuild her forces for another war.


"Nothing to say? No words?"


"Then let me reveal the cruel truth!"


"Why did you fight so many wars despite having the power to end Mogiea? The reason is simple!"


"Because she, Lilith, Mogiea, is your sister, your own sister!"


"Your heart is not resolute. You still hold hope for her because she is your sister!"


Time seemed to freeze at the moment Ethan uttered these words.


Angel Yana and Keisha's guards looked at Keisha in disbelief.


"How ridiculous!"


"This war, caused by you and your sister, has ravaged the known universe. Countless lives and civilizations have perished. Angels sacrificed everything for their faith in justice and their belief in you, Holy Keisha!"


"They never regretted their sacrifices, even unto death!"


"But in the end, their sacrifices were meaningless because your resolve wavered, making justice itself fade!"


"They deserved a brighter future. The tragedy of Nova could have been avoided. Everything could have turned out better!"


"If only you had been resolute from the start!"


"Justice isn't wrong, and neither are the angels!"


"Those protected by justice are blessed!"


"But for those who execute justice, it is harsh!"


"But this is too harsh!"


"Don't you think, Holy Keisha!"


After finishing, Ethan looked at Keisha calmly.


Keisha's expression was grim, seemingly suppressing her anger.


Ethan maintained eye contact with Keisha, secretly putting on the wristbands Aiden had brought over. Aiden had explained:


"BOSS, your previous Nova Armor was destroyed in the heavy nuclear explosion. This new armor was urgently created using data from Heaven's Blade Seven. Its strength needs to be tested in combat."


Ethan had ordered Aiden to infiltrate Heaven's Blade Seven to ensure Nova had some advantage even if he died. He hoped Yana would find it in her heart to let Aiden return the data if discovered, sparing Nova from repercussions.


To his surprise, Aiden not only stole all the data but also remained undetected.


Back to the present, Ethan wore the Nova Armor wristbands and had Aiden prepare all remaining nuclear and heavy nuclear missiles for launch.


Ethan knew he was provoking Keisha. If she made a move, all missiles would target Heaven's Blade One, Heaven's Blade Seven, and Keisha herself. It would mean Nova's end, but they would never submit, even to angels.


Watching Keisha's changing expression, Ethan braced for an inevitable battle. But then, a figure in armor similar to Keisha's, with a blue cape and silver hair, emerged from a rippling wormhole.


A voice, tinged with anger, followed.


"Shut up! You don't understand Queen Keisha's pain, so stop your presumptuous remarks!"