

At the edge of the known universe lies Nova, a planet orbiting a massive black hole. In this extreme environment, Ethan, a traveler from Earth, rises to lead Nova's resilient people, building a powerful industrial and military system. As they face an imminent invasion by the formidable demon Andrew, who wields dark energy and advanced technology, Nova's fate hangs in the balance. Ethan, having grown into a remarkable leader, is joined by the angelic warriors Rena and Moni. Together, they confront the demon threat, showcasing extraordinary courage and intelligence. Amid the chaos, Ethan's bond with Rena deepens, adding a layer of personal stakes to the epic struggle. "Edge of the Universe: Nova" is a sci-fi epic blending adventure and cosmic warfare. It highlights humanity's resilience and the power of courage, wisdom, and love in the face of overwhelming odds. Through Ethan's journey, readers will explore the farthest reaches of the universe and the indomitable spirit of those who fight for their home.

Caesar101 · sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 34: The Awakening



As Ethan opened his eyes, he saw a campfire nearby, with a figure sitting beside it. Stunned, he stared at the figure, unable to believe his eyes.




He called out again, disbelief evident in his voice.


"What's the matter? Don't you recognize me? If you're awake, come over here!"


The figure, whom Ethan addressed as Master, chuckled and spoke.


"Oh, alright."


Still in a daze, Ethan stood up and walked towards the fire. As he sat down by the fire, he began to examine his master closely. The old, weathered face and wise eyes were exactly as he remembered them.


"Master, you passed away many years ago. How is this possible..."


Despite seeing his master in front of him, Ethan voiced his doubts. As he spoke, his memories started flashing back, and he suddenly realized something.


"I see now. I must be dead too. Otherwise, how could I see you?"


His master didn't reply, only smiled knowingly as Ethan continued talking to himself.


"Master, you wouldn't believe it! After you passed away, I fulfilled your dream. Nova is unified now. Oppression and exploitation have been eradicated, and people live freely and equally. I've realized your ideal."


Ethan, excitedly recounting his achievements, resembled a child showing off a high-scoring test paper to his parents.


"Furthermore, after Nova's unification, I pushed for the advancement of science and technology. We're close to reaching beyond Nova!"


"We've created nuclear bombs, heavy nuclear bombs, and other technologies like the Nova Armor."


"We also developed controlled nuclear fusion, making infinite energy a reality. And we're on the verge of achieving controlled heavy nuclear fusion. Soon, we'll be able to venture into the stars!"


"In just a year or two, controlled heavy nuclear fusion will be perfected!"


"Then we... we encountered..."


Ethan's voice trembled, and he began to choke up.


"We encountered demons. Nova... the people of Nova were..."




Ethan fell to his knees, his hands on the ground, kneeling before his master.


"I'm sorry. I failed you..."


Tears streamed down his face, filling his eyes as he repeated over and over.


"I'm sorry. I failed you..."


It was unclear how long he remained like that before his master gently placed a hand on his shoulder.


"Get up, my child."


Ethan didn't respond, continuing to mutter his apologies.


"If you're going to stay like this, at least look behind you. Look at the people behind you!"


Startled, Ethan slowly turned his head to look.


His pupils contracted in shock.


Countless skeletons stood behind him.


"Do you see them? These are the people of Nova, who sacrificed themselves because of your orders."


"Seeing this, what do you feel?"


Standing beside him, his master's voice was both distant and profound.


"I... I've wronged them."


Trembling, Ethan couldn't stand. Lying on the ground, he spoke with guilt, then buried his head in his knees.


"Sorry? What good is sorry?"


"Do you dare to give orders but not face the consequences?"


"Raise your head!"


His master's stern command made Ethan instinctively lift his head. The sight before him left him speechless.


"Look, the flowers of Nova still bloom!"


The countless skeletons had transformed into a vast field of Nova flowers, swaying resiliently in the wind.


"Why is this happening?"


Ethan asked, dazed.


"Why? They chose to become the nourishment for Nova, to keep it thriving. It was their choice!"


"They hope you will carry the torch of Nova to its peak!"


"But... can I do it?"


"Hmph, can't do it? Then why are you here? What did you come to this world for?"


"As a leader, never regret a decision once it's made. You must see it through, no matter how perilous the path ahead!"


"This path is destined to be lonely!"


The atmosphere froze, silence engulfing them. Ethan struggled to believe what he was hearing.


"Master, I..."


After a long pause, Ethan began to speak, but his master suddenly grabbed and tore his clothes.




Ethan's shirt and pants were ripped away.


"Look at yourself!"


Following his master's words, Ethan examined his body, finding it covered in countless handprints, glowing faintly with a golden light, slowly merging into his skin.


"What is this?"


"This is proof. They!"


"The people of Nova you thought you killed have entrusted their hope to you. They want you to live well and protect Nova!"


"Will you continue to sink into despair?"


Tears streamed from Ethan's eyes as he looked at the handprints.


"Why? Why do they still believe in me, someone who couldn't protect them?"


"There's no why. It's a choice. The choice of life, and they chose to believe in you!"


"I don't understand!"


"Foolish child, don't you see? It's you who can't forgive yourself. They've already forgiven you!"


"Nova's glory will not perish. As long as one Nova person remains, Nova continues. For the prosperity of civilization, these sacrifices are worthwhile!"


"You need to forgive yourself..."


"You must walk this path, no matter how thorny it may be..."




Ethan stared blankly at his master, who gazed back at him. Slowly, the confusion in Ethan's tear-filled eyes began to clear.


"I understand, Master!"




His master returned to the fire, stirring it with a stick.


Ethan joined him by the fire, silently watching his master's actions.


They sat in silence.


After an unknown amount of time, Ethan slowly stood up.


"Master, I must go now!"


"Yes, go. And don't come back."


Without a word, Ethan bowed deeply to his master, then turned to leave.


As Ethan walked away, the fire and his master began to crack like a mirror. With increasing distance, they shattered completely, followed by everything around him until only darkness remained.


Yet, Ethan continued walking, aimlessly, through the dark.


Eventually, a glimmer of light appeared ahead.


He stopped and looked back at the darkness one last time.


The deep darkness seemed capable of swallowing everything, but Ethan stared into it for a long time.


Finally, he turned towards the light and walked forward.