

At the edge of the known universe lies Nova, a planet orbiting a massive black hole. In this extreme environment, Ethan, a traveler from Earth, rises to lead Nova's resilient people, building a powerful industrial and military system. As they face an imminent invasion by the formidable demon Andrew, who wields dark energy and advanced technology, Nova's fate hangs in the balance. Ethan, having grown into a remarkable leader, is joined by the angelic warriors Rena and Moni. Together, they confront the demon threat, showcasing extraordinary courage and intelligence. Amid the chaos, Ethan's bond with Rena deepens, adding a layer of personal stakes to the epic struggle. "Edge of the Universe: Nova" is a sci-fi epic blending adventure and cosmic warfare. It highlights humanity's resilience and the power of courage, wisdom, and love in the face of overwhelming odds. Through Ethan's journey, readers will explore the farthest reaches of the universe and the indomitable spirit of those who fight for their home.

Caesar101 · sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 2: Nova's Darkest Hour

**Nova Council, Nova Supreme Authority**


A high-level meeting was underway.


"The Supreme Leader's highest directive: increase resource collection and robot production efforts. Aim to complete the shelter plan within five years. All personnel from the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Education are to be immediately transferred underground."


"Authorize me to activate three super-large quantum supercomputers underground to assist in all scientific projects. Simultaneously, take over all large quantum supercomputers on the surface to support the military in 24/7 monitoring. The Supreme Leader must be informed of every move by the alien creatures."


"From the moment the directive is issued, Nova enters a Level 3 emergency state: everyone must prepare for war!"


The voice was cold and stern.


At that moment, the meeting room was so quiet that the drop of a pin could be heard.


The room contained a dozen people, each of high rank and power: a chief director (referred to as Chief) and three vice directors responsible for civil affairs, scientific development, and military affairs (referred to as Vice), along with heads of various departments. The gravity of the situation struck them deeply.


They knew that issuing such an order would halt social development and plunge society into a quasi-military state for the foreseeable future. Having lived through wartime, they understood the harshness and consequences of war.


Chief Director Mikhail quickly recovered from his shock and stood up.


"Rest assured, Supreme Leader, all people of Nova resolutely obey and execute your highest directive. Everything for Nova and its people!"


Mikhail's expression was fervent, his tone passionate, revealing his worship of Ethan!


Mikhail, now over 300 years old, had participated in wars since his youth. Before meeting Ethan, he had thought they would never see the end of the war. But with Ethan's repeated victories and the realization of his grand vision, Mikhail had long regarded Ethan as the one to follow until death, utterly devoted to his ideology.


As Mikhail's words ended, Aiden's projection disappeared, and Mikhail sat down, his fervor turning to seriousness.


He glanced at the three old friends beside him, who were also the three Vice Directors: William Eaton (civil affairs), Zachary Thompson (scientific development), and Leonard Smith (military affairs).


The three Vice Directors also displayed fervent expressions. Seeing Mikhail looking at them, they quickly composed themselves.


Without words, just a nod of the head, they understood each other's thoughts. Having known each other for centuries, they could read each other's minds with just a glance.


With the silent exchange concluded, Mikhail turned to the other department heads: Public Security, Foreign Affairs, Social Development and Welfare (civil affairs), Academy of Sciences, Academy of Education, Engineering Institute (scientific development), War Department, and Logistics Department (military affairs).


These people had all come through the wartime era, averaging around 350 years old, all followers of Ethan.


After exchanging glances, Chief Director Mikhail spoke solemnly: "Then immediately issue the Supreme Leader's highest directive to all people."


"All departments must work together to complete the shelter plan within five years. Any procrastination or obstruction will result in immediate arrest and trial for crimes against the people!"


"For Nova and its people!"


"For Nova and its people!"


The final shout in unison took them back to the last battle fifty years ago. They would protect everything they had fought for, overthrowing any obstacles and oppressors!




With the issuance of the Supreme Leader's highest directive, the entire Nova operated like a well-oiled machine, efficient and orderly.


In the depths of space, a humanoid creature was flying rapidly toward Nova.


Its pitch-black body, ugly appearance, and tattered wings marked this disgusting creature.


A demon, created by the Demon King Moni, who believed in corrupt freedom. This extreme evil organization often led to chaos and the destruction of order on any planet it visited, its people consumed by desire. To any orderly civilization, demons were the enemy.


Yet, the Demon King hypocritically called it: evolution.


But demons had their nemesis.




The Angel civilization, entirely composed of women, believed in the sanctity of life since Divine Kaisa took control of the City of Angels. They opposed the commodification of life, establishing just order. Today, justice was spread throughout the known universe.


However, Nova was unaware of all this, and so was Ethan.


"Damn it, those little bitches are really troublesome. If I hadn't run fast, I'd be dead by now. I wonder how the queen and others are doing. A wormhole malfunctioned, and I don't even know where I am now. Hopefully, I'm not far from Demon One. Dark communications are intermittently suppressed by that bitch Divine Kaisa."


Flying and cursing, the demon failed to notice Nova's gravitational pull drawing it closer.


"Need to rest a bit, see if I can contact Demon One. Huh! There's a planet ahead. How can there be a planet here, without even a star? Is it a rogue planet?"


The demon Andrew, seeking a place to rest, suddenly noticed Nova ahead, his mind full of questions.


Activating his gene engine and dark energy scan, the results shocked him. A supermassive black hole lay just a few light-years away. If the wormhole travel had been slightly off, he would have ended up in the black hole.


Thankfully, the planet's gravity pulled him in. Without it, he might have been captured by the black hole.


"Haha, this is great. Just when I needed a place to rest, a planet appears. Alright, here I come, Demon Andrew!"


Laughing, the demon Andrew spread his wings and flew directly toward Nova at increased speed.