

At the edge of the known universe lies Nova, a planet orbiting a massive black hole. In this extreme environment, Ethan, a traveler from Earth, rises to lead Nova's resilient people, building a powerful industrial and military system. As they face an imminent invasion by the formidable demon Andrew, who wields dark energy and advanced technology, Nova's fate hangs in the balance. Ethan, having grown into a remarkable leader, is joined by the angelic warriors Rena and Moni. Together, they confront the demon threat, showcasing extraordinary courage and intelligence. Amid the chaos, Ethan's bond with Rena deepens, adding a layer of personal stakes to the epic struggle. "Edge of the Universe: Nova" is a sci-fi epic blending adventure and cosmic warfare. It highlights humanity's resilience and the power of courage, wisdom, and love in the face of overwhelming odds. Through Ethan's journey, readers will explore the farthest reaches of the universe and the indomitable spirit of those who fight for their home.

Caesar101 · sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 13: The Apex of Battle Armor Technology

"In addition, we've integrated high-energy clustered plasma jets for long-range attacks. According to calculations, their strike power is sufficient to injure the demon you fought last time, BOSS."


"Moreover, we've added nuclear blast protection measures, space survival modules, emergency medical components, and over a dozen other functions."


"Lastly, based on your request, we've specially equipped the armor with fifteen micro-nuclear bombs, each with one-tenth the standard yield, and one heavy nuclear bomb (standard yield: one megaton TNT equivalent), as the ultimate attack measure."


Aiden meticulously reported the data. Ethan nodded slightly, satisfied only when he heard about the nuclear bombs and heavy nuclear bomb. This outcome far exceeded his expectations; the more enhancements, the higher their chances of victory.


"Not bad, Aiden, this exceeds my expectations."


"Thank you, BOSS. Additionally, it's important to note that this armor represents the pinnacle of our current technology. Without major breakthroughs, there's little room for further improvements. As this is the final version of the kinetic diffusion battle armor, please name it!"


Ethan fell into deep thought at Aiden's request for a name. He generally had little interest in naming things, and "kinetic diffusion battle armor" sounded fine to him. However, he soon realized that this was Nova Star's first epoch-making high-tech personal combat armor, which carried significant commemorative value. After a moment, he spoke.


"This will likely be our most essential personal combat armor for a long time. Alright."


"Let's call it: Nova Armor."


Ethan hesitated for a moment but decided on "Nova Armor." Naming the first multifunctional personal combat armor of Nova Star felt like a historical event.


"Command confirmed. The final version of the kinetic diffusion battle armor is now named Nova Armor."


"Re-coding: Nova Armor 001."


"Nova Armor 001, re-coding in progress."


"Nova Armor 001, coding successful. Welcome to your service, Holy Leader."


As Aiden completed the command confirmation, Ethan's armor began to change. First, it retracted into the wristbands, followed by a series of electronic sounds from the wristbands. After the electronic voice said "Holy Leader," the armor once again covered Ethan's entire body, seemingly undergoing a reboot.


Seeing no significant changes aside from re-donning the armor, Ethan didn't think much of it and asked Aiden.


"Aiden, how many Nova Armors can we currently produce?"


Aiden responded in its usual somewhat stiff tone.


"BOSS, based on our current reserves of Metal No. 5, we can produce up to a thousand sets of Nova Armor."


"A thousand sets? Alright, manufacture them at full speed and distribute them to our elite soldiers. This will be one of our trump cards. By the way, are the Dark Silver weapons ready for these thousand armors?"


Upon hearing the mention of Dark Silver weapons, Aiden paused briefly before replying slowly.


"BOSS, I suggest you reconsider equipping our soldiers with Dark Silver weapons."


Ethan was taken aback. Why reconsider? Dark Silver weapons were incredibly sharp, capable of easily cutting through third-generation divine bodies. Why should they be reconsidered?


"What's the issue, Aiden?"


"According to the intelligence provided by Angel Hane, Dark Silver weapons cannot be equipped with their so-called weapon engines. This means they can be easily deciphered by wormholes. In the presence of a god proficient in wormhole technology, a Dark Silver weapon could become a nightmare for others."


"And the Demon King, Moni, is the most proficient in wormhole technology in the known universe. The demon group is renowned for their wormhole sniping tactics. Even if Nova Armor is particularly sturdy, it can't withstand attacks from Dark Silver weapons for long."


"If we equip every Nova Armor user with a Dark Silver weapon, it would be difficult to ensure these weapons remain in our possession during a demon attack. The demons' wormhole technology is too advanced, and we currently lack the capability to defend against wormhole tactics. If Moni manages to capture these weapons, it would be disastrous for us."


"Except for you, BOSS, we should seal all other Dark Silver weapons until we master wormhole technology or develop a countermeasure."


Ethan slapped his forehead upon hearing Aiden's words. How could he have forgotten that Moni, known for her stealthy assassinations, would see their soldiers equipped with Dark Silver weapons as a windfall? She'd likely dream of this generosity, seizing the weapons without hesitation and using them against Ethan's soldiers.


Ethan broke into a cold sweat, relieved that Aiden had identified this problem. Otherwise, the consequences would have been unimaginable.


"But if we can't use Dark Silver weapons, what will our soldiers use in close combat? They can't fight barehanded, can they?"


Picturing his soldiers in hand-to-hand combat with demons brought a wry smile to Ethan's face.


"BOSS, you needn't worry. We've considered this scenario. Nova Armor has been specifically optimized for this. It can reassemble at the molecular level into any shape. The close-combat weapons it generates are sharp enough to harm third-generation demons. You can try it out; the armor is equipped with neural sensors, so you just need to think about it. Additionally, the high-energy clustered plasma jet launchers are also formed through rapid molecular reassembly before firing."


With Aiden's reassurances, Ethan decided to give it a try. With a thought, the armor began to shift, forming a blade on his right hand. Another thought, and a similar blade appeared on his left. The blades resembled Tang swords, their black surfaces occasionally flashing with a cold gleam.


With another thought, the blades disappeared, replaced by glowing circular emitters in his palms—presumably the high-energy clustered plasma jet launchers. Truly remarkable.


After testing the functions, Ethan was full of praise.


"Excellent, Aiden. Nova Armor is ready for combat. I like it."


"Thank you, BOSS. Everything is for Nova and its people!"