
Noticed by Kren

Kani has never been noticed in her life and she would like to keep it that way. She ends up going to her first party of sophomore year with her best friend. All is well until she is caught accidentally in bed with her crush which is posted all over social media for the whole school to see. Although her supposed 'crush' isn't who he says he is. All she has to do now is survive Sophomore year. Watch as her unusual love story unfold into her fairy tale.

Krenzacole · Teenager
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106 Chs


Luke's POV

Meanwhile in New Hampshire Highschool


There's one more day until homecoming and it's sad that Kani won't be here to enjoy it, but Aaron was right.

Everything really is falling apart.

I sat in 5th period anxiously. I should be sad right now, but I'm excited. Before Kani left she told me about Brittany and Sienna's plan to ruin the perfect image of Veronica.

So tomorrow was Veronica's six feet under.

"Students we have a new student today!" Mrs. Freshman tried to joke to the class as a girl, who oddly reminded me of Jason, walked into the classroom. She looked awfully young to be in a sophomore class.

"Hello everyone my name is Jay-Jennifer, my name is Jennifer, Jennifer prince." The girl said quickly as she nervously looked around the room. She went to the very back and sat behind Gill Hoodwick. A guy who was known to stealing pencils and replacing them with broken pencils.

What if...

No that can't be right.

Jason has siblings. But then again I could be wrong and I could be over thinking. I also could be going crazy from what's happening.

I stared at her. Not on accident, but on purpose. At least I admitted to staring.

After class I wandered the halls looking for Aaron. How could he have just disappeared? Where'd he go?

I talked to him on the phone this morning and I saw him at school this morning, and I even ate lunch with him.

So why can't I find him at all? I was walking so fast that I ran into someone. I immediately helped them off the floor and tried to walk past them.

"Hey you!"

I stopped my rushing around and turned to face the new girl, Jennifer."Your looking for him right?" She says as she walks closer to me.


"Aaron." She said, now standing on front of me. She knew who Aaron was.

"You know Aaron?"

"Sort of, but he's long gone." She says as she looks up at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'll start from the beginning. My name is Jayla Onning and I'm the youngest child of the Queen of England." She said and smiled at me.

"This is my strike one."

She knows Aaron?

What happens to Aaron?

Where is he?

"Where is Aaron?" I yelled at her and she kept the same smile on her face. What is happening?

"I have him with me, but don't worry he's safe. I have Fryday as well, and soon I'll have everyone including you." She says as she steps up to me and slides her hand up my arm to my shoulder.

I don't move.

The hallway soon became empty, the bell had rung. We stood in the hallway as she just smiled.

I don't like her smile.

"You kidnapped Aaron and Fryday?" I asked her. My voice sounded hoarse. I was about to break.

She looked me in the eyes and made a dramatic gasp."How could you accuse me of such a horrible thing? I'm only borrowing them. Besides they'll be of great help to me." She says with her hand still placed on her shoulder.

"W-why are you doing this? What do want?" I said angrily and she laughed.

"You see, Luke, what I want is the throne and my mother isn't a very understanding woman as you can see, but if I can show her how powerful I am if, I can just get Kani away from England, I can throw her off course of that doesn't work then I'll have to borrow her as well." She says sinisterly as she steps back to look at her nails.

"Leave them alone! I can help you if you just let me get them back leave Kani alone, I'm sure there's another way, there has to be another way." I begged her.

I promised myself I wouldn't go mad and break havock, but Aaron, his life could be in danger right now.

"I'll give you a deal since you love your friends so much I'm sure you have a favorite one." She says as she tosses her hair off her shoulder.

"What are trying to say?"

"Who do want to save? Aaron or Kani?"


Jason's POV

In England


I paced my room back and forth. Just a few more hours and she'll be here. Just a few more hours.

Joseph was a loyal servant of mine and got me my phone from mother's bedroom, Kani told me everything.

My mother's men are following her.

I just hope she can make it in time. Mother plans to marry me off to Aubrey. She arrived a little over a week ago, but she's been living in the palace since then and it's been pure torture.

The daily dresses she chooses to wear, her so called flirting, that act is not working.

We all know that she just wants the thrown. Everyone in the palace does. It's a battle between royal officers and the crown princes. Even my cousin is going for throne, but it seems impossible.

For years and years people of the palace have gone as far as to kill innocent people just for the throne. It's ridiculously stupid. The throne isn't even worth it, but in the end the Queen is still the queen.

There was a sudden knock on my door, before it opened. Two servants walked in, followed by the Old Madam, my great grandmother.

"Old Madam." I said as I bowed to her. She quickly shuffled into the room and the servants closed the doors behind her.

"My great grandson, it has been far to long." She says as she holds my hands."I have been so worried. Your mother has been so selfish lately." She says as she went to sit on the couches in the room.

"Old Madam you don't need to worry about me I'll be fine." I assure her.

"Oh, I know you'll be fine, I'm worried about that girl that you like. She must be in so much trouble right now. I can't believe she's going through all this trouble just for love." Old Madam says sounding worried.

"Old Madam, if I may, can I ask a favor of you?" I asked as I stand in front her.

She held her shaky hands together with a smile on her face. She nodded her head in agreement."Kani plans to be in England no less than 23 hours if I can keep her safe until then I'll be able to convince mother-"

"You want me to watch over her?" She says with a smirk on her face. I bowed my head, embarrassed for asking my great grandmother to watch over a girl she's never even met, nor seen before.

"Will you?" I ask again.

She sighed and got out her seat. The servants quickly ran to her side."I'll do your favor, but in return you keep an eye on your mother and alert me any time she tries anything."

"O-of course." I said as I bowed my head which seemed like the hundredth time.

She proceeds to leave the room with the servants quickly following her behind. As soon as the door closes I run around my room out of excitement.

Don't worry Kani I'll make sure nothing happens to you.

But I made a deal.

And I had to give up.