

Rooaaar! Rooaaar! Rooaaar! Rooaaar! sfx

In a city, sounds of battling can be heard, monsters and humans corpses scattered around of what the city remains, and the pant of the exhausted warrior and mage fighting the monsters with vigor, determination, and hatred in their eyes

This all gonna end today a human in his 30's said!!!! we humans will drive all the monsters to where they came from. We suffer for 10 years and went extinct. God gives us the strength to fight all these monstrosities!!!, Now Push them to the portal

The man in the 30's is leading the warrior's charge at the monsters pushing them to the portal while using their abilities and the mage firing magic on the back! inch by inch the monsters are moving slowly but the monsters retaliate by biting or clawing the warriors in the front

This is bad if the situation stays this way we will run out of stamina and mana we need to end this fast!

Divine Holy Shield

Armor Of Spirit Guardian

King of Elemental: Elemental Blessing

Blessing of God: Inhuman Strength

Blessing of God: Inhuman Stamina

Blessing of God: Inhuman Endurance

One by one the man in 30's cast Buffed on the warriors and Mages, as the buffs encounter all the warriors and mages they all shine in many different colors gold, pure white light, and red, And with their new profound strength they push the monsters faster to the portal

Then suddenly they all heard an eerie voice in the back of the monsters, Noland your effort is useless even if you drive us back to our world. Our king can always send more monsters generally stronger and more vicious than me just give up Noland and I can promise to you that you and your family will be spared Noland what is your answer!

You think you can fool me you filthy demon I will not be swayed by your word.

So this is your choice Noland!, A black aura is rising from the demon and it's getting stronger by seconds, Die Noland just don't think I didn't give you a chance when I kill your family dies by my hand!

The demon charged at Noland in the blink of an eye

Shit why now when I'm so close to sending them back to where they came from why now he suddenly appear I need to kill that bastard to save humanity for my child and my wife even if I die I will send them back Noland thinks to himself as he blocks the charged of the demon

We are close I just need to persevere 100 more meter

Noland and the warriors and mages keep attacking and blocking the demon and the monsters as they keep pushing the demon and monsters to the portal when he reaches 100 meters he uses a spell

demon takes this if you really are powerful

the demon senses the danger in Noland action and its instinct kept telling him to run away or attack Noland but its pride got the better of Him and just smile at Noland

Bring it on Human

God Providence and Wrath: Magic Dome of Sacrifice

Great Teleportation: Mass Teleport

Before the Dome of Light Surround all the warriors, mages, monsters, and demon. Noland teleport all the Humans outside of his dome

As the dome of light surround Noland, Monsters, Demon and the Portal the demon realize what Noland is doing

You are a crazy Human you think by sacrificing yourself and killing all of us here and destroying the portal can stop my king from taking this world? You are mistaken Noland, Maybe my king will have a delay from his plan because of the portal but he will create another one hahaha!

The warriors and mages outside the Dome is shouting at Noland

Noland you bastard let me fight by your side! said by the Red hair man in gray hooded cloak

Sir Noland please don't do this, please maybe we can think another way please stop this

You all know that this is the only way, Just please take care of my son and Mira for me Ash this is how you can repay me said Noland to the red hair man

God Providence and Wrath: Magic Dome of Sacrifice (Golden Nova)

As the dome turn gold inside the whole battlefield is shaking from the explosion

Many watch this scene crying, many are happy, joyful, and glad that the monsters terrorizing earth for 10 years are gone but a mother and son is crying from the sacrifice of Noland Uther