
Nothing Lasts Forever Series

Two book series. Book one <Long Story Short>, Book two <Nothing Last Forever> ------------------------------------------------------Book One ‘Long Story Short’ is the prequel to ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’. These are the only books in this mini book series. (if you would even call it that) Genevieve James is a seventeen year old girl pretending to be a twenty year old guard for the Royal Family of Aurora. She has been fed up with the traditional mindset of Aurora for awhile now. With this new mindset she decided to tryout to be a bodyguard for the Royal Family, undercover of course. She ended up being so good at the tryouts that she was promoted to be Princess Elaine's personal bodyguard in less than a month, thus beginning her rigorous training and secret keeping abilities. Princess Elaine Beckham is Aurora's upcoming Queen with her coronation being in a mere two weeks. With her mother constantly on her tail about ruthlessly rejecting Princes left and right she decides to take things into her own hands, approving of an arranged marriage between her daughter and a well known Prince. Prince Bane is what you would call 'a wolf in sheep's clothing'. He craves power, yet due to his family's tree he will never be allowed to take the throne. This persuade Bane into agreeing on Queen Beckham's arranged marriage. When Elaine finds out that the two of them plotted this behind her back she is very happy to say the least. Does Elaine go along with the arranged marriage out of fear of disappointing those around her or does she throw the traditional rules out the window and marry her childhood crush?-----------------------------------Book Two<Nothing Last Forever>Delaney Carson is currently one of the most famous singers globally to date. She first rose to prominence when she was only ten years old singing covers on YouTube. At the peak of her YouTube rise she was discovered by a talent scout who recommended that she sign with them and branch out to other ventures, acting being one of them. Hunter 'McKenna' King is currently one of the most famous actresses in America to date. She first began acting when she was only seven years old as a solution to helping her Mother meet bill deadlines. Albeit Hunter acting at seven years old, she did not officially hit her rise until she was ten years old. Delaney and Hunter had no clue of each other's existence until the both of them ran into each other on the set of a powdered milk commercial. The two of them were immediate friends, I would go as far as to say they were the closest on set. All of this friendship came crumbling down the second Delaney accidentally spit her strawberry milk out on Hunter during their last taping. In response to this Hunter poured her chocolate milk over Delaney's head, solidifying her hatred for the girl.

mekaylapridget · LGBT+
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I stop once I am a few feet in front of it.

I instinctively furrow my eyebrows at her when I notice that her chair is turned around so that she is facing towards the glass window, the back of the chair facing me.

I take in a deep breath of air before inevitably releasing it.

/"Hi mother,/" I greet the woman with a dull tone of voice

I hear a chuckle which only furthers my confusion.


My mother turns around in her chair only for my eyes to widen when they land on her face.

/"Dad?/" I ask with evident shock on my face

The older man smiles with amusement at my shocked facial expression.

/"Hey there, pumpkin/" he happily greets me

I continue to give the man a look of pure surprise.


H-How is he in here?

Mother never allows anyone inside of her office unless they are invited by her.

I have never seen him in here before.

I wonder why mother finally allowed him to be in here?

Honestly, I just assumed that she was hiding a big secret from him.

I guess not since...well...he is here right now.

/"W-What are you doing in here?/" I ask him with genuine curiosity

The man shrugs and leans back in his wife's rolling desk chair.

/"Saving you from your Mother's wrath/" he replies

My confused facial expression quickly turns into one of amusement.

Oh my goodness.

He is right!

If he were not here right now then I would be getting yelled at.

/"I literally cannot thank you enough, father/" I tell the man

I make my way over towards the one chair in front of mother's desk, elegantly sitting down in the seat.

I have been trained to sit, walk and speak with elegance.

'All Princesses must be able to do it as soon as they have the ability to walk,' mother's voice echoes in my head

'If you are incompetent then are you really a true Princess?'

I close my eyes for a few moments before opening my eyes again, clearing my mind of these not so nice events.

/"My pleasure, Gongzhu,/" my father assures me

My father does not speak much Chinese, but when he does he could talk an ear off.

It is one of the things that I admire about him.

He pauses for a few moments before leaning his body forward, resting his forearms on the large desk.

/"Remember, this stays between us/" he tells me as he uses his pointer finger to motion between us and mother's office

I laugh at this and nod my head.

/"Deal/" I assure him

I stand up and turn on my heel, making my way towards the office door.

Just as I reach the door my father calls something out that has me stopping in my spot.

/"Make sure that you assist the maids with your coronation planning,/" he reminds me

I turn to face him only to chuckle when I notice the stressed look on his face.

/"They need as much of your help as possible today/" he rubs his temples

I chuckle at him again, furrowing my eyebrows this time around.

/"What do you mean?/" I ask him with genuine curiosity

/"Let’s just say that they could not agree on a theme/" he vaguely informs me


/"But I told them which theme I preferred last week/" I inform him

My father raises an eyebrow at me.

/"Oh my goodness/" he quietly groans out in Chinese

I take this opportunity as my chance to exit my mother's office, opening the door and sliding out only to close the door behind my retreating body.

As soon as the office door is fully closed behind me I begin to make my way back towards the staircase.

/"So the Princess lives to see another day/" Genevieve jokes as she quickly makes her way towards me

I laugh as she walks up beside me.

/"Lucky for me my mother was not in there, my dad was/" I inform her

My best friend nods her head.

/"I think that it's better for everyone that she wasn't in there/" Genny says

I glance over to her, staring at the side of her face.

/"Me too/" I agree

Sensing that I am staring at her the brunette turns her head in my direction, staring right back at me.

Due to her sunglasses blocking my vision I cannot see her eyes, but I do know that they are staring right back into mine.


/"No, not chicken feet! Grilled meat!/" I exclaim as I stare at a maid with an appalled facial expression

How could you possibly mess those two things up?!

The lady glances down at her clipboard with a slightly fearful facial expression.

/"I-I guess the r-royal chef read it w-wrong-/" the lady practically stumbles over her words due to fear

I hold my hand out which forces her to immediately go quietly.

I bring my free hand up to my head, using my thumb and middle finger to massage my temples.

Calm down, Elaine.

It may not be her fault therefore you should not direct your anger towards her.

I take a deep breath in before briskly exhaling and removing my hand from my forehead.

/"Do you know who wrote the order down?/" I ask her with a much calmer tone of voice

She flips through the documents on the clipboard, only stopping once she reaches the last page.

/"Uhm, y-your Mother,/" the maid reveals

I roll my eyes at this.

Of course it was.

This is just like her to approve of things before they are even finished, much less fully thought over.

It is like she thinks money grows on trees!

/"I mean the Queen!/" She quickly corrects herself

I sigh.

I seriously cannot wait until my coronation where I will finally be crowned Queen.

In the recent years it seems like my Mother just does not care about this country as much as she used to in previous years.

I have so many great ideas and solutions that will not only help our environment, but also our population.

If I am being honest, that is technically the only reason I want to be Queen.

I hate crowns, statuses and hierarchy, but that change cannot happen overnight.

My mother would have a fit.

Oh, who am I kidding?

The entire country will have a fit!

Well, the top percentage would anyway.

/"It is fine,/" I assure her that I will not tell my mother about the misuse of her title

/"Can you just tell her to meet me outside on the tennis in thirty minutes?/" I request

The maid nods her head, scribbling something down before rushing over towards the east side of the castle.

I sigh and make my way towards the staircase that is closer towards my bedroom.

I guess today is the day that I finally speak my mind.

I just hope that I do not die in doing so.
