
notes of the mismatched

Duenyard · Teenager
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1 Chs


"please don't kill me, em okay I'll marry you but please.."

"that's enough for now I'll just have to do it my own way" gun cracks were heard..


no no no no no


" em Alyssa are you alright?"

"yes Anna I'm fine. Just had a nightmare" she said looking at her alarm clock " oh no we're freaking late"

"Mr Martin am I..?"

Take your partners and start work". Mr Martin said as all the students took their partners.

She walked into the lab and hurried to take a sit by the way window, complements on the view.

At the same time, Roman walked into the lab and sat next to Alyssa who was trying to figure out what to do if she ended up being without a partner who loved watching birds, as it happened the last time with Colby the nerdy guy with glasses who is usually bullied by Star, Youdaa and Denise who have the biggest gist in town.

"hey, need help with that?" he ask as he helped her arrange the papers that was littered on the table.

"thanks, em..."

"I'm Roman and you are?"

"I know