
Not Your Normal System

I find myself in the midst of a novel centered around dungeons,heroes and villains, a genre I have little interest in and have only encountered once before. Despite my lack of enthusiasm for this theme, I am well-versed in the idea of transmigration. Nevertheless, I am troubled by a significant question - WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY SYSTEM!!!!

Darkly_Li · Fantasie
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20 Chs


In a cluttered, dimly lit room, a young boy with dark eye bags, a stained shirt, and unkempt hair sat at a computer, engrossed in the final chapter of a novel he despised but felt compelled to finish. The book, titled "The Power of Heaven," unfolded in a 20th-century world plagued by dungeons—portals to dangerous alternate realms teeming with monstrous creatures. In this world, hunters with supernatural abilities battled these beasts, their abilities ranked from F to SS, with SS being the most powerful. The male lead, an SS-ranked hunter with the extraordinary "Power of Heaven," and his friends fought monsters and gained public acclaim. The novel concluded with the male lead marrying his best friend.


"What kind of ending is this? Shouldn't the male lead have put an end to the appearance of these dungeons?" The boy's frustration boiled over.

Determined to seek answers, the boy promptly fired off an email to the author, inundating them with questions about the novel's conclusion. Almost instantly, a reply from the author landed in his inbox, cryptically stating, "That's a mystery you'll have to solve yourself."

The boy seethed with anger and confusion as he read the author's enigmatic response. "What is wrong with this author?" he muttered to himself. Glancing at the time, he realised it was late and time for bed. With a frustrated sigh, he threw himself onto his cluttered, shirt-laden bed and drifted off to sleep.

The boy's sleep was restless, filled with dreams of dungeons and monstrous creatures. As the first light of dawn crept through his window, he slowly roused from his slumber, only to find himself in a bewildering situation.

Rubbing his eyes, the boy sat up and glanced around the room, but something was off.

He was no longer the disheveled boy he had been before. Instead, he now bore the appearance of a young man black haired boy with red eyes in luxury nightwear, with a determined glint in his eyes. Panic set in as he realised he had no idea where he was.

"What in the world...?" he muttered, his heart pounding in his chest.

The young man bolted out of his room, his heart racing as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. The modern, clean room with its expansive windows and breathtaking view was a stark contrast to the cluttered, dimly lit space he remembered falling asleep in. As he tried to process the situation, he caught sight of himself in a mirror and was stunned to see the reflection of a 20-year-old with black hair and piercing red eyes staring back at him.

Terrified and disoriented, he stumbled out on to the floor and heard the mention of "Lion Guild" and the name "Baek Hyeon" on the television. The name jolted his memory, connecting it to the novel he had despised. As he watched the news report, he saw a picture of himself on the table, but the name underneath was not his own. It read "Beom Seok."

Shocked and bewildered, he whispered to himself, "Beom Seok? I've never heard of any mention of Beom Seok in the novel." With a sudden realisation, he loudly exclaimed, "I'm just a background character!"