
Not Until You

Not Until You is based on the power struggle in a country. It's about how the lead characters overcome their fear and join hand to bring justice to themselves and their country. This story also throws light on their internal struggle and their fight from the outer world.

Kirti · Teenager
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12 Chs

Elder brother, younger brother


Outside, the dark clouds have covered up the clear evening sky. The streets were desolate and the shops were not much crowded either. Only a few students were present inside the perimeter of the Institute. Outside the  Institute, the surrounding was quite.

A cool evening breeze blew past by the two figures walking on the pathway alongside each other. The one with black jacket had his arm around the other guy. Both of them have the same physique but the guy with black jacket seemed to be an inch or two shorter than his friend. Both looked carefree and relaxed and were lost in their own world. Like the world around them did not existed anymore.

They had a harmonious aura between them and both of them were too eye-catching which possibly could attract attention of tons of people.

The one with black jacket had looks enough to charm anyone and hide the mischievous glint present in his eyes. The smile on his faces was light, just like a enchanting smirk that can easily fool and make people captive.  But it was also capable enough to bring turbulence to the heart of any onlookers. He had looks better than half of the artists in the entertainment industry.

Walking alongside him, the other guy had magnanimous looks that  made him look devilish and unapproachable. He was no less than his friend and can be said to be more bewitching and enchanting as compared to his mate. He was attractive even if he had straight and indifferent face but he can cast spells on people when he smiles. He was gifted with a handsome face. But that was not the only thing he was gifted in, he had a stronger will amongst all the people he ever came across. Since his childhood, he had learnt to preserve himself and his morals. He had to grown up to be independent and had matured greatly at such a young age.

Walking side by side, the two of them looked world apart yet they both belonged to the same world too. One has cheerfulness and other has aloofness, still they rightfully belonged together, in the same frame. The auras excluded by them were different but surprisingly they both seemed to be well suited together.

Mike had bubbly personality which always made him the life of the party. Meanwhile, Tylor had serious personality, which usually made him look like serious and uptight person. Both are polar opposite of each other but they match other's persona well. Being best friends, Mike and Tylor knew each other well; just like their back of hand.

Mike is the only person that can effectively make Tylor loosen up himself. Mike has the ability to get under Tylor's skin and leave unharmed. And Mike being Mike, he loves to irritate Tylor and uses his luck and Tylor's patience to its fullest. Anyone can see that Mike gets kick out of annoying Tylor. Even though an angry Tylor doesn't seems to be a good news for anyone who is familiar with him but everyone including both Mike and Tylor knows that Tylor will never inflict any kind of harm upon Mike, even if they get into a fight, which  never happened, atleast not until now.

It's true that they had small arguments, but they never let it affect their friendship. Tylor has always stood up to Mike and considered him as his brother. And Mike always understood his buddy better than anyone and provided comfort to him. Mike was always a younger brother in their brotherhood and Tylor had always played the role of elder brother.

Their relation has sentimentals more than just friendship. They both are emotionally attached to each other. They both have great responsibility on their shoulders and that was constantly reminded to them by their family. Even though Mike doesn't have much pressure from his parents but constantly witnessing Tylor's struggle for his freedom and life, Mike had matured up to be able to shoulder some of his friend's burden.

Tylor has a very complicated relationship with his parents ever since he was a child. He does not remember when he grew up so much that he can understand the bitterness in the world. Be it childhood or now, Tylor had to be perfect in every aspect. He had an image to uphold ever since he was brought out in limelight. As his father was one of the biggest businessman, he was in constant limelight since his childhood.

It wasn't easy and it still isn't easy for him. But the power of such a strong friendship indeed helped him to get through in his most toughest and roughest time. Mike irritated Tylor but because of him, Tylor often forgot his troubles. Whereas whenever Mike had problems, he usually hid them from Tylor but somehow Tylor had a way of knowing everything about Mike and always solved the problems without letting Mike know. Tylor always thought that Mike doesn't know what has been done behind his back but he doesn't know that Mike pretended to be oblivious to everything.

They have such a sweet and caring relation that it won't be wrong to call them brothers. Today when Tylor received a call from his home, Mike heard everything. He knows very well about the tension present between Tylor and his father. It had been for as long as he can remember. Even a blind could sense how strong the tension emitted from Tylor when he held his phone in anger and how stiff his spine and posture was.

As a friend he felt really ashamed that he cannot help his friend but he knew that it wasn't his place to interfere. He can't meddle in Tylor's family matter. He was annoyed at himself, he knew everything yet he could not do anything. Times like this made him very unhappy and distressed. On normal days, Mike will never fret upon many things but when it comes to his loved ones, he turns into a very serious and solemn person.He could only control his emotions and raging anger to not to make the matter worse.

He deeply cared about Tylor and was willing to do anything that can make his friend happy even for a bit. So he decided to take him out. At least that way Tylor can feel less tense and ease up a little.

The evening was perfect for a walk around the campus. They both strolled around for a little while before settling in a diner not far from the Institution.

The dark clouds were just like the darkness in Tylor's heart. Ever since his mom called, he was lost deep in his thought. His heart was in turmoil and was growing cold little by little with every second passing by, slowly as the time flew. His eyes were dark like the sky outside and his aura changed him into an unapproachable and cold being. He had a poker face which did not give away whatever was going through his head.

Mike noticed the way Tylor was being. He composed himself and adjusted his own emotions. He heaved a sign but he suddenly...

"AHH . Ahh. Ahh. My stomach. Ahh. Ty, My stomach is aching. Ahhhh..."

Suddenly Mike grabbed his stomach and started bawling out loud...


Much needed chapter after a long break. As I have said before, the updates are going to be a little irregular but the fruit of patience is always sweet.

I couldn't update the chapter before due to health issues.

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Kirticreators' thoughts