
Chapter 1

"Sorry, sorry...please stay. I will make it right this time, just please, give me one last chance. Don't leave. Please." I got down on my knees, crying. I reached for his hands and held it, thinking that this would make him stay. But still, it wasn't enough.

He looked at me with emotionless eyes and said, "Sorry, I don't love you anymore. Just move on, please. Forget me." He detached my hand from his and just like that, he left.

I cried harder, my chest heavily heaving up and down, my eyes hurt and I could barely breathe. I brought my hands up to my face and tried to wipe my own tears, but as I did, new tears fell from my eyes. It feels like it won't stop.

Heaven knows how long I stayed there---inside a crowded cafeteria, kneeling on the floor, covering my face with my palm and silently sobbing. I don't care who sees me, all I know is that I'm in pain...so much pain.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Compose yourself.

...and eventually, I did. Quickly, I stood up to grab my bag and walked out the door while refusing to look at my surroundings.

As soon as I reached my condo unit, I went straight to my room and jumped face first to my bed.

Where did we go wrong? Everything was fine...or so I thought.


January 23, 2018

*ring ring ring*

I picked up my phone and saw that Ariana, my friend, was calling me. I answered it and heard her voice, saying "Hello, Cass?"

"Hey Ari, it's me. Good morning." I grunted and then cleared my throat.

"Yeah, good morning, too. Guess what?" Her voice is so cheerful, I don't know what's going on with her, but I just went with it.

"What?" I whispered, heck, it's only 11 am in the morning, why is she bothering me this early?

"I already broke up with my boyfriend." she said in a sing-song voice. I was kind of alarmed at how happy she is.

"And you're happy?" I questioned and was utterly shocked when she answered with a laugh.

"Hahahahaha, yes, I am. I already fell out of love for a long time. And again, guess what?" she continued in a cheerful voice.


"I already am in love with someone else." I literally dropped my jaw.

"How could that happen? I mean, you broke up with your boyfriend literally less than an hour ago." Gosh, this is too much, she kept on surprising me with every word she's saying.

"Correction, 5 minutes ago, I called you as soon as I was out of the restaurant. I left him there." And she actually had the guts to be proud of dumping her boyfriend in a restaurant?

"Oh" That was all I could utter, I feel sorry for the guy.

"And guess who I'm in love with?" she said in a happier tone.

"Why do I have to keep on guessing? Just tell me!" I said in an irritated voice but I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

"David." My heart literally skipped a beat and I. Just. Died.

"David?! As in the popular guy at school?! The varsity player?!" I freaked out but I didn't want to be obvious so I calmed a bit. "He's always on top of the class but he's not labeled as a nerd, probably because of his good looks." Heck! That guy is MY ideal guy. Tall. Gorgeous. Intelligent. Sporty. Confident. Name it and he has it!

"Yep, that's the David I'm talking about." Now her tone changed from happy to proud.

"Woah, okaaay? So how long have you been dating?" I tried to cover up my shock, but honestly, I still couldn't believe that they were dating and that she kept this from me.

"Uhmm for a couple of months now?" she said as if it weren't a big deal.

"But you have a boyfriend!" I shouted. What's gotten in her head? She cheated on her long-time boyfriend just for David?

"Correction, had. I had a boyfriend." And now she's speaking as if she's educating a Grade 1 student.

"Yeah but during that time you were still in a relationship." I said, kinda emotionally exhausted at the rollercoster of emotions that I felt. Also, overwhelmed with the facts I've just heard.

"So? Some people may call that cheating but I call it falling out of love with my boyfriend and falling in love with someone else." She said, as if cheating wasn't a big deal.

"Fine, whatever." I whispered to the phone while my right hand is massaging my temple. My friend is dating my crush. How sweet.

"Anyway, enough of me. How are you doing Cassandra? Got a lover yet?" she changed the topic and I just went with it, I don't want to know more about their unrequited relationship.

"Thanks for the concern, Ariana. I'm doing fine. Same old boring life. And nope, no lover." I hid the bitterness in my tone. Because yep, it's true, I'm already seventeen and I never had a lover.

*Back to the present*

I stood up from my bed, went to the comfort room and looked at the mirror. My eyes and nose were red. The black mascara I wore was smeared all over my face. My hair is a complete mess. I'm ugly. Maybe that was why he left me. I slowly washed my face and then another memory came rushing into my mind.


February 15, 2018

I was walking at the sidewalk, on my way to school.

*ring ring ring*

I looked at my phone and saw that it was Ariana. I answered it immediately.

"Hello Cass?" she said. I couldn't clearly hear her voice because the vehicles around me are too noisy.

"Hey Ari, what's up?" I asked, my voice a little louder than usual so it could cover up the noise of the busy street.

"Can we meet this week?" she quietly said that I could barely hear it.

"Ari, sorry, I'm really busy this week. You know, school stuff." I quickly and sincerely apologized.

"Oh okay, see you next time when you're free." Without any goodbyes, she hung up. That's not the Ariana I know. She sounded sad. Hmm. I think I should just call her back later.

I was only a few blocks away from school when suddenly, a guy approached me. He's tall, handsome and fragrant. We were 2 meters away from each other but I could smell him from where I'm standing. He stopped in front of me so I also stopped, and that is when I got a clear view of him.

It was David.

Yes, David. The one that Ariana told me about. The guy that Ariana had been dating.

David...my crush.

"Hi." said he, his voice was a little bit raspy, but I have to admit that it's sexy.

"Hello?" He said again, now in an inquisitory manner, as if checking whether he's talking to a dead person or not. I quickly shut my mouth that had dropped open when I realized that it was him, and said, "Oh, hi!" which was a little too energetic than I intended, I'm supposed to keep my calm.

"You're Cassandra, right? The girl from the Student Government?" He casually asked.

"Yes, I'm the secretary. How did you know me?" I tried my best to look casual, too, but my heart is pounding. How did he know me?

"I think your pretty face left an impression to me, plus during the campaign period, I kept seeing your name on posters." He said as he put his hands inside his jeans' pockets. My heart pounded even harder! He just told me that I have a pretty face and that I left an impression on him!

"Oh." That was all that my tangled brain and shaking lips could muster.

"Did you have a date yesterday?" He changed the topic by asking this so unexpected question.

"Date? Yesterday? Uhm no, none, I mean...none. No date." I frantically answered. My heart is literally jumping. Then, he chuckled. I looked at him, the way his lips curl into a smile and the way his Adam's apple moves. He is perfect. He smiled at me.

"Oh, obviously, you're single. People who are in a happy relationship would've realized that yesterday was Valentine's day." He said matter-of-factly and looked into my eyes. I gave a little involuntary jump and realized that I should stop fantasizing.

"Oh yeah, right." I muttered under my breath. Is it really obvious that I'm single and that no one likes me? I continued walking and he followed me.

"I like your eyes, they're a rare shade of brown." said he. Now, it was my turn to chuckle.

"Rare shade of brown? That's weird. I don't think there is such a thing because brown, no matter what shade it is, is the most common eye color." I flashed him a shy smile.

"Oh is that so? Well, let me rephrase it." He stopped walking, so I stopped, too. Then, he acted to clear his throat, looked straight into my eyes and dramatically said, "I like your eyes, Cassandra. They are rare, just like you." My heart melted. I felt all the heat in my body run up to my face. I know I'm blushing, but this time, I'm not shy, I smiled directly at him.

"Was that better, Cassandra?" he asked with a wink. Lovely.

"Yep, better. Thanks for the compliment...uhhhm...what's your name again?" I pretended to not know his name, hoping that it would give me an air of mystery. And it did. He was surprised. Of course, he is famous, it is really surprising that someone from the same school as his wouldn't recignize him.

"You don't know me? Really?" said he, his eyes slightly round with shock and his mouth slightly open even after he spoke.

"Why? Am I supposed to know you?" I sassily said.

"No, no, I'm just...hahaha, nevermind." He laughed. I think I really caught him off guard. I smiled to myself. I just stood there and observed his gestures. When he finished laughing, he raised his hand in front of me and said, "By the way, I'm David. David Bolt." I shook his hand and said, "It's nice to meet you, David Bolt. I'm Cassandra. Cassandra Adams." I flashed him a wide smile. He did the same and held my hand tighter, "The pleasure is all mine, Miss Adams."

To generate more airs of mystery, I let go of his hand and walked away from him. But this time, he didn't follow. I was feeling giddy all the way to school.

***Back to present***

I looked at the mirror and saw my bare face. There were beads of water sliding down from my forehead to my chin. I picked up the towel just right beside the mirror and used it to wipe my face. I gently did so, while carefully observing my reflection.

Long, straight, jet-black hair.

Heart-shaped face.

Perfect brows.

Thick lashes.

Asian eyes.

Long nose.

Thin lips.

Tan skin.

Some people tell me that I'm beautiful. I used to think I'm pretty enough. But now, I don't just feel ugly. I feel worthless.

There were guys who tried to court me before but I was never interested in them.

There was one exception, though.

My mind sarted to swirl into a memory again but this time, I consciously stopped it.

I walked out of the comfort room and changed my clothes.