
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime und Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 56

"Just what was that damn Spider Supreme thinking when he had connected Emma with this mighty force?" Kitty said while cursing Spider Supreme. This was very rare as Kitty almost never cursed.

"This is something I can't answer. Someone like Spider Supreme who can easily traverse through this vast multiverse has vastly different ideas regarding what he should or should not do." Ancient One replied, having finally decided to reveal to the students that Spider Supreme was actually from a different dimension.

"Multiverse? Are you saying that Spider Supreme was from a freaking parallel dimension?" Emma was flabbergasted to learn this fact as she had hoped to someday meet Spider Supreme and thank him.

"Yes. That's right." This time, Ms. Ororo replied to Emma's question.

"You knew! Then, why did you not tell us? Especially you, Peter. I thought that you were my friend." Emma asked angrily as she was furious that the teachers and me had hidden this fact from her and the other students.

"Don't get angry at Peter, Emma. It was us teachers who had asked him to hide this fact as we thought that this fact would be useless to you and only distract you." Ms. Ororo replied, asking her to not blame me.

"Sorry, Peter. I got angry at you for nothing. So, what should we do now in this situation, Ancient One?" Emma first apologized to me and then asked Ancient One about what to do next.

"Actually, having both Jean and Emma connected to the same being can be said to be a blessing in a way. As both of you are connected, anyone of you will not be overwhelmed by that entity's powers as the other one will be able to manage the load.

This situation will also be helpful to us because if somehow this connection makes anyone of you berserk from that cosmic force's powers, the other one will be able to calm her down. It will also be helpful in case you need to negotiate with that mighty force.

However, I can't guarantee if Spider Supreme had this intention in his mind when he connected Emma to this powerful entity or they were something else."

All of us released a sigh of relief when we heard that the situation was not as serious as we had thought and would even be helpful not only to Emma but also Jean. We had feared the worst when we had heard that Emma also had the same condition as Jean.

"Alright, since this matter has been settled for now, let's finish with the testing. Bobby, come." Ancient One called for Bobby so that this testing session could be finally completed.

"Very well. Let's get this over with." Bobby said, agreeing with Ancient One and entered the circle. For the most of the trip, he was mostly silent as he had only joined the school in the recent days. Despite that, he tried to do his best to give some support to us when the matter regarding Jean and Emma occurred.

Bobby tried his best to create some ice once he entered the circle although he still had a little difficulty using his powers as his X-gene had awakened only recently. However, it was fortunate that nothing happened during the testing.

"Your powers although simple have a lot of potential. Although you can only lower the temperature and create ice, the potential of your power is so high that I believe once it reaches its peak, you would be able to create Ice Age in a small area." Ancient One reported the result which was surprisingly very good and greater than even the wildest of our expectations.

"Really! I can't believe that my powers can reach such a point. Whenever I use my power, I can only create some ice which is not even that much." Bobby said, surprised to learn that his powers had so much potential.

"It is because your power has only recently awakened. You will realise the true potential of your powers as they continue to develop. I will write a guide for you which will help you along the process." Ancient One said, reminding Bobby to not underestimate his powers as they had recently manifested.

"Thank you, Ancient One." Bobby thanked Ancient One in advance for the guide.

"Well, it looks like everyone's testing is finally done. Honestly, it was a little too much shocking for me to learn how powerful their powers were. I don't know how I will explain to Professor Xavier that Emma and Jean are connected to a probably cosmic entity." Ms. Ororo said, sighing in relief that the testing was over as it was a little too shocking for her.

"What are you talking about, Ms. Ororo? You are still left." Ancient One reminded Ms. Ororo that her testing was left.

"Me?" Ms. Ororo was shocked to hear about her testing. Looks like she had not expected to have her powers analysed and had thought that it was only for students. Or it could be that she had forgotten about it due to the shock of Jean and Emma's test results.

"Yes, of course you. After all, you are also a mutant and a powerful one at that. I believe that you will learn a lot about your powers from this test."

"Very well." Ms. Ororo finally acquiesced to Ancient One's words and entered the circle to test her powers.

It was honestly a spectacle to see Ms. Ororo's weathermancy as we generally never got a chance to see it. The way she shot lightning reminded me a little of my own lightning bolts. And her small cyclones along with blizzards reminded me of several spells Ancient One had once shot at me although Ms. Ororo's attacks were much stronger in power.

"Well, your weathermancy is as powerful as it is versatile. Although it seems that you are not using its full power and potential." Ancient One gave her opinion after seeing the report.

"What do you mean I am not using my power at its full potential?" Ms. Ororo was shocked to hear Ancient One's words.

"Can you heat your surroundings? Or create mist?" Ancient One questioned.

"Of course, I can." Ms. Ororo answered.

"Then, have you ever created fire cyclones? Or made the mist you created cloudy or freezing?" Ancient One asked in her calm tone.

"No, ah!" As Ms. Ororo answered Ancient One's question, she realised what Ancient One meant when she said that she was using her powers at her full potential.

"Exactly. Your power allows you to create several unnatural environments. You limit your power by using it in a simple way." Ancient One explained to Ms. Ororo the true potential of her powers.

"Thank you, Ancient One. I will keep your words in my mind and try to enhance the way I use my powers." Ms. Ororo thanked Ancient One for giving her such a precious lesson.

Ms. Ororo was about to continue her conversation with Ancient One when a sorcerer came running towards our location.

I recognised this sorcerer. He was not someone from Kamar Taj. He was actually posted at the London Sanctorum. I remembered him because I had seen him previously when he had come to Kamar Taj to give a routine report to Ancient One.

"Ancient One, a dimension intruder has been found!" The sorcerer said, panic easily visible in his eyes.


The mutant examination is finally finished despite several hiccups along the way. This examination will have a great effect on the story what with many of the students joining Kamar Taj and others receiving some teachings from Ancient One.

Anyways, a dimension intruder has been found! Who is it and how did it get here? Find out in the next chapter.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye