
Chapter 4

It was late noon when Grace slid in through the front door, seeing Emma and Miles eating some ice cubes, she smiled reaching for Emma's arm she jerked her playfully, smiling in an obviously attractive manner to Miles she greeted him, she had always had her eyes on Miles, who seemed generally uninterested in the female folk. "Hey guys" she said throwing herself on an armchair by the corner, Mike's looked up at her and smiled "Gracie what's up" he said his mind partly carried away from the present "I'm up to no good than preparing travel papers for five big women"Gracie said breathlessly. Emma collected the papers Grace was holding which seemed to be the travel papers works, "well you didn't say you needed me to do anything for you" Emma said dryly, "do you expect me to tell you"Grace said "had you given me something for me to handle, I would have done it without any complaints, after all it's my travel paperwork ticket too" Emma said, "well good thing we've still got a whole lot of stuff to do, so ....." Grace was saying Emma sighed, Miles stood up and left as though giving the girls privacy, Grace squeezed her face as though unhappy about it, "Why didn't dad just give it to Mr Webber to handle....I can't cope with this stress" Miles who hadn't gone quite far away from the girls turned around and said, "well I know some few folks who can help you girls with it if you want" Emma smiled "ridiculous of you Miles , you just let us stressing ourselves when you knew how to help us all the while" Emma said as she pouted her mouth, he smiled "you didn't ask for it" he said winking at her "we should be thankful" Grace said smiling "Yeah Miles would you be flying to Australia with us?" Miles looked at her surprisingly, "no I'm working, so wouldn't be chanced to". Grace on hearing this sat up "well you know you can still make out time, we would really love your company" , she said looking at him "you'd also love the place, your sister is going too ,what do you think? " If she hadn't finished her sentence with a question she was sure Miles was ready to let her keep talking on and on, Miles shakes his head disapprovingly "I'm sorry but It wouldn't be possible for me". Left for Mike's he would have joined the trip but this was a period when his work was really tasking, it wasn't a time to travel around, Emma knew he was sorry to have disappointed her but she didn't want to get worried because she knew it was all for their good.

Miles peeped into Emma's room later in the day, stooping beside her bed , using his hands to lift her chin lightly, speaking to her in the softest and coolest tune he could , "don't worry my queen when I'm on my own break we'll go to Canada okay?". Emma looked into his tender tender eyes and smiled, "pinky promise?" she asked playfully "Yep, promise" Mile's said smiling. Grace came in "hey we've got a party tonight" Emma said with lit eyes, "who's hosting it "Miles and Grace asked simultaneously. "Calm down guys" Emma said sitting up "Not sure but I heard It's Mrs Flora, obviously for her daughters, Vanessa and Valerie who just returned from the United Kingdom"Emma said "that's making sense though"Mile's said sitting on the bed, "wow I'll tell the other girls, you've told them?" she asked dialing some members on her phone, "nope I've not had the time" Emma said, Grace stepped out to make some calls, coming back she tiredly said, "Sarah said she'd definitely come, Roseline said she had a date as usual, and then Brenda, she said she would if she had the chance ". Whenever Brenda said stuff like she would if she had the chance no one expected her for she never had the chance. She was staying with her older sister and her family of three little children, her sister was as well pregnant so all the household chores solely rested on Brenda's shoulders, that was why she was in a hurry to go for this vacation, they planned for.

The door bell rang and Grace got the door, Mrs Pete came in earlier than usual, "hey mum" Mike's said quite surprised, "hey" mum said trying to bring in her bag through the slightly opened door. Emma looked at mum, "you're back early"Emma pointed , "yeah today we had a board meeting which almost yielded into a fight between my colleagues" she said distressed. Miles laughed, "my boss really felt insulted, seeing his employees quarrel without fear in his presence..." she was cut abruptly by her husband who had just come in, he seemed to have heard what they were discussing about from the door way, "hey I've told you to come and work in my company, can't imagine you calling all those small business owners, your boss,(turning to the children) it's really humiliating you know". Mr Pete moved to an arm chair and relaxed , "and I've told you that you can't really succeed in bringing the whole family to work undee your enterprise" Mrs Pete said, laughing. "Hey Mile's, you decided to drop by today huh?" Mr Pete said starring at his son. "No...I've been here for some days now"Mile's said. Mrs Pete looked at her son keenly as he spoke with his dad about other things, she always loved to see both of them talk like that ,she left to prepare dinner, Emma joining her slowly, Grace joined them too, she was never in a hurry to get home whenever she came by, besides there was a party in view so she hoped to sleep over.

Shortly the food was served, meanwhile something came up causing Grace to get going unlike planned. Dad and mum talked about the various sections of work in their companies while Emma and Miles discussed about Ryan and his family in hushed tunes though as they didn't want Dad to hear anything about Ryan, as he would always defend him, afterall Ryan's father and Mr Pete we're close business partners so it was obviously a good thing that their children were publicly in love, they all hoped for a more serious relationship in future more than just being the business partners they were.