
Not a Hero, Nor a Villain

In the gritty city of Verdantia, a shadowy figure known only as Crypt prowls the streets, A monster, legend, that's what the people likes to call him. Crypt's actions have garnered both reverence and fear among the city's criminal underworld by killing two of their heads. "Not a Hero, Nor a Villain" is a gripping tale of a flawed and conflicted anti-hero's journey towards self-discovery and redemption in a city where the line between good and evil is blurred.

Raixen · Aktion
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19 Chs

Chapter 2 - Encounter with a Serpent Class

"Kriselle I'm home." Allen says while putting the orb and suitcase on the table.

He then remove his cloak revealing a teenager with black hair, and a pair of grey eyes, his height is average, and an athletic body type.

Allen sits on the sofa and look up on the ceiling, he close his eyes for a minute.

Without opening his eyes, he can sense Kriselle's presence in the room. She moves quietly, her footsteps barely audible as she approaches him. Allen can feel her gaze on him, full of concern.

"Are you okay?" Kriselle's soft voice breaks the silence.

Allen opens his eyes, meeting Kriselle's worried expression with a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, just a little tired," He replies, his voice calm but tired.

"You know... You don't have to do all of this for me." Kriselle said.

"Kriselle," Allen look at her, "You're my sister and I want to make your future bright, not like me who has a terrible life."

Kriselle's eyes soften at Allen's words, understanding the weight of his sacrifices to provide for her. She sits beside him on the sofa, a comforting presence in the dimly lit room.

"You've always been there for me, Allen," Kriselle says, placing a hand on his arm. "I appreciate everything you do, but I want you to know that you deserve happiness too."

"Happiness?" Allen look down. "I don't know... After our Mother died in my arms... I don't feel anything anymore."

"Alle–" Allen cuts her off.

"And your father... didn't even bother to visit her funeral, he didn't even bother to save her."

"Don't say that Allen, he's your father too."

Allen's eyes flash with a mix of anger and sorrow. "He may be my father by blood, but he's never acted like one. I can't forgive him for what he did, or rather, what he didn't do."

Kriselle nods, She squeezes his arm gently. "I know it's hard, Allen. But holding onto this anger and pain won't change the past."

Allen exhales heavily, his shoulders sagging. "I know. It's just... You know what let's drop this conversation."

He stands up fist clenched, he grab his cloak and put the orb inside a glass box. "There's a money in that suitcase, you can do whatever you want with it."

"Where are you going?" Kriselle asked.

"Cursed Chalice."

Without a second thoughts, Allen slam the door and leave the house.


Loud music, People dancing, drinking, and chatting. Allen open the glass door and goes inside and sits in front of the bartender.

The bartender, a burly man with a rugged look, eyes Allen curiously. "What can I get you, kid?" He asks, wiping a glass with a cloth.

"Beer," Allen replies shortly.

As the bartender pours him a drink, Allen surveys the crowded room, the noise and laughter ringing in his ears.

A woman sits beside him, she looks like in her mid twenties, white hair in a messy bun, and a round glasses perched on her nose.

"Rough day?" She asks, her voice warm and inviting.

Allen takes a sip of his beer, the bitterness washing over him. "You could say that," he replies, his gaze distant.

The woman nods. "I've been there. Sometimes a drink with a stranger is all you need."

"Skip it," Allen put down the beer, "You're about to ask me if i take a job right?"

The woman raises an eyebrow, her interest piqued. "You catch on quick," She says. "I do have a proposition for you, if you're willing to listen."

Allen leans back on his stool, intrigued despite himself. "Alright, lay it on me. What kind of job are we talking about here?"

The woman leans in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper above the din of the bar. "I need someone discreet, someone who can handle themselves in a tough situation. The pay is good, but the risks are higher."

Allen's eyes narrow, a combination of wariness and curiosity in his gaze. "What's the catch?"

The woman leans back, a knowing glint in her eye. "No catch, just a job that requires a certain set of skills. Are you interested?"

Allen searches her face for any signs of deception, but all he sees is desperation. After a moment, he nods slowly. "What's the job?"

The woman leans in once more, her voice barely audible. "I need you to retrieve the Cursed Tome from the museum."

"How much?"


"500,000." Allen counters the price.

"Alright 500,000 but I need it in three days before dawn, we'll meet up at the abandoned building near the train station outskirts. Deal?" The woman extends her hand.

Allen studies her for a moment before firmly shaking her hand. "Deal. I'll have the Cursed Tome in three days."


Allen watches the guard who is guarding the entrance of the museum, he looks for another way in, the backdoor is guarded too but the roof is not.

Without hesitating, Allen quickly scales the wall and makes his way to the museum's roof. Once on top, he carefully navigates his way across the rooftop, searching for a way to enter the building unnoticed. Spotting a slightly ajar window, he carefully slides it open and slips inside.

Allen lands silently in a dimly lit corridor. He moves cautiously, avoiding the security cameras that line the walls. The Cursed Tome is located in the Ancient Artifacts section on the second floor.

As Allen makes his way up the stairs, he hears a faint sound of footsteps approaching. he quickly ducks into a nearby alcove. Two security guards pass by, their voices echoing in the empty hallway.

Once they are out of sight, Allen resumes his mission. He finally reaches the Ancient Artifacts section and locates the display case containing the Cursed Tome. The ancient book emits a faint.

Carefully, he picks the lock on the display case and retrieves the Cursed Tome. As he tucks it securely under his arm, a sudden sense of foreboding washes over him. The air in the room feels heavy, almost suffocating.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Startled, he spins around to find himself face to face with a woman, a stern expression on her face.

"What are you doing here?" She demands, her eyes narrowing at the sight of the stolen Cursed Tome in Allen's hands.

"Wait no, don't answer that, aren't you the guy in the news? The one who lurks in the darkness." The woman's voice is laced with a mix of fear and curiosity as she eyes Allen warily.

"Don't block my w–," Allen begins, but the woman cuts him off.

"Just give me the Cursed Tome. It doesn't belong to you," She insists, her tone unwavering.

"You're one of those heroes aren't you?" Allen put the Cursed Tome inside his cloak.

"That's right, a Serpent Class." The woman flick her fingers and flame sparks emits from her fingertips, casting an eerie glow across the room. The flames dance as she steps forward, her gaze locked on Allen.

"Hand over the Cursed Tome before things get messy," She warns.

"Am I supposed to be scared?" Allen mocks the woman.

He makes a run for the glass window and jump through it. As Allen shatters through the glass window, a gust of cold wind sweeps through the room. The shards of glass scatter around him like glittering raindrops as he lands gracefully on the grass outside.

The woman steps up to the broken window and looks down at Allen with frustration written on her face. Without hesitation, she steps out onto the ledge and with a swift motion of her hand summons a swirling vortex of flame that propels her out into the night sky.

Allen is taken aback by the display of power.

"You can't escape, thief," The woman declares, her voice carrying a certain authority.

"So it seems, i don't want to waste my power fighting you but it looks like i've got no choice." Allen said.

With a swift movement, The woman conjures a torrent of fire aimed directly at Allen. He dodges the flames, moving agilely to avoid the fiery assault. As the flames lick at his heels, he counters with his own abilities, summoning shadows that swirl around him protectively.

Allen focuses his concentration, channeling his powers into a concentrated burst of energy that pushes back the woman's flames. A wave of darkness engulfs her, momentarily obscuring her form from view.

As the shadows dissipate, Allen sees the woman standing defiantly, her gaze fixed on him. She raises her hands, and a powerful surge of fire erupts towards him once more.

Allen dives to the side, narrowly avoiding the flames as they scorch the ground where he once stood. Gathering his strength, he launches a counterattack, creating a vortex of swirling shadows that envelop the woman.

"I thought you were stronger, such a sh–" Allen got cuts off when the shadow explode with a burts of flame.

The explosion sends shockwaves rippling through the air, shrouding the area in a veil of darkness and fire. Allen is thrown back by the force. Through the swirling smoke and flames, he sees the woman emerge, with a fierce expression on her face. Without hesitation, she unleashes another wave of flames towards Allen.

Allen, caught off guard by the relentless assault, he creates a barrier of shadows around himself, deflecting the intense heat of the flames. As the flames subside, he feels the drain on his energy.

With a swift gesture, the woman conjures a massive fireball that hurtles towards him with incredible speed. Allen reacts quickly, weaving intricate patterns with his hands to form a shield of shadows in front of him.

The fireball crashes against the shadow shield, creating a blinding explosion. The ground trembles beneath them as the force of the impact sends shockwaves rippling through the air. Allen grits his teeth, feeling the strain of maintaining the shield against such overwhelming power.

As the smoke clears, Allen stands his ground. But his cloak is now burn, his face has been revealed

"You're stronger than I thought," She admits. "And you look young too, a shame you choose to become a criminal and not a hero."

"I'm not a criminal." Allen replies.

"Then why did you steal something from the museum."

"This is a job, and it pays a lot than becoming a hero."

The woman narrows her eyes, clearly unconvinced by Allen's explanation.

"Money isn't everything," She retorts. "There are other ways to make a living without resorting to theft and deception."

Before Allen can respond, a sudden commotion erupts in the distance, drawing their attention away. It seems like they are not alone in this confrontation.

"Police department is here, raise your hand villain!" One cops declare pointing his gun at Allen.

"Miss Flare! Please get away from that villain!" Another cops shouts.

Allen looks at Flare. "So Flare is your name huh?"

"Hero name." She replies. "And yours?"

"Call me Crypt," Allen cloak himself with shadows and quickly disappear from where he is standing.

As Allen disappears into the shadows, Flare turns her attention towards the approaching police officers. She raises her hands in a non-threatening gesture, signaling her compliance.

"Stand down, officers," Flare calls out. "The situation is under control now."

The officers cautiously lower their weapons as they take in the scene before them. Flare stands tall, her fiery aura dimming as she gestures towards the remaining smoke from the earlier explosion.

"We were in the middle of a confrontation with a thief," Flare explains. "But he seems to have slipped away for now."

The officers exchange unsure glances but eventually nod in understanding. They begin securing the area and taking statements from the witnesses who had gathered around.

Flare watches the officers work for a moment before turning her gaze towards the spot where Allen had vanished.

"I'll find you, Crypt," Flare whispers to herself. "And when I do, we'll settle this once and for all."